Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: University of Virginia, Charlottesville ([ViU])

Cue: "It is a"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: Paradise, Kate

This edited text supersedes the previously published text
To Andrew Chatto
per Fanny C. Hesse
7 November 1877 • Hartford, Conn. (MS: ViU, UCCL 01502)
slcfarmington avenue, hartford.
Dear Mr Chatto

It is aemendation right down generous offer you make & if the books didn’t cost much I accept with pleasure. Butemendation if they were expensive it would not be fair to let you payemendation the whole cost of a blunder which was not yours but a subordinate’s—in which case let us divide the expense, & shake hands across the bloody chasm.1explanatory note

It was not about the Tom Sawyer act2explanatory note with me that I was inquiring, for that is all correct. I was simply anxious to know if Conway had paid himself his royalty or if you had paid it to him. The main thing was I wanted him to get it. I did not care anything about the details, I only wanted to know that he got it.

Have received your checks for 5.qs. and £7.10.0. Thanks, they are satisfactory, especially the latter. The larger a check is, the more I like it; & the more I honor & glorify the sender, & the more it stirs me up to high literary achievement in that man’s behoof.

Very truly yours.
Sam L. Clemens.
Pr F. C. H
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):

MS, Clifton Waller Barrett Library, Alderman Library, ViU.

Previous Publication:

MicroPUL, reel 1.


Deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 17 December 1963.

Explanatory Notes

Clemens answered the following letter, which Chatto had written in response to an earlier one of his that is now lost (CU-MARK):

office of “belgravia”
of “the gentleman's magazine” & of “academy notes”
london w. Oct 25 187 7
My dear Sir

I am indeed sorry that we should have mistaken your burst of economy for a burst of bibliographical luxury and so sent you the “crack” edition of the “Arabian Nights” instead of the working one; especially I am vexed that our people should have been the means of the US. customs robbing you of 9$. If you will accept the work from me burthened with this outlay it will give me great pleasure to be so relieved from the consciousness of having blundered which now oppresses me.

We are very pleased to receive your “Idle Notes” the first two parts of which Mr Bentley forwarded us and the third has just come to hand. I enclose Cheques for the two which have been published in “Belgravia” for Sep. Nov & Oct. (the amount of which I trust toe be satisfactory) the third instalment will come out in the November December no.

I saw Mr Conway only last week and gave him your remembrances he is very busy with a book on the Archaeology of the Devil which we are going to publish for him. We made up the a/c for the 1st ed. of Tom Sawyer last Decr. and paid him the royalty on 1858 copies sold @ 1/9 by our draft due April 28. (£,162.108.[ ) ] We have just made up the a/c to date and sent him another draft for 70, on a/c of 800 copies sold since. We are about to issue a new cheap edition for which we anticipate a large sale.

Yours very faithfully
Andrew Chatto

Saml. L. Clemens Esq

Bentley had complied with Clemens’s request to forward the proofsheets of “Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion” to Chatto, who published all four installments in Belgravia at the same time they appeared in the Atlantic Monthly (see 15 Sept 1877 to Bentley; SLC 1877–78).

2 Account.
Emendations and Textual Notes
 a • a
 pleasure. But • pleasure. bBut
 pay • t pay