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Source: CU-MARK ([CU-MARK])

Cue: "Send the enclosed to Sam. It is from a friend"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: RHH

To Pamela A. Moffett
3 February 1881 • Hartford, Conn. (MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 01903 and UCLC 40691)
My Dear Sister:

Send the enclosed to Sam. It is from a friend & admirer of his. The Californian Hoar he speaks of, is a son an enterprising c son of Judge Hoar of Massachusetts—a young fellow of fine character——& comes of fine old stock, you see. Chamberlaine is sure that his H.'s experience & advice would be valuable to Sam, out there where honorable & disinterested advisers are pretty hard to run across.

We are all thriving, here, & hope you & Ma & the rest can say the same.

My dear Clemens:

You may think it a good long way to send young Moffit; a matter of 75 miles from St. Barbara, but my friend Hoar laughs at such a bit of road. At any rate I will give you the address & Moffit can do what he pleases—

It is,

Charles E. Hoar

Rancho Simi

Ventura County


E. H says this is the address, but it seemed to me an insufficient one for P. O. purposes—so I made him detail— The nearest post office is San Buena Ventura, probably the county town— Distance about 75 miles South from Santa Barbara.

Charles Hoar, son of E. R. H. has been on this rancho some years, & is doing well—has about 10 000 sheep & other things to correspond. He hires the estate of 20 000 acres & sublets a portion for wheat raising— He enjoys it & considers himself successful, although he could do better if he owned the property—& has hopes of doing so next year—price $40.000—

Another Concord boy is on the same property, though not living with Hoar—Charles Wise, originally of Baltimore.

In your place I should strongly recommend to S. M. to see them both, particularly C. Hoar— He may use my name as much as he likes.

Am not very well today & suspect my old bones are crumbling with the cold. Remember us most kindly to Mrs Clemens & Miss Clara & believe me

Ys truly
A P. Chamberlaine
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, CU-MARK, is source text for the letter; MS, A. P. Chamberlaine to SLC, 1 February 1881, CU-MARK, UCLC 40691, is source text for the enclosure.

Previous Publication:

MicroML, reel 4.


See Moffett Collection in Description of Provenanceclick to open letter.
