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Source: CU-MARK ([CU-MARK])

Cue: "I accept, with great pleasure, the invitation of"

Source format: "MS facsimile"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: ldm

To William E. Strong
6 November 1879 • 1st of 2 • Hartford, Conn. (MS facsimile: CU-MARK, UCCL 01708)
slc/mt                        farmington avenue, hartford.
Gen. W. E. Strong:

Dear Sir: I accept, with great pleasure, the invitation of the Army of the Tennessee to be present at their re-union, & banquet in honor of our illustrious General Grant.

Would you mind doing me a favor? Col. Tuthill, Chairman of the Banquet Committee, has written & asked me to respond to the toast to “Woman.” I have replied, asking him to put another expert on that, & let me get up a toast to “The Babies.” If you should see him, I wish you would say to him that if my proposition disorders the programme too much, let it slide; but if it doesn’t, I think it is worth while to add the Babies to the show. Mainly, you see, it is new—the Babies have never yet had the slightest mention at a banquet, since Adam invented them. Plainly, this is not right. To neglect the Babies a while, is all right & proper—but enough of it is enough—let us draw the line at 6,000 years. I wish to holler for them—just this once. I like babies; I have had a baby myself—by proxy—indeed, two or three of them, & I am qualified to testify upon this great subject. Tell Tuthill to put this matter in my hands, & leave it there with the tranquil confidence which an enlightened man has in four aces,—he will say, himself, when I get through, “What bottomless deeps of learning this person has!”

Truly Yours
Mark Twain
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS facsimile, CU-MARK.

Previous Publication:

MicroPUL, reel 1.


At one time the MS was at IGa, in one of two bound volumes “containing the written responses of virtually all those invited to the Chicago reunion of the Army of the Tennessee” (H. Scott Wolfe to Michael B. Frank, 2 Mar 1990, CU-MARK). It was missing as of 1990.
