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This text has been superseded by a newly published text
To Charles Warren Stoddard
10 September 1877 • Hartford, Conn. (MS, correspondence card: CU-MARK, UCCL 11958)
Dear Charley:

The subscription houses are doing nothing—they say they can’t sell books of travel or any other kind, except old standard things like Commentaries on the Bible—& only enough of them to keep alive. If you will run up here & see me I’ll fill you up with good advice & Scotch whisky, but I can’t promise you a publisher, in such times as these. We will go & see as many as you please, though.

I shall be exceedingly grateful for that Tichborne book, I assure you. It will be better than a scrap-book.

If you see John McComb, send him up here,—or bring him.

I’ve just got home from vacation, & this is No. 1 of a ton of letters to be answered.

Yrs Ever
Textual Commentary
Previous Publication:

Sotheby’s catalog, 29 October 1996, no. 6904, lot 192, excerpts; MicroPUL, reel 1.


Victor and Irene Murr Jacobs purchased the MS in 1987 from James Lowe and sold it through Sotheby’s in 1996 to CU-MARK.