Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()

Source: The James S. Copley Library, La Jolla, California. The collection of the Copley Library was sold in a series of auctions at Sotheby’s, New York, in 2010 and 2011 ([CLjC])

Cue: "Don't you think"

Source format: "MS"

Letter type: "[standard letter]"


Last modified: 2009-03-26T15:06:33

Revision History: AB | ldm 2009-03-26 new provenance info

To W. C. Kimball and W. W. Kimball
26 April 1866 • Island of Maui, Sandwich Islands (MS: Jacobs, UCCL 00098)
Messrs Kimball2explanatory note

Gentlemen—Don’t you think for a moment of going up on Haleakala without giving me an opportunity of accompanying you! I have waited for & skirmished after some company for some time without avail, & now I hear that you will shortly be at Haiku.3explanatory note So I shall wait for you.

Cannot you let me know, just as soon as you arrive, & give me a day or two (or more, even, if possible,) to get there in, with my horse? Because I am told the distance hence to Haiku is 15 miles—to prosecute which will be a matter of time, to my animal, & possibly a matter of eternity. His strong suit is grace & personal comi comelinessemendation, rather than velocity.

Yours Very Truly,
Sam L. Clemens.

(Or “Mark Twain,” if you know m have forgotten emendationmy genuine name.)

My address is “Wailuku Plan-
tation.” parallel wavy lines


I shall send two or three notes for by different parties, for fear one might miss fire—an idea suggested by my own native sagacity.

Textual Commentary
26 April 1866 • To W. C. Kimball and W. W. KimballIsland of Maui, Sandwich IslandsUCCL 00098
Source text(s):

MS, collection of Victor and Irene Murr Jacobs, Dayton, Ohio.

Previous Publication:

L1 , 335–336; Autographs and Modern Signed Editions. Catalogue 70 (Bridgewater, Mass.: Paul C. Richards Autographs, [1972]), item 174, with omissions.


Victor Jacobs acquired the MS from Paul C. Richards Autographs, which had acquired it from Rodney C. Eaton, a great-nephew of the Kimballs’. In 1971 Mr. Eaton sent a photographic facsimile of the MS to the Mark Twain Papers.

Explanatory Notes

A town and district on the north coast of the island of Maui.


Aged twenty-seven and thirty respectively, the Kimball brothers had been among Clemens’s fellow passengers aboard the Ajax. They departed Honolulu for San Francisco on 2 June aboard the bark D. C. Murray (Ajax passenger list, PH in CU-MARK; “Passengers,” Honolulu Pacific Commercial Advertiser, 9 June 66, 2).


A village on the coast of Maui on the route to the extinct volcano Haleakala, whose name means “House of the Sun” (MTH , 58). Clemens did not describe his visit to Haleakala for the Sacramento Union; he did so in chapter 76 of Roughing It, but without naming his companions.

Emendations and Textual Notes
  comi comeliness •  comieliness ‘e’ over ‘i’
  know m have forgotten •  ‘have for’ over ‘know m’
 My . . . Plantation.” wavy lines  • a vertical brace spans the left margin of the two-line insertion