Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin ([TxU-Hu])

Cue: "My heart goes out to you just the same as ever!"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: ""


Last modified: 2016-02-17T14:16:29

Revision History: AB | MM 2016-02-17 MF, VF notes on Stoddard letter incorporated into file

To William Bowen
6 February 1870 • Buffalo, N.Y. (MS and transcript: TxU and CU-MARK, UCCL 02464)
My First, & Oldest & Dearest Friend,

My heart goes out to you just the same as ever!emendation Your letter has stirred me to the bottom.1explanatory note The fountains of my great deep are broken up & I have rained reminiscences for four & twenty hours.2explanatory note The old life has swept before me like a panorama; the old days have trooped by in their old glory, again;emendation the old faces have looked out of the mists of the past; old footsteps have sounded in my listening ears; old hands have clasped mine, old voices have greeted me, & the songs I loved ages & ages ago have come wailing down the centuries! Heavens what eternities have swung their hoary cycles about us since those days were new!—What Since we tore down Dick Hardy’s stable; since you had the measles & I went to your house purposely to catch them; since Henry Beebe kept that envied slaughter-houseemendation, & Joe Craig sold him cats to kill in it; since old General Gaines used to say, “Whoop! Bow your neck & spread!;” since Jimmy Finnemendation was town drunkard & we stole his dinner while he slept in the vat & fed it to the hogs in order to keep them still till we could mount them & have a ride; since Clint Levering was drowned; since we taught that one-legged nigger, Higgins, to offend Bill League’s dignity by hailing him in publici emendation with his exasperating “Hello, League!”—since we used to undress & play Robin Hood wi in our shirt-tails, with lath swords, in the woods on Holliday’s Hill on those long summer days; since we used to go in swimming above the still-house branch—& at mighty intervals wandered on vagrant o fishing excursions clear up to “the Bay,” & wondered what was curtained away in the great world beyond that remote point;3explanatory note since I jumped overboard from the ferry boat in the middle of the river that stormy day to get my hat, & swam two or three miles after it (& got it,) while all the town collected on the wharf & for an hour or so looked out across the angry waste of “white‐caps” toward where people said Sam. Clemens was last seen before he went down; since we got up a mutiny rebellion against Miss Newcomb, under Ed. Stevens’ leadership, (to force her to let us all go over to Miss Torry’s side of the schoolroom,) & gallantly “sassed” Laura Hawkins when she came out the third time to call us in, & then afterward marched in in threatening & bloodthirsty array,emendation& meekly yielded, & took each his little thrashing, & resumedemendation his old seat entirely “reconstructed;” since we used to indulge in that very peculiar performance on that old bench outside the school-houseemendation to drive good old Bill Brown crazy while he was eating his dinner; since we used to remain at school at noon & go hungry, in order to persecute Bill Brown in all possible ways—poor old Bill, who could be driven to such extremity of vindictiveness as to call us “You infernal fools!” & chase us round & round the school-house—& yet who never had the heart to hurt us when he caught us, & who always loved us & always took our part when the big boys wanted to thrash us; since we used to lay in wait for Bill Pitts at the pump & whale him; (I saw him two or three years ago, & I was awful polite to his six feet two, & mentioned no reminiscences); since we used to be in Dave Garth’s class in Sunday school & on week-days stole his leaf tobacco to run our miniature tobacco presses with; since Owsley shot Smar; since Ben Hawkins shot off his finger; since we accidentally burned up that poor fellow in the calaboose; since we used to shoot spool cannons;, & cannons made of keys, while that envied & hated Henry Beebe drowned out our poor little pop-guns with his booming brazen little artillery on wheels; since Laura Hawkins was my sweetheart——————emendation 4explanatory note

Hold! That rouses me out of my dream, & brings me violently back unto this day & this generation. For behold I have at this moment the only sweetheart I ever loved, & bless her old heart she is lying asleep upstairs in a bed that I sleep in every night, & for four whole days she has been Mrs. Samuel L. Clemens! 5explanatory note

I am 34 & she is 24; I am young & very handsome (I make the statement with the fullest confidence, for I got it from her,) & she is much the most beautiful girl I ever saw (I said that before she was anything to me, & so it is worthy of all belief) & she is the best girl, & the sweetest, & the gentlest, & the daintiest, & the most modest & unpretentious, & the wisest in all things she should be wise in & the most ignorant in all matters it would not grace her to know, & she is sensible & quick, & loving & faithful, forgiving, full of charity—& her beautiful life is ordered by a religion that is all kindliness & unselfishness. Before the gentle majesty of her purity all evil things & evil ways & evil deeds stand abashed,—then surrender. Wherefore without effort, or struggle, or spoken exorcism, all the old vices & shameful habits that have possessed me these many many years, are falling away, one by one, & departing into the darkness.

