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Source: Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y ([NPV])

Cue: "If you have"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: Larson, Brian

To Charles L. Webster
12? May 1884 • Hartford, Conn. (MS, in pencil: NPV, UCCL 02973)
Dear Clemens—Private, Charley.

canceled by SLC with crisscrossing lines:

I must brag a little, before my gold turns to yellow leaves in my hands. The Bijou Theatre people here have agreed to take our new opera—Henschel’s and mine—and pay us $50 for every night and $25 for every matinée in Boston; outside of Boston (they propose to put two or three companies on the road) they will pay us $30 for every performance.

By the way, there is a young fellow, playing here in a thing called The Rag Baby, who c’d do Sellers perfectly well. His name is Frank Daniel, and he does an amateur pugilist and walkist, named Sport. If he comes to Hartford be sure to see him. If we could get Eugene Tomkins of the Boston Theatre, who is managing this play, to take hold of the Sellers play, it’s fortune would be made.

Yours ever,
W. D. Howells.

If you have had no correspondence with Raymond, Charley, maybe it would be well for you to write Howells & suggest that he have a talk with this at manager about the Sellers play.

Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, in pencil, on William Dean Howells to SLC, 10 May 1884, UCLC 42037, Jean Webster McKinney Family Papers, Special Collections, NPV. Howells’s letter is typewritten.

Previous Publication:

MTBus, 253, partial publication; MicroPUL, reel 2.


see McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenanceclick to open letter.
