Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y ([NPV])

Cue: "Here is a"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: Larson, Brian

To Charles L. Webster
12 April 1884 • Hartford, Conn. (MS, in pencil: NPV, UCCL 02950)
Dear Charley—

Here is a question which has been settled not less than 30 times, & always in the same way—& yet you asked me about it once more in the cars. Theis is now the answer—& it has never received any other: The book is to be issued when a big edition has been sold—& not before.

Now write it up, somewhere, & keep it in mind; & let us consider that question settled, & answered, & done with.

There is no date for the book. It can issue the 1st of December if 40,000 have been sold. It must wait till they are sold, if it is seven years.

Write it up, & don’t forget it any more.

I sent the MS. to-day. Let Kemble rush—time is already growing short. As fast as he gets through with the chapters, take them & read & select your matter for your canvassing book.


Remember, Osgood fooled away no end of time on his canvassing book, & then got out one that was eminently calculated to destroy the sale.

Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, in pencil, Jean Webster McKinney Family Papers, Special Collections, NPV.

Previous Publication:

MTBus, 248.


see McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenanceclick to open letter.
