Explanatory Notes
See Headnote
Apparatus Notes
See Headnotes
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This list defines the abbreviations used in this book and provides full bibliographic information for works cited by an author’s name, by the author’s name and publication date, or by a short title.

AAA. 1927. The Notable Library of Major W. Van R. Whitall of Pelham, New York. Sale of 14, 15, and 16 February. New York: American Art Association.

“Abstract of Disbursements.”

1861. “Abstract of Disbursements on Account of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Nevada, from July 1st 1861, to November 29th 1861.” In Miscellaneous Treasury Account No. 142896, Office of the First Auditor, RG 217, Records of the General Accounting Office, DNA.

1861–62. “Abstract of Disbursements on Account of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Nevada, from November 29th 1861 to June 30th 1862.” In Miscellaneous Treasury Account No. 144986, Office of the First Auditor, RG 217, Records of the General Accounting Office, DNA.

AD. Autobiographical Dictation. [Clemens’s dictations have been published 2010–2015 in print and on MTPO.]

Adams, Thomas F. 1857. Typographia; or, The Printer’s Instructor: A Brief Sketch of the Origin, Rise, and Progress of the Typographic Art, with Practical Directions for Conducting Every Department in an Office, Hints to Authors, Publishers. Philadelphia: L. Johnson and Co.

Addenbrooke, Alice B. 1950. The Mistress of the Mansion. Palo Alto, Calif.: Pacific Books.

Ahlborn, Richard E. 1980. Man Made Mobile: Early Saddles of Western North America. Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Ajax [pseud.]. 1866. “Letter from San Francisco.” Honolulu Pacific Commercial Advertiser, 20 October, 1.

Alexander, Mary Charlotte. 1953. Dr. Baldwin of Lahaina. Berkeley: Printed by Stanford University Press for Mary Charlotte Alexander.

[begin page 1024]

Alexander, W. D. 1891. A Brief History of the Hawaiian People. New York: American Book Company.

Alexander, Thomas G., and Leonard J. Arrington. 1966. “Camp in the Sagebrush: Camp Floyd, Utah, 1858–1861.” Utah Historical Quarterly 34 (Winter): 3–21.

Allen, James B., and Glen M. Leonard. 1976. The Story of the Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company.

AMT. 1959. The Autobiography of Mark Twain. Edited by Charles Neider. New York: Harper and Brothers.

Anderson Auction Company. 1911. The Library and Manuscripts of Samuel L. Clemens [Mark Twain]. Part 1. Sale no. 892 (7 and 8 February). New York: Anderson Auction Company.

Anderson, Nels. 1942. Desert Saints: The Mormon Frontier in Utah. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Anderson, Rufus. 1864. The Hawaiian Islands: Their Progress and Condition under Missionary Labors. Boston: Gould and Lincoln.

Anderson, Frederick, and Edgar Marquess Branch, eds. 1972. The Great Landslide Case. Berkeley: The Friends of the Bancroft Library.

Andrew, Laurel B. 1978. The Early Temples of the Mormons: The Architecture of the Millennial Kingdom in the American West. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Andrews, Lorrin. 1865. A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language. Honolulu: Henry M. Whitney.

Angel, Myron, ed. 1881. History of Nevada. Oakland, Calif.: Thompson and West. Index in Poulton 1966.

Annual Cyclopaedia 1873. 1877. The American Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1873. Vol. 13. New York: D. Appleton and Co.

APC (American Publishing Company). 1866–79. “Books received from the Binderies, Dec 1st 1866 to Dec 31. 1879,” the company’s stock ledger, NN-BGC.

Argentoro [pseud.]. 1863. “Letter from Washoe.” Letter dated 24 October. San Francisco Morning Call, 28 October, 1.

Arrington, Leonard J.

1958. Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints, 1830–1900. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

1985. Brigham Young: American Moses. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Arrington, Leonard J., and Davis Bitton. 1979. The Mormon Experience: A History of the Latter-day Saints. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Ashbaugh, Don. 1963. Nevada’s Turbulent Yesterday: A Study in Ghost Towns. Los Angeles: Westernlore Press.

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Asser. 1908. Asser’s Life of King Alfred. Translated with an introduction and notes by L. C. Jane. London: Chatto and Windus.

Austin, Franklin H. 1926. “Mark Twain Incognito—A Reminiscence.” Friend 96 (September, October, November): 201–4, 224–29, 248–54. Partly reprinted in MTH, 75–79.

Ayers, James J. 1922. Gold and Sunshine: Reminiscences of Early California. Boston: Richard G. Badger.

Baetzhold, Howard G. 1970. Mark Twain and John Bull: The British Connection. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Bailey, Paul. 1975. Those Kings and Queens of Old Hawaii. Los Angeles: Westernlore Press.

BAL. 1955–91. Bibliography of American Literature. Compiled by Jacob Blanck. 9 vols. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Bancroft, Hubert Howe.

1882–90. History of the Pacific States of North America. 34 vols. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft and Co., History Company.

1891–92. Chronicles of the Builders of the Commonwealth. 7 vols. San Francisco: History Company.

Barnes, George E. 1887. “Mark Twain, as He Was Known during His Stay on the Pacific Slope.” San Francisco Morning Call, 17 April, 1.

Barrett, Don C. 1931. The Greenbacks and Resumption of Specie Payments, 1862–1879. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Barth, Gunther. 1964. Bitter Strength: A History of the Chinese in the United States, 1850–1870. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Bates, George Washington. 1854. Sandwich Island Notes. By a Haole. New York: Harper and Brothers.

