Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Harvard University, Houghton Library, Cambridge, Mass ([MH-H])

Cue: "Osgood says something"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: Larson, Brian

To William Dean Howells
5 September 1881 • Elmira, N.Y. (MS: MH-H, UCCL 02027)
My Dear Howells—

Osgood says something about your projecting a play. Now I think that the play for you to write would be one entitled “Col. Mulberry Sellers in Age”(75)—with that fool of a Lafayette Hawkins (aged 50) still sticking to him & believing in him, & calling him “my lord” (S. being American earl of Durham)—& has cherished his delusion until he & his chuckleheaded household believe he is the rightful earl & that he is being shamefully treated by the house of Lords.[)] He is a “specialist” & a “scientist” in various ways; collects makes collections of pebbles & brickbats & discourses garrulously & ignorantly over them & projects original geological “theories” &c. A selfish old hog & hypocrite, surrounded by sap-headed worshipers. emendation Has a lot of impossible inventions, which cost somebody a good deal & then blow up & cripple disinterested parties, or poison them. Let the s patent for his earldom actually arrive from England just as he is dying.

Your delicate refined people & purity of speech would make the best possible back ground for this coarse old ass. F And when you were done, I could take your MS & re-write the Colonel’s speeches & make him properly vulgar & extravagant. For this service I would require only ¾ of the pecuniary result. (How liberal, how lavish I seem to grow, these days!) And I would give let the play to Raymond, & bind him up with a contract that would give him the belly-ache every time he read it. (I made $70,000 out of that devil with the other play.)

Shall we think this over?—or drop it, as being nonsense. Madam says we shall go home about two weeks hence.

Yrs Ever
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, MH-H (shelf mark bMS Am 1784 [98], 93).

Previous Publication:

MTHL, 1:372–73.


See Howells Letters in Description of Provenanceclick to open letter.

Emendations and Textual Notes
 A selfish . . . worshipers.  • canceled with crisscrossing lines