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Source: CU-MARK ([CU-MARK])

Cue: "I told Webster we could not make fine brass casts"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified: 2004-06-23T00:00:00

Revision History: HES 2004-06-23 was ca. 6 Nov; on Charles L. Webster, 5 Nov 81, to SLC

To James R. Osgood
7? November 1881 • Hartford, Conn. (MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 09346)

office of the kaolatype engraving company, 104 fulton street,

s. l. clemens, president, hartford, conn.

c. l. webster, vice pres. & treas. new york.

c. e. perkins, secretary, hartford, conn.

Dear Uncle Sam

Nothing new yet. Adams tried a brass cast in K today but didnt get his brass quite hot enough however some letters in the design came out quite well, enclosed are rough proofs cut taken from the cast before any finishing was done at all printed on our rough hand press with cheap ink.

Yours &c,

Dear Osgood—I told Webster we could not make fine brass casts unless he could make fine-lined spelter patterns—patterns as fine as the engravings in my book. He said he could do it; so I gave him one to experiment on.

The result shows that he can make plenty fine enough patterns. The patterns for my book cover were coarse & awkward because they were done in such a hurry.

Textual Commentary
Source text(s):


Previous Publication:

MicroPUL, reel 2.


See Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenanceclick to open letter.
