Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Cape Ann Historical Association, Gloucester, Mass ([MGlHi])

Cue: "I wish you"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: AB

To Elisha Bliss, Jr.
5 January 1871 • Buffalo, N.Y. (MS: MGlHi, UCCL 04138)
Friend Bliss—

I wish you would make the theatre give my brotheremendation & his wife season-passes—& you can puff & advertise in return. He’semendation an editor now & entitled to courtesies. It will keep them in good spiritsemendation to go often to the theatre, & besides I want him to get drawn away from thought, & have a bracing & revivifying relaxation from his long siege of hard night work.1explanatory note

Will you do it?2explanatory note


I am glad you have made the place so pleasant to my brother—he & wife talk gratifiedly.3explanatory note

Textual Commentary
5 January 1871 • To Elisha Bliss, Jr.Buffalo, N.Y.UCCL 04138
Source text(s):

MS, Cape Ann Historical Association, Gloucester (MGlHi).

Previous Publication:

L4 , 297.

Explanatory Notes

Hartford’s two theaters were Allyn Hall and Roberts’ Opera House. During the 1870–71 season, each booked a variety of events: Allyn Hall mainly concerts and lectures, Roberts’ Opera House theatrical and operatic performances (advertisements in Hartford Courant, 1870–71 passim). No evidence has been found that Bliss carried out Clemens’s suggestion.


Orion, accompanied or soon followed by Mollie, arrived in Hartford in mid-December 1870 to assume the editorship of the American Publisher, taking temporary lodgings. Bliss wrote Clemens on 20 December: “Your Brother is here & we are getting at work in earnest” (CU-MARK). No gratified letters from Orion or Mollie to Clemens are known to survive from December 1870, but by late January they had moved to “Pierson’s, next door to Bliss’s”—that is, to C. W. and David Pierson’s boarding house at 263 Asylum Street, where they remained until early July (OC to SLC, 25 Jan 71, 4 July 71 [CU-MARK]; MEC to SLC, 4 July 71 [CU-MARK]; Geer 1871, 193).

Emendations and Textual Notes
  brother •  brothrer
  return. ‸He’s •  return.— | ‸He’s
  spirits •  spirtsits partly formed ‘t’ reused as ‘i’