BDUSC. 1989. Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774–1989. Bicentennial edition. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. Accessed 14 September.

Beadle, J. H. 1872. Preface to Brigham’s Destroying Angel. In Hickman, v–vii.

Beckwith, Martha. 1940. Hawaiian Mythology. New Haven: Yale University Press. Citations are to the 1970 reprint edition, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Beebe, Lucius. 1954. Comstock Commotion: The Story of “The Territorial Enterprise.” Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Beebe, Lucius, and Charles Clegg. 1954. Legends of the Comstock Lode. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Beeton, S. O., ed. 1868. Beeton’s Dictionary of Geography: A Universal Gazetteer. Rev. ed. London: Ward, Lock, and Tyler.

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Bellamy, Gladys Carmen. 1941. “Mark Twain’s Indebtedness to John Phoenix.” American Literature 13 (March): 29–43.

Bennett, Chauncey C. 1869. Honolulu Directory, and Historical Sketch of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands. Honolulu: C. C. Bennett.

Benson, Ivan. 1938. Mark Twain’s Western Years. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Berkove, Lawrence I.

1988. “Jim Gillis: ‘The Thoreau of the Sierras.’ ” Mark Twain Circular 2 (March–April): 1–2.

1988. “Dan De Quille’s Narratives of Ohio: Lorenzo Dow’s Miracle.” Northwest Ohio Quarterly 60 (Spring): 47–56.

1994. “Dan De Quille and Roughing It: Borrowings and Influence.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 37 (Spring): 52–57.

Bingham, Hiram. 1855. A Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands; or, The Civil, Religious, and Political History of Those Islands. 3d ed. Canandaigua, N.Y.: H. D. Goodwin.

Blair, Montgomery. 1861. “ ‘Report of the Postmaster General,’ dated 2 December.” In Message of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress at the Commencement of the Second Session of the Thirty-seventh Congress. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.

Bloss, Roy S. 1959. Pony Express—The Great Gamble. Berkeley: Howell-North.

Book of Mormon.

1866. The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon, upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi. Translated by Joseph Smith, Jun. Sixth European Edition. Liverpool: Published by Brigham Young, Jun. Citations in the notes are to chapters and verses in this edition, followed by parenthetical citations to chapters and verses in all editions published since 1879. “1 Nephi” and “2 Nephi” refer to the “First” and “Second” books of Nephi; “3 Nephi” refers to a book listed in the table of contents as merely “Book of Nephi”; “4 Nephi” refers to another “Book of Nephi,” not listed in the table of contents, which follows immediately after “3 Nephi.”

1982. The Book of Mormon. The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Pearl of Great Price. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Boothby, H. E. 1919. “Up from Idolatry.” Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1920, 53–78.

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Bowles, Samuel.

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1869. Our New West. Records of Travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean. Hartford: Hartford Publishing Company.

Bradley, Harold Whitman. 1942. The American Frontier in Hawaii: The Pioneers, 1789–1843. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Citations are to the 1968 reprint edition, Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith.

Branch, Edgar Marquess.

1946. “A Chronological Bibliography of the Writings of Samuel Clemens to June 8, 1867.” American Literature 18 (May): 109–59.

1967. “ ‘My Voice Is Still for Setchell’: A Background Study of ‘Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog.’ ” PMLA 82 (December): 591–601.

1969. “Mark Twain Reports the Races in Sacramento.” Huntington Library Quarterly 32 (February): 179–86.

1978. “ ‘The Babes in the Wood’: Artemus Ward’s ‘Double Health’ to Mark Twain.” PMLA 93 (October): 955–72.

1985. “Fact and Fiction in the Blind Lead Episode of Roughing It.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 28 (Winter): 234–48.

Brewer, William H. 1930. Up and Down California in 1860–1864. Edited by Francis P. Farquhar. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Bridgman, Richard. 1987. Traveling in Mark Twain. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Brigham, William T. 1868. Notes on the Volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, Riverside Press.

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Bromer. 1992. Selections from Our Stock to Be Featured . . . February 14, 15, 16, 1992 at the Los Angeles Airport Hilton. Boston: Bromer Booksellers.

Brooks, Benjamin S. 1876. The Chinese in California. Addressed to the Committee on Foreign Relations of the U.S. Senate. n.p.

Brooks, Juanita.

1962. John Doyle Lee: Zealot—Pioneer Builder—Scapegoat. Arthur H. Clark Company. Glendale, Calif.: Arthur H. Clark Company.

1970. The Mountain Meadows Massacre. 3d ed. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

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[begin page 1028]

Browne, Charles Farrar [Artemus Ward, pseud.].

1862. Artemus Ward; His Book. New York: Carleton.

1865. Artemus Ward; His Travels. New York: G. W. Carleton and Co.

Browne, J. Ross.

1860–61. “A Peep at Washoe.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 22 (December): 1–17; (January): 145–62; (February): 289–305. Reprinted in J. Ross Browne 1864, 309–436.

1864. Crusoe’s Island: A Ramble in the Footsteps of Alexander Selkirk. With Sketches of Adventure in California and Washoe. New York: Harper and Brothers.

1865. “The Walker River Country.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 31 (November): 700–709. Reprinted in J. Ross Browne 1869, 445–73.

1865. “A Trip to Bodie Bluff and the Dead Sea of the West.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 31 (August, September): 274–84, 411–19. Reprinted in J. Ross Browne 1869, 393–444.

1865. “Washoe Revisited.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 30–31 (May, June, July): 681–96, 1–12, 151–61. Reprinted in J. Ross Browne 1869, 293–392.

