Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()
Contract for The Innocents Abroad

Elisha Bliss, on 16 October 1868, wrote out two copies of a contract between Clemens and the American Publishing Company for publication of an unnamed book, eventually called The Innocents Abroad; or, The New Pilgrims’ Progress. Clemens’s copy, signed by both men, is in the Mark Twain Papers (CU-MARK); Bliss’s copy, signed only by Clemens, is in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale (CtY-BR). Clemens’s copy is transcribed below. The textual commentary records the minor variants between the two copies.

This Memorandum made this Sixteenth day of October A.D. 1868.historical collation between thehistorical collation American Publishing Co. of City of Hartford & Samuel J Clemens of City of New Yorkhistorical collation Wittnesseth, that the sdhistorical collation Clemens agrees to furnish to the Said Companyhistorical collation manuscript properly prepared & written sufficient to make an Octavo volumehistorical collation of at least 500 pages— Table of contents &c &c to be made out fully & any other matters neccessaryhistorical collation, to the book to be attended to & prepared. And the said Clemens agrees with the said Company that they shall have thehistorical collation exclusive use of sd Manuscripthistorical collation & right to publish the same & that he will not use the same in any other manner,historical collation or any part of it or of its contained matterhistorical collation The subject of the same to be the trip of the “Quaker Cityhistorical collation to the Holy Land” And the said Company agree to publishhistorical collation sd manuscript,historical collation bringing it out in Book formhistorical collation with illustrations, & they agree to pay to sd Clemens for the copyright of the same, thehistorical collation royalty of Five (5) per cent.historical collation upon the retail price of everyhistorical collation volume sold by themhistorical collation payable at the expiration of each & every three months after the bookhistorical collation is brought out. No royalty however tohistorical collation be paid him upon any Books given to Editors,historical collation or furnished to themhistorical collation or others, for notices, advertisements, or for the purpose of advancing the sale of the Book. The said Clemens is to give all neccessary time & attention to the reading ofhistorical collation proofs & correting the same if necessaryhistorical collation & to all other matters connected with the bringing out of the Bookhistorical collation usually done by Authors & to do all in his power to promote the sale of the work

The sd Company agree that the work shall be Electrotyped during the next 4 months & be ready to place in the hands of their Agents very early next springhistorical collation & that they will usehistorical collation all reasonable efforts to sell the same, & will adopt all of the usual forms & methods to so do.historical collation

Elisha Bliss  Secty      

Am. Pub Co      historical collation

Signed      historical collation Sam. L. Clemens.1explanatory note          

The Mss for book contracted for by within contract by S. L
     Clemens has been delivered to us—& entitled Inno. Abroad

Am. Pub Co.            

per E Bliss for firmhistorical collation 2explanatory note      

on back of contract as folded, in Charles L. Webster’s3explanatory note hand: Contract with Am Pub Co. Oct 16 1868 and in an unidentified hand: 5% on retail price of each volume and in a second unidentified hand: Innoc Abroad Innocense Abroad Innocence Abroadhistorical collation

Textual Commentary
Previous Publication:

L2 , 421–22.


see Mark Twain Papers, pp. 514–15.

Explanatory Notes

Clemens inscribed “Signed” as well as his signature.


Bliss added the preceding paragraph no earlier than April or May 1869, when Clemens decided on the title of his book.


Charles L. Webster (1851–91) of Fredonia, New York, married Clemens’s niece, Annie Moffett, in 1875. He began to assist Clemens with his business affairs in 1881. In 1884 Clemens established the New York publishing firm of Charles L. Webster and Company, with Webster as manager.

Historical Collation
  1868. •  1868‸
  the •  not in
  City of New York •  New York City
  sd •  said
  Company •  Company,
  volume •  Volume
  neccessary •  sic
  have the •  have
  Manuscript •  Manuscript,
  manner, •  manner‸
  matter •  matter.
  City •  City”
  publish •  publish,
  manuscript, •  manuscript‸
  form •  form,
  same, the •  same a
  cent. •  cent‸
  every •  each
  them •  them,
  book •  said book
  to •  is to
  Editors, •  Editors‸
  to them •  them
  of •  of
  correting the same if necessary •  correcting them if neccessary
  Book •  Book,
  spring •  spring—
  that they will use •  will that they use insertion error
  do. •  do.—
  Elisha . . . Co •  not in
  Signed •  Signed—
  The . . . firm flourish  •  not in
  [on . . . Abroad •  not in; Bliss’s copy bears the following docket by Bliss, which does not appear on Clemens’s copy: Sam J. Clemens  |  Contract for  |  “Innocents Abroad”—  |  Oct 16th 1868.  |  no 1