Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: New York Public Library, Albert A. and Henry W. Berg Collection, New York ([NN-BGC])

Cue: "I go to West Point with Twichell tomorrow, but"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: Larson, Brian

To William Dean Howells
27 February 1881 • Hartford, Conn. (MS: NN-BGC, UCCL 02550)
My Dear Howells—

I go to West Point with Twichell tomorrow, but shall be back Tuesday or Wednesday; & then just as soon thereafter as you & Mrs. Howells & Winny can come you will find us ready & most glad to see you—& the longer you can stay the gladder we shall be. I am not going to have a thing to do, but you shall work if you want to. On the evening of March 10th, I am going to read to the colored folk in the African church here, (no whites admitted except such as I bring with me,) & a choir of colored folk will sing Jubilee songs. I count on a good time, & shall hope to have you folks there, & Livy. I read in Twichell’s chapel Friday night, & had a most rattling high time—but the thing that went best of all was Uncle Remus’s Tar Baby—I mean to try that on my dusky audience. They’ve all heard that tale from childhood—at least the older members have.

I arrived home in time to make a most noble blunder—invited Charley Warner here (in Livy’s name,) to dinner with the Gerhardts’emendation, & told him Livy had invited his wife by letter & by word of mouth also. I don’t know where I got these inspirations, but I came home feeling as one does who came mighty near who realizes that he has done a neat thing for once & left no flaws or loop-holes—& it seemed to me, for a while, that Livy would certainly take the roof off the house. She said she had never told me to invite Charley & she hadn’t dreamed of inviting Susie, & moreover there wasn’t any dinner but just one lean duck. But Susy Warner’s intuitions were correct—so she choked off Charley, & staid home herself—& we waited dinner an hour, & you ought to have seen that duck when he was done drying up in the oven. ⟦The G.’s tea here tonight & leave for New York & Europe tomorrow.⟧


P. S. Livy’semendation going to write Mrs. Howells.

Textual Commentary
Source text(s):


Previous Publication:

MTL, 1:394–95; MTHL, 1:355–56.


See Howells Letters in Description of Provenanceclick to open letter.

Emendations and Textual Notes
 Gerhardts’ • sic
 Livy’s • Livy Livy’s corrected miswriting