1866. “The Reese River Country.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 33 (June): 26–44. Reprinted in J. Ross Browne 1869, 475–535.

1868. Report of J. Ross Browne, on the Mineral Resources of the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains. San Francisco: H. H. Bancroft and Co.

1869. Adventures in the Apache Country: A Tour through Arizona and Sonora, with Notes on the Silver Regions of Nevada. New York: Harper and Brothers.

Browne, Junius Henri. 1872. Sights and Sensations in Europe. Hartford: American Publishing Company.

Browning, Peter. 1986. Place Names of the Sierra Nevada: From Abbot to Zumwalt. Berkeley: Wilderness Press.

Buckbee, Edna Bryan. 1935. The Saga of Old Tuolumne. New York: Press of the Pioneers.

Budd, Louis J., ed. 1977. “A Listing of and Selection from Newspaper and Magazine Interviews with Samuel L. Clemens, 1874–1910.” American Literary Realism 10 (Winter): i–100.

Bunker, William M. 1879. From Report upon the Aurora Mining District, Esmeralda Company., Nevada. San Francisco: Barry, Baird, and Co.

Burton, Richard F. 1861. The City of the Saints and Across the Rocky Mountains to California. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts.

Bush, Lester E., Jr. 1981. “The Word of Wisdom in Early Nineteenth-Century Perspective.” Dialogue 14 (Autumn): 46–65.

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Byron, George Anson. 1826. Voyage of H. M. S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in the Years 1824–1825. London: John Murray.

Callaway, Llewellyn Link. 1973. Two True Tales of the Wild West. Oakland, Calif.: Maud Gonne Press.

Callicot, T. Carey. 1855. Cyclopedia of Universal Geography: Being a Gazetteer of the World. New York: A. S. Barnes and Co.

Cameron, Marguerite. 1939. This Is the Place. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers.

Campbell, Archibald. 1816. A Voyage Round the World, from 1806 to 1812. Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald Constable and Co.

Campbell, Eugene E. 1988. Establishing Zion: The Mormon Church in the American West, 1847–1869. Salt Lake City: Signature Books.

Canning, Ray R., and Beverly Beeton. 1977. The Genteel Gentile: Letters of Elizabeth Cumming, 1857–1858. Salt Lake City: Tanner Trust Fund, University of Utah Library.

Carleton, J. H. 1902. Special Report of the Mountain Meadow Massacre, by J. H. Carleton, Brevet Major, United States Army, Captain, First Dragoons, dated 25 May 1859. U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, 57th Congress, 1st session, volume 110, document 605..

Carlson, Helen S. 1974. Nevada Place Names: A Geographical Dictionary. Reno: University of Nevada Press.

Carson County Census. [1860] 1967. “Free Inhabitants in . . . Carson County.” Population Schedules of the Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Roll 1314. Utah: Carson County. National Archives Microfilm Publications, Microcopy no. 653. Washington, D.C.: General Services Administration.

Carter, Kate B., comp. 1952–57. Treasures of Pioneer History. 6 vols. Salt Lake City: Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

Caulkins, Frances Manwaring. 1895. History of New London, Connecticut. New London: H. D. Utley.

CBri. Mono County Free Library, Bridgeport, Calif.

CCamarSJ. St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, California. Formerly home to the Estelle Doheny collection (now dispersed).

CCC. Honnold/Mudd Library, Claremont, Calif.

Chalfant, Willie Arthur. 1928. Outposts of Civilization. Boston: Christopher Publishing House.

Chapel, Charles Edward. 1961. Guns of the Old West. New York: Coward-McCann.

Chapman, Arthur. 1932. The Pony Express: The Record of a Romantic Adventure in Business. New York and London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.

Cheever, Henry T.

1851. The Island World of the Pacific. New York: Harper and Brothers.

[begin page 1030]

1851. Life in the Sandwich Islands; or, The Heart of the Pacific, as It Was and Is. New York: A. S. Barnes and Co.

Citizen [pseud.]. 1864. Letter dated 18 May, quoting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 17 May. In “The ‘Enterprise’ Libel of the Ladies of Carson,” Virginia City Union, 25, 26, and 27 May, 2. Reprinted in L1, 289 n. 2.

Clagett, Fred. 1990. “The Life of William H. Clagett.” Paper presented on 20 April at the Pacific Northwest History Conference in Boise, Idaho. TS in CU-MARK.

Clayton, Dick. 1932?. “Mark Twain and Jack Slade Entertain at Weber Stage Station in 1862.” TS of six pages, an account by Dick Clayton, Coalville, Utah, retelling a narrative by Tom Rivington. U.S. Works Progress Administration, Series A, Group 3. Historical Records Survey: Utah. Transcripts of Mormon Diaries and Journals, 3–14. Manuscripts Division, DLC.

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Clemens, Cyril. 1932. Mark Twain the Letter Writer. Foreword by Carl Sandburg. Boston: Meador Publishing Company. (BAL 3554).

Clemens, Mary Eleanor. See MEC.

Clemens, Orion. See OC.

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. See SLC.

Coan, Titus.

1841. “Letter from Mr. Coan, Dated at Hilo, 25th Sept. 1840.” Missionary Herald 37 (July): 283–85.

1866. “Volcanic Phenomena of the Island of Hawaii.” Friend 17 (1 February): 9–11, 14.

1882. Life in Hawaii: An Autobiographic Sketch of Mission Life and Labors (1835–1881). New York: Anson D. F. Randolph and Co.

Coan, Titus Munson. 1868. “The Greatest Volcano in the World.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 37 (September): 553–59.

