Frequently Asked Questions

Can you answer a question about Mark Twain for my school project?

The Mark Twain Project does not have a reference librarian who can assist with school projects or general questions.

Do I need permission to use a text or image I find on Mark Twain Project Online?

Teachers may use Mark Twain Project Online texts or images in their classrooms without seeking permission. However, you may need permission for other uses, such as in an article, book, or web page.

If you want to quote a short passage from these texts, no special permission is needed, as such quotation is protected by the “Fair Use” regulations of United States law. To reprint a longer passage or whole work, permission and/or fees may be required. For more information, see Rights and Permissions.

How can I buy the UC Press editions of Mark Twain's works?

The University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London, publishes Mark Twain Project volumes in four ongoing series: The Mark Twain Papers, The Works of Mark Twain, The Mark Twain Library, and Jumping Frogs: Undiscovered, Rediscovered, and Celebrated Writings of Mark Twain. Purchase printed critical editions directly from UC Press.

Can I visit the Mark Twain Papers?

The Mark Twain Papers archive is located at The Bancroft Library in Berkeley, California. You must contact staff to schedule a visit.

How can I contact the General Editor of the Mark Twain Papers?

Queries for the General Editor may be directed to Robert H. Hirst, Mark Twain Papers, The Bancroft Library Room 475, University of California at Berkeley, CA 94720-6000.

What are some other sources of information about Mark Twain?

In addition to Mark Twain Project publications and standard reference books at your local library, there are many online resources, such as the following:

How can I support the Mark Twain Project?

The editorial work of the Mark Twain Project has been supported since 1967 by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Since 1980, the Endowment's support has been contingent in part on increased support from the University of California, The Friends of The Bancroft Library, and many individuals and foundations. If work on the scholarly edition is to continue, the amount of such private support will need to grow. Find out how you can support the Mark Twain Project.