Explanatory Notes        Apparatus Notes ()
This text has been superseded by a newly published text
To E. S. Sykes
9 November 1877 • Hartford, Conn. (MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 01504)
E. S. Sykes, Esq—
       Dr Sir:

Mr. Burton’s note puts upon me all the blame of the destruction of an enterprise which had for its object the succor of the Hartford poor. That is to say, this enterprise has been dropped because of the “dissatisfaction with Mr. Clemens’s stipulations.” & requirements Therefore I must be allowed to say a word in my defence.

There were two “stipulations”—exactly two. I made one of them; if the other was made at all, it was a joint one, from the choir & me choir and me.

My individual stipulation was, that my name should be kept out of the newspapers.

The joint one was, that sufficient tickets to ensure a good sum should be sold before the date of the performance should be set. 〚Understand, we wanted a good sum—I do not think any of us bothered about a good house; it was money we were after.〛

Now you perceive that my concern is simply with my individual stipulation. Did that break up the enterprise?

Eugene Burton said he would sell $300 worth of the tickets himself. Mr. Smith said he would sell $200 or $300 worth himself. Myemendation plan four for Asylum Hill Church would have ensured $150 from that quarter. Allemendation this in the face of my “stipulation.” It was proposed to raise $1000; did my stipulation render the raising of $400 or $500 in a dozen churches impossible?

My stipulation is easily defensible. When a mere reader or lecturer has appeared 3 or 4 times in a town of Hartford’s size, lik he is a good deal more than likely to get a very unpleasant snub if he shoves himself forward on about once or twice more. Therefore I long ago made up my mind that I whenever I again appeared here, it should be only in a minor capacity & not as a chief attraction. Therefore, when I (◇◇◇◇ argumentemendation) agreed agreed to appear with Mr. Mitchell’s choir at Asylum Hill church, I stipulated that my name should not appear in print. By a shameful juggle I was daily paraded in the newspapers in the most disgusting way, though my name was not printed. I said, then, that next time, I would stipulate that the spirit of the compact should be kept., as well as the letter.

Now I placed that harmless & very justifiable stipulation before the committee the other day; they carried it to headquartersemendation & it was accepted there. I am not informed that any objection was made to it, or that it was regarded as an offense. It seems late in the day, now, after a good deal of trouble has been taken & a good deal of thankless work done by the committees, to suddenly tear up the contract & then turn & bowlemendation me down from long range as being the destroyer of it.

If the enterprise has failed because of my individual stipulation, here you have my proper & reasonable reasons for making that stipulation.

If it has failed because of the joint stipulation, put the b blame there, & let us share it collectively.

I think our plan was a good one. I do not doubt that Mr. Burton still approves of it, too. I believe the objections come from other quarters, & not from him. Mr. Twichell used these following words in last Sunday’s sermon, (if I remember correctly):

“My hearers, the prophet Deuteronomy says this wise thing: “Though ye plan a goodly house for the poor, & plan it with wisdom, & do take off your coats & set to build it, with high courage, yet shall the croaker presently come, & lift up his voice, (having his coat on,) & say, Verily this plan is not well planned—& he will go his way; & the obstructionist will come, & lift up his voice, (having his coat on,) & say, Behold, this is but a sick plan—& he will go his way; & the man that knows it all will come, (having his coat on,) will come, & lift up his voice, (having his coat on,) & say, Lo,emendation call they this a plan?—O saw my leg off!—emendation then will he go his way; & the places which knew him once shall know him no more forever, because he was not, for God took him. Now therefore I say unto you, Verily that house will not be builded. And I say this also: He that waiteth for all men to be satisfied with his plan, let him seek eternal life, for he shall need it.”

This portion of Mr. Twichell’s sermon made a great impression upon me, & I was grieved that some one had not wakened me earlier so that I might have heard what went before.

Ys Truly
S. L. Clemens
Textual Commentary
Previous Publication:

MTL , 1:313–15; MicroML, reel 4.


See Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.

Emendations and Textual Notes
  himself. My •  himself.— | My
  quarter. All •  quarter.— | All
  argument  •  argument doubtful
  headquarters •  head- | quarters
  bowl •  bowl bowl corrected miswriting
  Lo, •  Lo Lo, corrected miswriting
  off!—  •  off!— deletion of dash implied