CoDR. Regis College, Denver, Colo.

Cody, William F. 1879. The Life of Hon. William F. Cody, Known as Buffalo Bill, the Famous Hunter, Scout and Guide: An Autobiography. Hartford: Frank E. Bliss. Citations are to the 1978 reprint edition, with a foreword by Don Russell, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

CofC. 1969. Clemens of the “Call”: Mark Twain in San Francisco. Edited by Edgar M. Branch. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

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[begin page 1032]

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CU-NEWS. University of California, Newspaper and Microcopy Division, Berkeley, Calif.

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N&J1. 1975. Mark Twain’s Notebooks & Journals, Volume 1 (1855–1873). Edited by Frederick Anderson, Michael B. Frank, and Kenneth M. Sanderson. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

N&J2. 1975. Mark Twain’s Notebooks & Journals, Volume 2 (1877–1883). Edited by Frederick Anderson, Lin Salamo, and Bernard Stein. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

NBuBE [formerly NBu]. Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, Buffalo, N.Y.

NBuU-PO. State University of New York at Buffalo, Poetry Library, Buffalo, N.Y.

Neff, Andrew Love. 1940. History of Utah 1847 to 1869. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press.

Neville, Amelia Ransome. 1932. The Fantastic City: Memoirs of the Social and Romantic Life of Old San Francisco. Edited and revised by Virginia Brastow. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.

[begin page 1049]

Newman, Mary Richardson [May Wentworth, pseud.], ed. 1867. Poetry of the Pacific: Selections and Original Poems from the Poets of the Pacific States. San Francisco: Pacific Publishing Company.

NhD. Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.

NHyF. Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.

NN. New York Public Library, New York, N.Y.

NN-BGC [formerly NN-B]. New York Public Library, Albert A. and Henry W. Berg Collection, New York, N.Y.

Nomad [pseud.]. 1862. “Letter from Humboldt, N. T.” Letter dated 17 September. Sacramento Union, 23 September, 1.

NPV. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

NRU. University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.

Nv-Ar. Nevada State Library, Division of State Archives, Carson City, Nev.

NvHi. Nevada State Historical Society, Reno, Nev.

NvU. University of Nevada, Reno, Nev.

NvU-NSP. Nevada State Papers (microform archive), University of Nevada, Reno, Nev.

Nye-Starr, Kate. 1888. A Self-Sustaining Woman; or, The Experience of Seventy-two Years. Chicago: Illinois Printing and Binding Company.

OC. 1861. “From Nevada Territory.” Letter dated 19 August, signed “Carson.” St. Louis Missouri Democrat, 16 September, 1, clipping in Scrapbook 1:40, CU-MARK. Reprinted in Rogers 1961, 47–49.

OCi. Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Cincinnati, Ohio. [MARC: OC.]

OClRC. Rowfant Club, Cleveland, Ohio.

OClWHi. Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio.

ODaU. University of Dayton, Roesch Library, Dayton, Ohio.

O'Dea, Thomas F. 1957. The Mormons. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Odell, George C. D. 1927–49. Annals of the New York Stage. 15 vols. New York: Columbia University Press.

O'Donnell, Sheryl. 1963–64. “Notes for chapters 7–11 of Roughing It.” Unpublished paper, John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio. Courtesy of John Melton.

OED. 1989. The Oxford English Dictionary. 2d ed. Prepared by J. A. Simpson and E. S. C. Weiner. 20 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

[begin page 1050]

“Official Correspondence.” 1861–64. Official letters sent by Secretary Orion Clemens, Nv-Ar.

Ogden, Richard L. [Podgers, pseud.]. 1866. “Podgers’ Letter from New York.” Letter dated 10 December 1865. San Francisco Alta California, 10 January, 1.

Ohles, John F., ed. 1978. Biographical Dictionary of American Educators. 3 vols. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.

OLC. Olivia (Livy) Langdon Clemens.

Olson, Gunder Einer. 1944. The Story of the Volcano House. 3d ed. Hilo, Hawaii: Hilo Tribune Herald.

Paher, Stanley W. 1970. Nevada Ghost Towns & Mining Camps. Berkeley: Howell-North Books.

PAM. Pamela Ann Moffett.

Parker, Hershel. 1973. “Regularizing Accidentals: The Latest Form of Heresy.” Proof 3:1–20.

Pasko, Wesley Washington. 1894. American Dictionary of Printing and Bookmaking. New York: Howard Lockwood and Co. Citations are to the 1967 reprint edition, Detroit: Gale Research Company.

Paul, Almarin B. [Cosmos, pseud.]. 1864. “Affairs in Washoe.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 25 May, 1.

PBL. Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.

PH. Photocopy.

Phillips, Michael J. 1920. “Mark Twain’s Partner.” Saturday Evening Post 193 (11 September): 22–23, 69–70, 73–74.

Poe, Edgar Allan. 1978. Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Edited by Thomas Ollive Mabbott. 3 vols. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Presbrey, Frank. 1929. The History and Development of Advertising. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran and Co. Citations are to the 1968 reprint edition, New York: Greenwood Press.

Pukui, Mary Kawena, and Samuel H. Elbert. 1971. Hawaiian Dictionary. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Pukui, Mary Kawena, Samuel H. Elbert, and Esther T. Mookini. 1974. Place Names of Hawaii. Rev. and enl. ed. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii.

Putnam, C. A. V. 1898. “Dan De Quille and Mark Twain: Reminiscences by an Old Associate Editor of Virginia City, Nevada.” Salt Lake City Tribune, 25 April, 3.