Bill, I know whereof I speak. I am too old & have moved about too much, & rubbed against too many people not to know human beings as well as we used to know “boils” from “breaks.”emendation 6explanatory note

She is the very most perfect gem of womankind that ever I saw in my life—& I will stand by that remark till I die.

William, old boy, her father surprised us a little, the other night. We all arrived here in a night train (my little wife & I were going to board,) & under pretense of taking us to the private boarding house that had been selected for me while I was absent lecturing in New England, my new father-in-law & some old friends drove us in sleighs to the daintiest,emendation darlingest, loveliest little palace in America—& when I said “Oh, this won’t doemendation—people who can afford to live in this sort of style won’t take boarders,” that same blessed father-in-law let out the secret that this was all our property—a present from himself.emendation House & furniture cost $40,000 in cash, (including stable, horse & carriage), & is a most exquisite little palace (I saw no apartment in Europe so lovely as our little drawing-room.)

Come along, you & Mollie,7explanatory note just whenever you can, & pay us a visit, (giving us a little notice beforehandemendation,) & if we don’t make you comfortable nobody in the world can.

{Andemendation now my princess has come down for dinner (bless me, isn’t it cosy, nobody but just us two, & three servants to wait on us & respectfully call us “Mr.” and “Mrs. Clemens” instead of “Sam.” & “Livy!”) It took me many a year to work up to where I can put on style, but now I’ll do it. Myemendation book gives me an income like a small lord, & my paper is not a good po profitableemendation concern.8explanatory note

Dinner’s ready. Good bye & g God bless you, old friend, & keep your heart fresh & your memory green for the old days that will never come again.

Yrs always
Sam. Clemens.
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin (TxU), is copy-text where extant; a photocopy of TS, a transcription typed by William Bowen and sent to his friend Albert Richardson Gunnison on 31 May 1887, is copy-text for the remainder. Even where MS survives, however, it has deteriorated, the paper is discolored, and the ink is faded in places to illegibility or near illegibility. Where the MS is extant but illegible, the Bowen TS serves as a source for emended readings. The TS was made on an all-capitals typewriter and shows a number of typographical quirks (intermittent failure to space words after punctuation, letters typed over each other, portions of words canceled at the ends of lines when there was not enough room to complete the word). Where TS serves as copy-text, the capital letters are silently rendered as lowercase except for “I,” proper names and titles, place names, and words at the beginning of sentences. In addition, the strictly typographical quirks described above are not recorded. All other emendations are listed below.

Previous Publication:

L4 , 50–55; In 1989, before the Bowen TS was discovered, the Mark Twain Project published a text in Inds , 20–23, which was based in part on three transcripts: a typed transcription at CtHMTH, and two published transcriptions, SLC 1938, 8–10, and SLC 1941, 18–21. All derive directly or indirectly from the Bowen TS.


The surviving MS was donated to TxU in the summer of 1940 by Eva Laura Bowen (Mrs. Louis Knox), daughter of William Bowen (Hornberger, 7 n. 12, 10). A photocopy of William Bowen’s TS was given to the Mark Twain Papers in 1993 by Gunnison’s granddaughters, Barbara Gunnison Anderson, Alberta Gunnison Stock, and Marion Gunnison Weygers.

Explanatory Notes

This letter also appearsclick to open letter in the Mark Twain Library series in Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer among the Indians, and Other Unfinished Stories.


A year younger than Clemens, Bowen was his closest boyhood friend and partner in mischief. The two were Mississippi riverboat pilots together between 1859 and 1861, then were estranged for five years after a misunderstanding about Bowen’s repayment of a two-hundred-dollar loan, and a clash over his prosecession views at the onset of the Civil War. Clemens made his peace with Bowen, who eventually became a pilot for the North during the war, in letters of 7 May and 25 August 1866 ( L1 , 338–41, 357–60). After leaving the river in September 1868, Bowen joined the Hannibal insurance firm of his brother-in-law, Moses P. Green. By March 1870 he had moved to St. Louis, where he was employed by the Phoenix Insurance Company. Subsequently he established his own agency there before relocating to Austin, Texas, around 1880 (Hornberger, 7; Bowen to SLC, 31 Mar 70, CU-MARK). Clemens based Tom Sawyer partly on Bowen and also used him as the model for Joe Harper in Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (for more details of Clemens’s friendship with Bowen and his family see L1 , passim, and Inds , 303–6).


Genesis 7:11: “the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.”


