Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: CU-MARK ([CU-MARK])

Cue: "Will Tuesday evening"

Source format: "MS, draft"

Letter type: "draft"


Last modified: 1998-04-10T00:00:00

Revision History: HES 1998-04-10 was by SLC

To Unidentified
per Samuel C. Thompson
11 July 1873 • London, England (Stenographic draft: CU-MARK, UCCL 00950)
Dear Siremendation,

Will Tuesdayemendation evening 15th doemendation? And if so, at what hour should we be at the Vic.emendation station?1explanatory note We were out of town, and did not get your note until last night.

Textual Commentary
11 July 1873 • To Unidentified , per Samuel C. ThompsonLondon, EnglandUCCL 00950
Source text(s):

Dictation recorded by Samuel C. Thompson in his stenographic notebook, Mark Twain Papers, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley (CU-MARK).

Previous Publication:

L5 , 415; N&J1, 564.


Thompson’s notebook was purchased by CU-MARK in 1958 from Dawson’s Book Shop (Los Angeles).

see the commentary for 25 June 73 to Cowley-Squierclick to open letter (1st of 2). Thompson’s self-correction at 415.4, reported below, has not been transcribed in the text.

Explanatory Notes

Neither the correspondent nor the occasion planned for 15 July has been identified.

Emendations and Textual Notes
  July 11 th  •  longhand
  Sir •  longhand
  Tuesdy •  longhand
  15th do •  longhand
  Vic. •  W Vic. longhand