Quartz [pseud.]. 1863. “Letter from Nevada Territory.” Letter dated 1 February. San Francisco Alta California, 8 February, 1.

[begin page 1051]

Rabb, Kate Milner, ed. 1907. The Wit and Humor of America. 5 vols. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co.

Rambler [pseud.].

1862. “Mining Prospects as Represented.” Letter dated 12 September. San Francisco Alta California, 17 September, 1.

1863. “Letter from Nevada Territory.” Letter dated 28 June. San Francisco Alta California, 11 July, 1.

Ransome, Frederick Leslie. 1909. Notes on Some Mining Districts in Humboldt County Nevada. United States Geological Survey Bulletin no. 414. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.

Rawls, James J., ed. 1980. Dan De Quille of the Big Bonanza. San Francisco: Book Club of California.

Reade, A. Arthur, ed. 1883. Study and Stimulants; or, The Use of Intoxicants and Narcotics in Relation to Intellectual Life. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co.

Reade, Charles. 1859. Love Me Little, Love Me Long. New York: Harper and Brothers.

Reid, James D. 1886. The Telegraph in America and Morse Memorial. New York: John Polhemus.

Remy, Jules, and Julius Brenchley. 1861. A Journey to Great-Salt-Lake City. 2 vols. London: W. Jeffs.

Reports. 1868. Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of California. Vol. 4. San Francisco: Sumner Whitney.

RI 1972. 1972. Roughing It. Edited by Franklin R. Rogers and Paul Baender. The Works of Mark Twain. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press.

Rice, Harvey. 1870. Letters from the Pacific Slope; or, First Impressions. New York: D. Appleton and Co.

Rich, Russell R. 1972. Ensign to the Nations: A History of the Church from 1846 to the Present. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Publications.

Richardson, Albert Deane. 1869. Beyond the Mississippi: From the Great River to the Great Ocean. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Hartford: American Publishing Company. First published in 1867.

Ringwalt, J. Luther, ed. 1871. American Encyclopaedia of Printing. Philadelphia: Menamin and Ringwalt.

Ripley, George. 1873. “New Publications.” New York Tribune, 31 January, 6.

Robinson, Forrest G. 1980. “Seeing the Elephant: Some Perspectives on Mark Twain’s Roughing It.American Studies 21 (Fall): 43–64.

[begin page 1052]

Rodecape, Lois Foster. 1942. “Tom Maguire, Napoleon of the Stage.” California Historical Society Quarterly 21 (March): 39–74.

Rogers, Franklin R.

1957. “Washoe’s First Literary Journal.” California Historical Society Quarterly 36 (December): 365–70.

1960. Mark Twain’s Burlesque Patterns. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press.

Rogers, Franklin R., ed. 1961. The Pattern for Mark Twain’s Roughing It: Letters from Nevada by Samuel and Orion Clemens, 1861–1862. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Root, Frank A., and William Elsey Connelley. 1901. The Overland Stage to California. Topeka, Kans.: Published by the Authors. Citations are to the 1970 reprint edition, Glorieta, N.Mex.: Rio Grande Press.

Roper, Gordon. 1966. “Mark Twain and His Canadian Publishers: A Second Look.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 5:30–89.

Rowell, George P. 1869. Geo. P. Rowell & Co’s American Newspaper Directory. New York: George P. Rowell and Co.

Rowlette, Robert. 1973. “ ‘Mark Ward on Artemus Twain’: Twain’s Literary Debt to Ward.” American Literary Realism 6 (Winter): 13–25.

RPB-JH. Brown University, John Hay Library of Rare Books and Special Collections, Providence, R.I.

Rusling, James F. 1875. Across America: or, The Great West and the Pacific Coast. New York: Sheldon and Co.

Russell, Israel C. 1889. Quaternary History of Mono Valley, California. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.

Sage Brush [pseud.]. 1864. “Humboldt Correspondence.” Letter dated 11 February. Undated clipping from the Oroville (Calif.) Union Record, Bancroft Scraps, Set W (Nevada Mining), 94:1:208–9, CU-BANC.

Sahab [pseud.]. 1863. “The Esmeralda Region.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 3 February, 1. Letter dated 24 January.

S&B. 1967. Mark Twain’s Satires & Burlesques. Edited by Franklin R. Rogers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Sandburg, Carl. 1927. The American Songbag. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Co.

Sandmeyer, Elmer Clarence. 1939. The Anti-Chinese Movement in California. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Sanger, George P., ed. 1871. The Statutes at Large and Proclamations of the United States of America, from December 1869 to March 1871, and Treaties and Postal Conventions. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co.

Schindler, Harold. 1983. Orrin Porter Rockwell: Man of God, Son of Thunder. 2d ed. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.

[begin page 1053]

Scott, Edward B. 1968. The Saga of the Sandwich Islands. Crystal Bay, Nev.: Sierra-Tahoe Publishing Company.

Sheldon, Addison E. 1930. “Old Fort Kearny,” an appendix to Lillian M. Willman, “The History of Fort Kearny.” Publications of the Nebraska State Historical Society 21: 211–318.

Shinn, Charles Howard. 1896. The Story of the Mine, as Illustrated by the Great Comstock Lode of Nevada. New York: D. Appleton and Co.

Shuck, Oscar T., ed. 1870. Representative and Leading Men of the Pacific. San Francisco: Bacon and Co.

Shuck, Oscar T., et al., eds. 1875. Sketches of Leading and Representative Men of San Francisco. London: London and New York Publishing Company.

Simmons, A. J. 1861. “The Humboldt Mines.” Sacramento Union, 15 November, 1.