Holliday’s Hill, which became Cardiff Hill in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, overlooked the Mississippi River, just north of Hannibal, and was probably named for the family that owned it; the “still-house branch” was a stream that emptied into the Mississippi near Holliday’s Hill, furnishing water for a Hannibal distillery; the Bay de Charles was a large inlet on the Mississippi some two miles above Hannibal ( Inds , 269, 325).


The Hannibal acquaintances mentioned in this passage were: Richard Hardy, an artist and sign painter; Henry Beebe, a schoolboy bully; Joe Craig, son of a tanyard owner; “General” Gaines, a town drunkard; James Finn (d. 1845), another town drunkard and the prototype for Huck Finn’s father; Clint Levering (1837?–47); Higgins, a slave owned by the family of Clemens’s Sunday School teacher, David J. Garth (1822–1912), a prosperous tobacconist in Hannibal in the 1850s and later nationally; William T. League (1832–70), Clemens’s fellow apprentice printer at the Hannibal Missouri Courier, who in 1851 helped found the Hannibal Whig Messenger and in 1853 purchased Orion Clemens’s Hannibal Journal; Mary Ann Newcomb (1809–94), whose Select School Clemens attended; Edmund C. Stevens (b. 1834?), a classmate and then, in 1861, a member of the Marion Rangers, the feckless band of would-be Confederate volunteers Clemens joined briefly before decamping for Nevada Territory; Miss Torrey (or Torry), a teacher at Mary Ann Newcomb’s school; Anna Laura Hawkins, Clemens’s first sweetheart, and her older brother Benjamin (see 6? Feb 70 to Frazerclick to open letter); William Lee Brown (1831?–1903), whom Clemens later remembered as having drawn attention by being much larger, and also older, than his classmates; William R. Pitts (b. 1832?), who became a prosperous harness maker and saddler and in 1870 helped found a Hannibal bank; William Perry Owsley (b. 1813) and Sam Smarr (1788?–1845), a merchant and a farmer, respectively, who in 1845 figured in a Hannibal street murder that became the basis of the Sherburn-Boggs incident in chapter 21 of Huckleberry Finn; and Dennis McDermid, who died in 1853 in a fire he accidentally started in the Hannibal “calaboose,” where he was imprisoned, using matches Clemens had given to him. For further biographical detail about these individuals and Clemens’s literary uses of them, see Inds , 299–351.


Olivia’s sense of those first four days is preserved in the following letter to her parents (CtHMTH):

Darling Father and Mother

It is a bright day— Mr Clemens has gone to church and I sit in our beautiful Library with the doors into the drawing room, into the dining room and into the hall all open because this room is prettie warm and I want to make it cooler—

Ellen and Patrick have gone to church, Harriate Harriete is at home, as I write I hear her stepping about over head getting the work done— I talked with the two girls last night about their church and made arrangements so that they should both be able to go, and yet not go at the same time, they were both very good and willing about it— So far I have had no unpleasant words or looks from any of them, nothing but cheerful willingness to do any thing that I suggest, of course I cannot but expect that the clouds will come some time, but I pray that when they do I may be woman enough to meet them—

Ellen asked me last night if I was not homesick, I said “no, that I was as happy as a queen”— It seems almost naughty not to feel homesick after the dear old home—but that I am not you are responsible—perhaps if I had hourly to meet strangers about me I should have a homesick longing for the old home faces, but with only Mr Clemens with me there is no danger of my growing to feel strange—.

I wish that you could have seen us this morning before our beautiful blue clock, Mr Clemens took off the shade and wound it, the more closely we examined it the more enthusiastic we grew, concerning its beauties—

Father it is charming, I thought several that I saw in New York were as exquisite as they could be but this exceeds any of them—the enameling is perfect

Samuel said yesterday that it was well that there was no one with us now, because they might be almost surprized at our constant exclamations of delight— When he looked in at our bed room the other morning, he said that he fairly started at seeing the beauty of it— The first tarnish that we have got on our new home is three spots of ink on our bright scarlet table cover, we did not know which did it, but we both mourned that it was done—but I immediately ceased the mourning saying that the house was to be a home, so those spots were the first evidence that the house was used, so we put our ink with stand th over them and comforted ourselves—but yesterday when we went down town to do two or three errands Mr Clemens bought two large sheets of blotting paper to put down on the table under the ink stand, one here, and one in his study—

We went out yesterday morning and did two or three errands and called at Mr Slee’s, Mr. Slee’s throat had broken the night before and he was much better, and wanted to see us, so we went up to his room, and had a delightful visit, staying from half an hour to an hour, I should think— Mr Clemens told Mr Slee that never in his life did he have such an intoxicating rush of pleasure as when I told him that this was our home— Even when I said “yes”, to him the pleasure was not so great because of course there was little or no surprize in it—

