Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin ([TxU-Hu])

Cue: "I thank you"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: AB

To John Colborne
per Charles Warren Stoddard
16 December 1873 • London, England (MS: TxU-Hu, UCCL 01008)
slc/mt                        farmington avenue, hartford.
John Colborne. Esq
   Hon Sec. Temple Club.
   Dear Sir

I thank you for the honor you have done me in electing me an Honorary Member of your club and I hope to be able to be present on the opening night.1explanatory note

Very truly yours
S. L. Clemens.
                                             per C. W. S.

letter docketed: S. L. Clemens | rule | 16 Decr. | rule | Accepts Hony Membership | rule

Textual Commentary
16 December 1873 • To John Colborne , per Charles Warren StoddardLondon, EnglandUCCL 01008
Source text(s):

MS, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin (TxU-Hu).

Previous Publication:

L5 , 520–521.

Explanatory Notes

Clemens answered the following note (CU-MARK):

temple club  arundel street strand

Dear Sir

I have much pleasure in informing you that at a Committee Meeting of the above Club held here this evening you were, on the nomination of Col. Rowland, unanimously elected an Honorary Member of the Club.

I have further to state that the Club will open on the 1st of January next.

I am, Dear Sir

Yours faithfully

John Colborne


Hon. Sec.

pp Q. A. L.

According to an announcement in the London Times, the newly formed Temple Club was

an institution which will be novel of its kind, comprehensive in the class of its supporters, and organized with a view to afford every comfort and the best accommodation to its Members. The Club will be strictly non-political, and will be composed of Clergymen, Officers in the Army and Navy, Members of the Civil Service, Professional and Private Gentlemen, who, untrammelled by party spirit, may enjoy a free and social exchange of ideas on subjects of Art, Literature, and Science. (“Temple Club,” 15 Dec 73, 1)

The only committee member listed in the announcement known to be personally acquainted with Clemens was Tom Hood. Moncure Conway was evidently planning to join, however, since he had told Clemens on 10 December to expect an invitation (10 Dec 73 to Conway, n. 1click to open letter). John Colborne (1830–90) was the fifth son of the first Baron Seaton, who had been awarded his title in 1839 for distinguished military service. Colborne was a major in the Sixtieth Rifle Corps, and had served in the Crimea, India, and China. Rowland may have been Andrew Rowland (1800?–1878) of the Bombay Artillery, a colonel since 1858 (Burke 1904, 1389; Boase, 3:329).