Singer, Isidore, ed. 1901–6. The Jewish Encyclopedia. 12 vols. New York and London: Funk and Wagnalls Company.

SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens).

1861. “Nevada Correspondence.” Keokuk Gate City, 20 November, 2. Letter dated 26 October. Reprinted in L1, 136–40.

1862a. “Model Letter from Nevada.” Letter dated 30 January. Keokuk Gate City, 6 March, 4. Reprinted in L1, 146–52.

1862b. Letter dated 20 March. Keokuk Gate City, 25 June, 1. Reprinted in L1, 174–80.

1862c [attributed]. “Late from Washoe.” Sacramento Union, 22 July, 2. Reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 20 July, not extant.

1862d [attributed]. “A Gale.” Oroville (Calif.) Butte Record, 11 October, 2, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 1 October. Reprinted in ET&S1, 389.

1862e [attributed]. “The Indian Troubles on the Overland Route.” Marysville (Calif.) Appeal, 5 October, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 1 October. Reprinted in ET&S1, 390–91.

1862f [attributed]. “More Indian Troubles.” Marysville (Calif.) Appeal, 5 October, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 1 October. Reprinted in ET&S1, 391.

1862g. “The Spanish Mine.” Oroville (Calif.) Butte Record, 1 November, 1, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of unknown date, probably late October. Reprinted in ET&S1, 160–66.

1862h. “Letter from Carson.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 12 December, clipping in Scrapbook 1:60, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTEnt, 38–41.

[begin page 1054]

1862i [attributed]. “Particulars of the Assassination of Jack Williams.” San Francisco Morning Call, 14 December, 2, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 10–12 December.

1862j [attributed]. “Blown Down.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 30 or 31 December, clipping in Scrapbook 4:14, CU-MARK. Reprinted in ET&S1, 393–94.

1863a. “The Spanish.” Undated clipping from the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise (probably 12 or 22 February), Grant Smith Papers, carton 3, box 4, CU-BANC. Reprinted in ET&S1, 167–68.

1863b. “Silver Bars—How Assayed.” Stockton (Calif.) Independent, 26 February, 1, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 17–22 February. Reprinted in ET&S1, 210–14.

1863c. “City Marshal Perry.” Rabb 1907, 5: 1809–13, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 4 March. Reprinted in ET&S1, 233–38.

1863d. See SLC 1864c2.

1863e. “ ‘Mark Twain’s’ Letter.” Letter dated 5 July. San Francisco Morning Call, 9 July, 1. ET&S1, 254–58.

1863f. “ ‘Mark Twain’s’ Letter.” Letter dated 12 July. San Francisco Morning Call, 15 July, 1. Twainian 11 (January–February 1952): 2–3.

1863g. “ ‘Mark Twain’s’ Letter.” Letter dated 16 July. San Francisco Morning Call, 18 July, 1. Twainian 11 (January–February 1952): 3.

1863h [attributed]. “Particulars of the Recent ‘Cave’ of the Mexican and Ophir Mines.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 21 July, 1, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 16 July.

1863i. “ ‘Mark Twain’s’ Letter.” Letter dated 19 July. San Francisco Morning Call, 23 July, 1. Twainian 11 (January–February 1952): 3–4.

1863j [attributed]. Extracts published in Mining and Scientific Press 6 (27 July): 1, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 14–17 July.

1863k. “ ‘Mark Twain’s’ Letter.” Letter dated 2 August. San Francisco Morning Call, 6 August, 1. Partly reprinted in Chester L. Davis 1944, 5.

1863l. “ ‘Mark Twain’s’ Letter.” Letter dated 8 August. San Francisco Morning Call, 13 August, 1. Twainian 11 (March–April 1952): 3.

1863m. “Letter from Mark Twain.” Letter dated “Tuesday Afternoon” [18 August]. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 19 August, clipping in Scrapbook 2:62, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTEnt, 66–70.

1863n [attributed]. “Ye Bulletin Cyphereth.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 27 August, clipping in Scrapbook 2: 70, CU-MARK. Reprinted in ET&S1, 414–17.

[begin page 1055]

1863o. “The Virginia City Fire.” Dispatch dated 28 August. San Francisco Morning Call, 29 August. Reprinted in CofC, 287.

1863p. “ ‘Mark Twain’s’ Letter.” Letter dated 20 August. San Francisco Morning Call, 30 August, Supplement, 1. Reprinted in ET&S1, 277–83.

1863q. “Jack McNabb Shooting Policeman.” Dispatch dated 2 September. San Francisco Morning Call, 3 September, 1. Reprinted in CofC, 287.

1863r. “Bigler vs. Tahoe.” San Francisco Golden Era 11 (13 September): 3, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 4–5 September. Reprinted in ET&S1, 288–90.

1863s. “How to Cure a Cold.” San Francisco Golden Era 11 (20 September): 8. Reprinted in ET&S1, 296–303.

1863t. “Mark Twain—More of Him.” San Francisco Golden Era 11 (27 September): 3, reprinting (with an addition) the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 21–24 June. Reprinted in ET&S1, 304–12.

1863u. “The Lick House Ball.” San Francisco Golden Era 11 (27 September): 4. Reprinted in ET&S1, 313–19.

1863v. “The Great Prize Fight.” San Francisco Golden Era 11 (11 October): 8. Reprinted in Walker 1938, 24–31.

1863w. “First Annual Fair of the Washoe Agricultural, Mining and Mechanical Society.” Letter dated 19 October. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 20 October, clipping in Scrapbook 2:99–101, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTEnt, 80–86.