If I could write you a reem of paper I could not begin to tell you half that I want to tell you— I wish that I could remember some of the funny things that Mr Clemens says and does—and besides these pl funny things, he is so tender and considerate in every way—

Mr Slee said that he should come here the first time that he rode out, I asked them to come and take dinner with us tomorrow if he felt able and that the change would be a rest to him—

Mother we want the porcelain pictures of you & father— so that we can have them in our room on the mantle, where we can see them every morning—to y You can judge about the shade of blue by Emma Sayles brackets—

My dresses have not come yet I presume that they will tomorrow, but I had here a dress that I should have worn if it had seemed best for me to go to church today—

We love, love, LOVE you,

Don’t fail to make mention of us in your prayers—you are not forgotten in ours— I feel some times that we need the prayers of friends more now in our great joy, than we shall when days of darkness and trial come to us—

Remember me to all about the house, Laura, Mary Crossey, Mary Green, Mrs Barnes, all— Love to Grandma, Theodore, Susie, and the dear friends that are with you— I would rather have Theodore and Susie come to us by themselves when they come—even than to have them here with dear cousin Anna— Thank Theodore for his “g Good bye”— I am glad he sent it because I realized when we were really started that he had not bidden us good bye— I approved of the way that his letter was directed it did not make it seem quite so unnat unnatural—“Mrs Olivia Langdon Clemens”——

Mother can you send me one or two old worn table cloths to wrap bread and the like in— Don’t if it is any trouble— Now and always lovingly Livy

new page:



One more item of interest—Mr Clemens told Mr Slee that if he ever wanted to go to a Theater very much, and any thing should hinder him, and fill him with disapointmint, he would go into the drawing room and take off the covers and look at the room, then he should be perfectly satisfied—

About the first words that he uttered on waking the other morning were, oh that drawing room! is a perf It is a perfect vision of loveliness

The time of not eating and not sleeping has gone by for both of us—we eat and sleep now—again Lovingly Livy—

Clemens was at the Lafayette Street Presbyterian Church, which he and Olivia attended regularly during their first few months in Buffalo (13 Feb 70 to Fairbanksclick to open letter; 19 June 70 to the Langdonsclick to open letter; Reigstad 1990, 1–2). Mentioned by Olivia: domestics Ellen White and Harriet, the former a Langdon family servant who, according to Olivia’s cousin Hattie Lewis, was “installed as housekeeper” (Paff, 7), but also seems to have been the cook; coachman Patrick McAleer (1846–1906), who served the Clemenses almost without interruption until 1891; four of the remaining Langdon household staff (Laura, Mary Crossey, Mary Green, Mrs. Barnes); Emma Sayles; John D. F. Slee; Eunice Ford; Susan and Theodore Crane; and, possibly, Anna Marsh Brown (16 Apr 70 to Craneclick to open letter; 11 June 70 to Whiteclick to open letter; MTB , 1:396; 15 May 72 and 10 June 74, both to OC and MEC, CU-MARK; 26–27? July 72 to MEC, CU-MARK; “Coachman Many Years for Mark Twain,” Hartford Courant, 26 Feb 1906, 6).


A boil is a turbulent swirl or eddy in a river. A break, which looks like a streak on the water’s surface, is an ominous sign of a snag or other submerged obstacle ( Inds , 269).


Mary Cunningham Bowen (d. 1873), Bowen’s first wife. They had been married since 1857 ( Inds , 305).

Emendations and Textual Notes

MS is copy-text for c . . . back’ (50.1–51.26)

TS is copy-text for ‘unto . . . father-in-law’ (51.27–52.19)

MS is copy-text for ‘let out . . . Clemens.’ (52.19–37)

  6, •  6 ink faded and paper discolored
  1870. (TS) •  ◇◇70. ink faded and paper discolored
  ever! (TS) •  ever faded
  again; •  again; doubtful canceled question mark
  slaughter-house •  slaughter- | house
  Finn •  Finn Finn corrected miswriting
  publici  •  i partly formed
  array,— •  deletion implied
  & resumed •  & & resumed
  school-house •  school- | house
  sweetheart—————— •  sweetheart——— | ———
  breaks.” •  breaks”.
  daintiest, •  daintiest‸
  won’t do •  wont do
  himself. •  himself. period over doubtful, unrecovered character
  beforehand •  before- | hand
  {And •  no closing bracket
  it. My •  it.— | My
  po profitable •  porofitable