Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Collection of Todd M. Axelrod, Gallery of History ([Axelrod])

Cue: "Cable telegram from"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified: 1998-04-08T00:00:00

Revision History: AB | imprt 1998-04-08 was CU-MARK photocopy

To Henry Lee
5 November 1872 • London, England. (MS: Axelrod, UCCL 11069)

Midnight—just from Inauguration Dinner. 1explanatory note

in pencil

Dear D Lee—

Cable telegram from my wife, saying “Come home”.—therefore I sail in first steamer after Lord Mayor’s dinner on the 9th,2explanatory note & return with my family in April, to spendemendation the summer.

Linnean Society dinner, O.K..emendation 3explanatory note

S. L. Clemens

P. S.—Tight.4explanatory note

Textual Commentary
5 November 1872 • To Henry LeeLondon, EnglandUCCL 11069
Source text(s):

MS facsimile. The editors have not seen the MS, which was owned in 1984 by Todd M. Axelrod, who provided a photocopy to the Mark Twain Papers.

Previous Publication:

L5 , 214.

Explanatory Notes

Clemens attended an inauguration dinner for the lord mayor elect (Sir Sydney Waterlow) on the evening of Monday, 4 November. His engraved invitation, requesting the “favor of an early answer,” survives in the Mark Twain Papers. The banquet, held in the hall of the Stationers’ Company, was attended by about a hundred guests (“The Lord Mayor Elect,” London Times, 5 Nov 72, 10).


Olivia’s telegram does not survive. Clemens sailed from Liverpool on the Cunard steamship Batavia, bound for New York via Boston, on Tuesday, 12 November, having left London the previous day.


Lee was a member of the Linnean Society of London, founded in 1788 to commemorate Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus and promote the study of natural history. In 1829 the society became the repository for Linnaeus’s library and collection of specimens. Lee, who also belonged to the society’s dining club, brought Clemens as his dinner guest on the evening of 7 November; both men signed the book in which the club’s minutes were recorded (Weinreb and Hibbert, 460–61; Linnean Club Minute Book, entry for 7 Nov 72, Linnean Society of London Archives; information from the Linnean Society of London).


By the end of the letter Clemens’s handwriting had become a loose scrawl.

Emendations and Textual Notes
  spend •  spenrd
  O.K.. •  sic