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Source: Harvard University, Houghton Library, Cambridge, Mass ([MH-H])

Cue: "Will the proposed"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


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Revision History: AB

To William Dean Howells
30 October 1880 • Hartford, Conn. (MS: MH-H, UCCL 01850)
My Dear Howells:

Will the proposed treaty protect us (& effectually) against Canadian piracy? Because if it doesn’t, there is not a single argument against in favor of international copyright which a rational American Senate ought to could entertain for a moment. My notions have mightily changed, lately. Under this recent & brand-new system of piracy in New York, this country is being flooded with the best of English literature at prices which make a package of water closet paper seem an “edition de luxe” in comparison. I can buy Macaulay’s History, 3 vols., bound, for $1.25; Chambers’s Cyclopedia, 15 vols., cloth, for $7.25. (we paid $60), & other English copyrights in proportion; I can buy a lot of the great copyright classics, in paper, at from 3 cents to 30 cents apiece. These things must find their way into the very kitchens & hovels of the country. A generation of this sort of thing ought to make this the most intelligent & the best-read nation in the world. International copyright must becloud this sun & bring on the former darkness and dime-novel reading.

Morally, this is all ro wrong—governmentally it is all right; for it is the duty of governments—& families—to be selfish, & look out simply for their own. International copyright would benefit a few English authors, & a whole lot of American publishers, & be a profound detriment to 20,000,000 Americans; it would benefit a dozen American authors a few dollars a year, & there an end. The real advantages all go to English authors & American publishers.

And even o if the treaty will kill Canadian piracy, & thus save me an average of $5,000 a year, I’m down on it anyway—& I’d like cussed well to write an article opposing the treaty. Dern England! Such is my sentiments.

Yrs Ever

Gebbie’s coming here soon.


Contrib Club.

—Here is one definition of the word “Journalism” which has lately been offered to the dictionary makers—& declined; for what reason, is not stated: “Journalism is the one solitary respectable profession which honors theft (when committed in the pecuniary interest of a journal,) & admires the thief.” In view of the filching of a pro President’s message by one metropolitan journal, & the stealing of General Grant’s article by another, the definition seems to have more or less force. However, these same journals combat despicable crimes quite valiantly—when committed in other quarters. For so complacent & boastful a public teacher as a journalist to steal, is not worse not worse than it would be for an archbishop to commit a rape; but perhaps this is all that can be said in praise of it.

Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, MH-H, shelf mark bMS Am 1784 (98).

Previous Publication:

MTHL (bib00016), 1:334–36.


See Howells Letters in Description of Provenanceclick to open letter.
