Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Conn ([CtHi])

Cue: ""

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified: 2013-12-05T15:15:30

Revision History: vf 2013-12-05

To Morgan G. Bulkeley
11 October 1876 • (MS: CtHi, UCCL 13593)
Dear Sir:

I enclose $250 on account, which please credit on the books of the Association. I shall by & by pay the balance of my subscription.

Truly Yours,
Sam. L. Clemens

I mean no offense in the world, but I don’t really need this stock, as I never drive or ride, & I still would like it if somebody would take my stock & pay the other half.1explanatory note

Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, CtHi, call no. 84608..

Explanatory Notes
1 For this “stock” purchase or “subscription,” see 5 Jan 1876 to Bulkeley, n. 2.