Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y ([NPV])

Cue: "Accept Raymond's offer"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: Larson, Brian

To Charles L. Webster
23 May 1884 • Hartford, Conn. (MS: NPV, UCCL 02982)
Dear Charley—

Accept Raymond’s offer.

D theemendation  c Crown Pt.

The paper bargain is splendid—& also the bargains for binding.

I am mortal glad to hear you have got everything squared up with Osgood.

Order 30,000 copies of Huck Finn to be printed & bound. The same to be paid for in cash on delivery.

Of course get into the contract as good terms as you can for subsequent editions to consist of 2,000 or 3,000 or 5,000 each.

Begin your canvass early, & drive it; for if, by the 5th of December, we have 40,000 orders, we will publish on the 15th, & “dump” books the same day & catch the holiday trade. Otherwise we will continue the canvass till we strike the full figure of 40,000 orders.

Now let’s never allow ourselves to think of issuing with any less than 40,000 while there’s the ghost of a show to get them.

Did you get from Osgood the sketches that were crowded out of the White Elephant?


letter docketed: charles l. webster & co., publishers, 658 broadway. new york. may 27 1884

Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, Jean Webster McKinney Family Papers, Special Collections, NPV.

Previous Publication:

MTBus, 254–55; MTLP, 175–76.


see McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenanceclick to open letter.

Emendations and Textual Notes
 the • possibly D  the, cancelled seperately