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Source: CU-MARK ([CU-MARK])

Cue: "Livy darling, there's"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


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Revision History: AB

To Olivia L. Clemens
11 December 1873 • London, England (MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 00999)

on back of letter as folded:

Livy darling, there’s another thick fog. I have had the gas burning all day. Dressed by candle light at 10.30 this morning.


8, chester place, hyde park square. w.

Dear Mark Twain,

We have to thank you for your kindness in sending us tickets, & still more for the delight of hearing you. Mrs. Smalley 1explanatory note and I agreed in thinking the lecture capital, both in itself and in the manner of its delivery, which was simply inimitable. I admired your way of leading up to your points, & your great good sense in giving a slow witted English audience time to take them in. That they enjoyed so many of them was a proper tribute to you and some credit to them also, for the average Englishman does not take kindly to the peculiar humour in which you excel. I was sorry to see you so wretchedly noticed in the Daily News,—what a donkey the man must be to be able to spoil things so. 2explanatory note

Yours ever
G. W. Smalley

Conway sat beside us & laughed till the bench shook. I thought his conduct most improper. 3explanatory note

Textual Commentary
11 December 1873 • To Olivia L. ClemensLondon, EnglandUCCL 00999
Source text(s):

MS, on the back of George W. Smalley to SLC, 9 Dec 73 ( UCLC 31902), Mark Twain Papers, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley (CU-MARK).

Previous Publication:

L5 , 506–7.


see Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.

Explanatory Notes

The unidentified critic for the London Daily News commented:

Last evening Mr. Mark Twain delivered a new lecture at the Hanover-square Rooms, the title of which was “Roughing it on the Silver Frontier.” When Mr. Twain announced a record of his adventures amidst the savages of the Sandwich Islands, the public got some idea of his whereabouts at least, although they could not anticipate the strange scenes he depicted nor the yet stranger mode of his portraiture. On the present occasion, though more familiar with his peculiar style, the London public have been left entirely in the dark as to the locality to which he intended to introduce them. Considering the attraction that a little mystery has had at all times for the world, it would be unfair, perhaps, to Mr. Twain to find fault with him for shrouding himself in so much darkness as would lead people to the Hanover-square Rooms to ascertain what he meant. If such was his idea the result confirmed his expectation, for the large room was well filled by an audience many of whom were inquiring long before the lecturer’s appearance what was or where was the “Silver Frontier.” Mexico was generally suggested, but Mr. Twain soon informed his hearers that by the “Silver Frontier” he meant a portion of Nevada. He lived in that part of the world for three years. It was inhabited when he was there by editors and thieves, blacklegs and lawyers, carters, miners, gamblers, and characters of that sort. On his journey he assisted at a Mormon marriage, but did not wait to see it all finished. They were very fond of card playing in Nevada. Their game was “Seven up,” and he joined in; but he was sorry he did, for card playing was very sinful unless you won money at it. But though a place for gamblers he would not advise hunters to go there, for they might hunt for a whole year and find nothing. It was a country for desperadoes, and of one of these, named Jack Harris, the lecturer gave an amusing account. This man took refuge in Nevada from the justice of the United States, and lodged with the principal clergyman of the place, for there was no distinction in that country between classes. Harris was known for his expertness with the pistol and bowie-knife, but a change of life came over Harris, and he took to a doubled-barrel gun when he gave up the pistol and bowie-knife. Intermixed with his word-play and jests, Mr. Twain gave some very eloquent descriptions of the country. He began and concluded his lecture last evening amidst loud applause. (“Mr. Mark Twain,” 9 Dec 73, clipping in Scrapbook 12:41, CU-MARK)


Moncure Conway was a close friend of Smalley’s, and often fulfilled his duties to the New York Tribune when Smalley was away from London (Joseph J. Mathews, 36, 43). Conway had already expressed his approval of the lecture to Clemens (10 Dec 73 to Conway, n. 1click to open letter). He also alluded to it in his usual letter to the Cincinnati Commercial:

The talk of literary London just now is Mark Twain’s account, in his new lecture of the “bucking” horse which he purchased in Nevada. It is impossible to put it on paper, as half of the effect produced by the story depends upon his manner of telling it. (“Mark Twain’s Bucking Horse,” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 21 Jan 74, 1, reprinting the Cincinnati Commercial of unknown date)