1863x [attributed]. Letter from Dayton, written between November 1863 and February 1864. Glasscock, 122–23, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of unknown date, sometime between November 1863 and March 1864. Reprinted in ET&S1, 41.

1863y. “Letter from Mark Twain.” Letter dated 12 December. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 15 December, clipping in Scrapbook 3:42–43, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTEnt, 95–100.

1864a. “Doings in Nevada.” Letter dated 4 January. New York Sunday Mercury, 7 February, 3. Reprinted in MTEnt, 121–26.

1864b. “Legislative Proceedings. ... House—Thirty-first Day.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 12 February, clipping in Scrapbook 3:106, CU-MARK. Partly reprinted in MTEnt, 154–55.

1864c. “Letter from Mark Twain.” Letter dated “Monday” [25 April]. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 28 April, clipping in Scrapbook 3:144, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTEnt, 178–82.

1864c2. “Frightful Accident to Dan De Quille.” San Francisco Golden Era 12 (1 May): 5, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 20 April. Reprinted in ET&S1, 357–61.

1864d [attributed]. “Grand Austin Sanitary Flour-Sack Progress through Storey and Lyon Counties.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 19 May, 5, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 17 May, not extant.

[begin page 1056]

1864e [attributed]. “Travels and Fortunes of the Great Austin Sack of Flour.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 20 May, 1, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 18 May, not extant.

1864f. “Washoe.—‘Information Wanted.’ ” San Francisco Golden Era 12 (22 May): 5, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 1–14 May. Reprinted in ET&S1, 365–71.

1864g [attributed]. “Anticipating the Gridley Flour-Sack History.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 26 May, 2, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of unknown date, probably mid-May.

1864h. “ ‘Mark Twain’ in the Metropolis.” San Francisco Golden Era 12 (26 June): 3, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 17–23 June. Reprinted in ET&S2, 9–12.

1864i. “The Evidence in the Case of Smith vs. Jones.” San Francisco Golden Era 12 (26 June): 4. Reprinted in ET&S2, 13–21.

1864j. “Early Rising, As Regards Excursions to the Cliff House.” San Francisco Golden Era 12 (3 July): 4. Reprinted in ET&S2, 22–30.

1864k [attributed]. “Stocks Down.” San Francisco Morning Call, 28 July, 3.

1864l [attributed]. “What Goes with the Money?” San Francisco Morning Call, 19 August, 2. Reprinted in ET&S2, 454–55.

1864m. “The New Chinese Temple.” San Francisco Morning Call, 19 August, 3. Reprinted in ET&S2, 38–43, and in CofC, 77–80.

1864n [attributed]. “Suit against a Mining Superintendent.” San Francisco Morning Call, 20 August, clipping in Scrapbook 5:41, CU-MARK.

1864o. “The Chinese Temple.” San Francisco Morning Call, 21 August, 1. Reprinted in ET&S2, 44, and in CofC, 81.

1864p. “The New Chinese Temple.” San Francisco Morning Call, 23 August, 3. Reprinted in ET&S2, 45–46, and in CofC, 81–83.

1864q. “Supernatural Impudence.” San Francisco Morning Call, 24 August, 2. Reprinted in ET&S2, 47–48, and in CofC, 84.

1864r [attributed]. “The Californian.” San Francisco Morning Call, 4 September, 3. Reprinted in ET&S2, 470.

1864s. “Answer to a Mining Company’s Suit.” San Francisco Morning Call, 28 September, 1.

1864t. “A Notable Conundrum.” Californian 1 (1 October): 9. Reprinted in ET&S2, 66–71.

1864u. “Concerning the Answer to That Conundrum.” Californian 1 (8 October): 1. Reprinted in ET&S2, 72–78.

1864v. “Still Further Concerning That Conundrum.” Californian 1 (15 October): 1. Reprinted in ET&S2, 79–85.

[begin page 1057]

1864w. “Whereas.” Californian 1 (22 October): 1. Reprinted in ET&S2, 88–93, and in part as “Aurelia’s Unfortunate Young Man” in SLC 1867a, 20–25.

1864x. “A Touching Story of George Washington’s Boyhood.” Californian 1 (29 October): 1. Reprinted in ET&S2, 94–99.

1864y. “Daniel in the Lion’s Den—and Out Again All Right.” Californian 1 (5 November): 9. Reprinted in ET&S2, 100–107.

1864z. “The Killing of Julius Cæsar ‘Localized.’ ” Californian 1 (12 November): 1. Reprinted in ET&S2, 108–15.

1864aa. “A Full and Reliable Account of the Extraordinary Meteoric Shower of Last Saturday Night.” Californian 1 (19 November): 9. Reprinted in ET&S2, 116–24.

1864bb. “Lucretia Smith’s Soldier.” Californian 2 (3 December): 9. Reprinted in ET&S2, 125–33.

1865a. “An Unbiased Criticism.” Californian 2 (18 March): 8–9. Reprinted in ET&S2, 134–43.

1865b. “San Francisco’s New Toy.” San Francisco Morning Call, 16 May, 1, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of unknown date, sometime after 6 April.

1865c. “Important Correspondence.” Californian 2 (6 May): 9. Reprinted in ET&S2, 144–56.

1865d. “Further of Mr. Mark Twain’s Important Correspondence.” Californian 2 (13 May): 9. Reprinted in ET&S2, 157–62.

1865e. “How I Went to the Great Race Between Lodi and Norfolk.” Californian 3 (27 May): 9. Reprinted in ET&S2, 163–68.

1865f. “A Voice for Setchell.” Californian 3 (27 May): 9. Reprinted in ET&S2, 169–73.

