Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: CU-MARK ([CU-MARK])

Cue: "I have just"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified:

Revision History: AB

To Elisha Bliss, Jr.
7 May 1870 • Elmira, N.Y. (MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 00462)
j. langdon, miner & dealer in anthracite &
                             bituminous coal    office no. 6 baldwin street


Friend Bliss—

I have just been stricken with an idea, in the shape of a scheme to secure a wide-spread advertisement. Whenever our sales reach 100,000,—no matter when that may be—you have tho or the Directors call me to Hartford to an oyster supper in celebration of the event—the city Hartford editors to be present1explanatory note—& I will either come there & make a speech that will travel well in the papers, or I will send one to be read there that will travel. Of course, if you speak of this, If you can think of something simpler & just as effectual, let’s have it—for suppers are sometimes a nuisance, & besides, the object of this one might be too glaringly apparent. Set emendation your invention to work.

I calcu

I sent you dispatch yesterday to acknowledge rec’pt of your check for $3,914.62, & also to express my eminent satisfaction at the way the book is selling.2explanatory note

Mr. Langdon has been dangerously ill for some days, & it is plain that he cannot travel a mile this year. So we shall not move out of reach of sudden call. That closes out all notion of crossing the ocean—though we expect to go th to emendationthe Adirondacks with the Twichells.

Yrs Ever

letter docketed: Mark Twain | May 7/70 and in pencil: July 20/69 393 copies rec’d from bindery3explanatory note

Textual Commentary
7 May 1870 • To Elisha Bliss, Jr.Elmira, N.Y.UCCL 00462
Source text(s):

MS, Mark Twain Papers, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley (CU-MARK).

Previous Publication:

L4 , 126–28; MTLP , 34–35.


See Mendoza Collection in Description of Provenance.

Explanatory Notes

At this time the directors of the American Publishing Company, all Hartford residents, were: E. G. Hastings, also the firm’s president, a dealer in shirts; Thomas Belknap, an independent publisher; Sidney Drake, the former president, a bookbinder; George S. Gilman, an attorney; George F. Hills, cashier at the State Bank; Henry J. Johnson, a provisions merchant; and James S. Tryon, cashier at the First National Bank. Elisha Bliss, presently the secretary of the firm and by July 1870 its president, was at all times its chief executive officer. His twenty-six-year-old son Francis (Frank) was the treasurer. The principal Hartford newspaper editors were: Joseph R. Hawley and Charles Dudley Warner, of the Courant; L. R. Riggs and H. H. Barbour, of the News; Isaac H. Bromley and Joseph L. Barbour, of the Post; and Warren H. and Willie O. Burr, of the Times (Geer: 1869, 50, 62, 69, 107, 129, 144, 150, 162, 198, 264, 423, 495; 1870, 46, 64, 72, 507; Elisha Bliss to SLC, 2 May 70, CU-MARK; “Hartford Residents,” Bliss Family, 1; L3 , 97 n. 5; Rowell, 624).


On 2 May Bliss had written to Clemens at Elmira, as instructed (CU-MARK):

Friend Clements.

Enclosed please find Statement of sales, & Check for 3914.65 amount of copyright, which we trust will come safely to hand, & be satisfactory to you, & show you “we still live” We will at the end of the year give you a statement of every Book bound with report of what has been done with all. Every vol that we do not pay copyright on (i e Editors &c) so as to make it all plain & square with you. This is our style— Dont think your Galaxy articles hurt your reputation at all. it was good, capital capital I sent your Book to Mrs Bowen Col. as you directed. Please acknowledge recpt of Check, & state how you feel as regards sales &c. Respects to Mrs. C

Ever yours

Bliss enclosed a statement, dated 1 May, of third quarter (1 Feb–30 Apr) sales of The Innocents Abroad. Clemens’s royalty on 21,378 copies came to $3,925.90, from which Bliss deducted $11.25 for “7 books shipped to parties by order & express chgs.” Innocents had sold a total of 60,378 copies, with total royalties amounting to about $11,300 (22 Jan 70 to Bliss, n. 6click to open letter; 28 Jan 70 to Bliss, n. 5click to open letter). Once Clemens realized that sales would not “reach 100,000” for some time, he modified his “oyster supper” scheme (30 May 70, 18 July 70, 21? Sept 70, all to Bliss).

3 According to American Publishing Company records, the first 403 copies of The Innocents Abroad were received from the bindery on 20 July 1869, about ten days before the book was officially issued (APC, 45; L3 , 287 n. 1). This penciled notation indicates that ten of those copies were not counted in sales, possibly because they were defective, or set aside for promotional use. The appearance of the notation here suggests that Bliss had risen to Clemens’s challenge to “set your invention to work” and, with some new promotional scheme in mind, had instructed an employee to document the receipt of first copies. By June he had devised a “tip-top” advertising circular (27 June 70 to Blissclick to open letter).
Emendations and Textual Notes
  Set •  possibly ‘Selt’
  th to •  tho ‘h’ partly formed