Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Collection of Robin Craven. | Boston Public Library and Eastern Massachusetts Regional Public Library System, Boston ([NN5 MB])

Cue: "I turned this over to say he means Twichell's"

Source format: "MS | MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified: 2005-03-15T00:00:00

Revision History: HES | HS 2005-03-15 on St. Gaudens Aug 2 (not 24; was on or after 2 Aug

To Karl Gerhardt and Hattie J. Gerhardt
4? August 1882 • Elmira, N.Y. (MS: Craven and MB, UCCL 02259)
Dear Mr Clemens—

Your letter with Dr Twitchels enclosed I found last night [on] my return from a short trip to the New England coast—all I can say is that whenever you can send me news about Gerhardt and particularly news of that description I hope you will continue—for I thank you sincerely for it—its real good to hear of a fellow thats pitching in in dead earnest—there are not too many of them in our profession here and when he comes back he will be a good shoulder to have alongside as we go marching along—How long has he been gone? a year and a half—Bravo—I know just where he stands—and I mean Bravo—now let him stick it out and not come home too soon—I know he wont tho, his success proves that he is intelligent enough to understand that I sent the letter to Mrs St G who I know would like to see it—

Aug. St. Gaudens.

Aug 2d/82.

on the verso:

(I turned this over to say he means Twichell’s letter—I forgot he had already mentioned that it was T’s letter.)

Mrs. Clemens & I send a power of love to you both—& likewise hearty congratulations to you both. For that portrait by Mrs. Joe seems a wonderful performance—more wonderful than all her other specimens—which latter I could learn to duplicate, myself, in 5 years, but not the portrait in thirty-five. Mrs. Joe’s water is, as Mrs. Clemens observes, most excellent. It certainly is. Pity about that Cluny! It is beautiful, yet, in the protecting lamp-light, but the day exposes the cruel marrings caused by the inveterate sticking of the oil paper (the paint is not yet dry, & is still sticky to the touch,) & the flattening of the surface by long-continued pressure. O, d—ear! (It’s the first time I’ve managed to get the word finished in that way since the maltreated picture came.)

S L Clemens

Mr. Karl Gerhardt | Ecole National des Beaux Arts | Rue Bonaparte | (Elève Jouffroy,) | rule | Paris | France return address: return to s. l. clemens, hartford, conn., if not delivered within 10 days. postmarked: n.y. remainder of postmark torn away and paris étranger aout 82 remainder of postmark illegible

Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, on Augustus Saint-Gaudens to SLC, 2 August 1882, collection of Robin Craven, is source text for the letter; MS, MB, is source text for the envelope. The envelope has been paired with the letter on the evidence of the postmark: it is the only letter delivered to the Gerhardts in August that is known to survive.

Previous Publication:

Anderson Galleries, 10–11 November 1924, no. 1873, lot 209, partial publication; AAA-Anderson Galleries, 4–5 April 1934, no. 4098, lot 128, partial publication; MicroPUL, reel 2.


The MS was part of the Sidney L. Krauss Collection in 1966.
