Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Collection of Kevin Mac Donnell ([TxAu3])

Cue: "I thank you very much for your invitation,P. S. Your letter has reached me at last, after all these weeks"

Source format: "form letter, with holograph additions"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified: 2017-01-25T16:35:15

Revision History: RHH 2017-01-25

To Unidentified
17 April 1876 • (MS, on printed form letter: Mac Donnell, UCCL 13785)
Dear Sir:

I thank you very much for your invitation, but am compelled to decline it, as I am not lecturing at all this season, other duties rendering this course necessary.

Yours truly,
Mark Twain.
written below printed message:

P. S.Your letter has reached me at last, after all these weeks. I wish I could say yes to your proposition, but I have gone to work, now, & cannot quit the harness any more this year.

S. L. C.
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, on printed form letter, collection of Kevin Mac Donnell.