1865g. “Advice for Good Little Boys.” San Francisco California Youths’ Companion 2 (3 June): 213. Reprinted in ET&S2, 240–42 (misdated 1 July).

1865h. “Answers to Correspondents.” Californian 3 (3 June): 4. Reprinted in ET&S2, 177–80.

1865i. “Answers to Correspondents.” Californian 3 (10 June): 9. Reprinted in ET&S2, 182–86.

1865j. “Answers to Correspondents.” Californian 3 (17 June): 4. Reprinted in ET&S2, 189–96.

1865k. “Enthusiastic Eloquence.” San Francisco Dramatic Chronicle, 23 June, 2. Reprinted in ET&S2, 233–35.

1865l. “Advice for Good Little Girls.” San Francisco California Youths’ Companion 2 (24 June): 237. Reprinted in ET&S2, 243–45 (misdated 1 or 8 July).

[begin page 1058]

1865m. “Answers to Correspondents.” Californian 3 (24 June): 4. Reprinted in ET&S2, 200–207.

1865n. “Just ‘One More Unfortunate.’ ” Downieville (Calif.) Mountain Messenger, 1 July, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 27–30 June. Reprinted in ET&S2, 236–39.

1865o. “Answers to Correspondents.” Californian 3 (1 July): 4–5. Reprinted in ET&S2, 211–18.

1865p. “Mark Twain on the Colored Man.” San Francisco Golden Era 13 (23 July): 2, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 7–19 July. Reprinted in ET&S2, 246–49.

1865q. “Answers to Correspondents.” Californian 3 (8 July): 4–5. Reprinted in ET&S2, 221–32.

1865r. “The Facts.” Californian 3 (26 August): 5. Reprinted in ET&S2, 250–61.

1865s. “The Cruel Earthquake.” Gold Hill News, 13 October, 2, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 10–11 October. Reprinted in ET&S2, 289–93.

1865t. “Popper Defieth Ye Earthquake.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 15–31 October, clipping in the Yale Scrapbook, CtY-BR, 38A–39. Reprinted in ET&S2, 294–96.

1865u. “Earthquake Almanac.” San Francisco Dramatic Chronicle, 17 October, 3. Reprinted in ET&S2, 297–99.

1865v. “Real Estate versus Imaginary Possessions, Poetically Considered.” Californian 3 (28 October): 5.

1865w. “ ‘Mark Twain’ On the Ballad Infliction.” Californian 3 (4 November): 7, reprinting the Territorial Enterprise of 28 October–2 November. Reprinted in Benson, 194–95.

1865x. “San Francisco Correspondence.” Letter dated 8 November. Napa (Calif.) Napa County Reporter, 11 November, 2.

1865y. “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog.” New York Saturday Press 4 (18 November): 248–49. Reprinted in ET&S2, 262–72, 282–88.

1865z. “ ‘Mark Twain’ on the Launch of the Steamer ‘Capital.’ ” Californian 3 (18 November): 9. Reprinted in ET&S2, 359–66.

1865aa. “The Great Earthquake in San Francisco.” New York Weekly Review 16 (25 November): 5. Reprinted in ET&S2, 300–310.

1865bb. “Mark Twain’s Letters. Number 1.” Letter dated 23 November. Napa (Calif.) Napa County Reporter, 25 November, 2. Reprinted partly in ET&S2, 371–75.

1865cc. “Mark Twain’s Letters.” Letter dated 30 November. Napa (Calif.) Napa County Reporter, 2 December, 2. Reprinted partly in ET&S2, 380–84.

[begin page 1059]

1865dd. “The Christmas Fireside.” Californian 4 (23 December): 4. Reprinted in ET&S2, 405–10.

1865ee. “Enigma.” Californian 4 (23 December): 4. Reprinted in ET&S2, 411–12.

1865ff. “San Francisco Letter.” Letter dated 23 December. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 26–28 December, clipping in YSMT, 55–56. Reprinted partly in ET&S2, 413–15.

1866a. “San Francisco Letter.” Letter dated 29 December 1865. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 3 January.

1866b. “Romance in Real Life.” Redwood City San Mateo County Gazette, 6 January, 1, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 2–4 January.

1866c. “San Francisco Letter.” Letter dated 28 January. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 30–31 January.

1866d. “San Francisco Letter.” Letter dated 12 February. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 15–16 February.

1866e. “An Open Letter to the American People.” New York Weekly Review 17 (17 February): 1.

1866f. “San Francisco Letter.” Letter dated 23 February. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 25–28 February, clipping in YSMT, 42–42A.

1866g. “Letter from Mark Twain.” Letter dated 25 February. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 27 February–1 March, clipping in YSMT, 39.

1866h. “The Mysterious Bottle of Whiskey.” New York Saturday Press 5 (3 March): 3.

1866i. “San Francisco to Sandwich Islands—No. 1.” Letter dated 18 March. Sacramento Union, 16 April, 5, clippings in Scrapbook 6:107–8 and Scrapbook 7:37, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 262–64.

1866j. “San Francisco to Sandwich Islands—No. 2.” Letter dated 19 March. Sacramento Union, 17 April, 2, clippings in Scrapbook 6:108 and Scrapbook 7:37–39, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 265–69.

1866k. “San Francisco to Sandwich Islands—No. 3.” Letter dated March. Sacramento Union, 18 April, 2, clippings in Scrapbook 6:109 and Scrapbook 7:39–41, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 270–73.

1866l. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 4.” Letter dated March. Sacramento Union, 19 April, 2, clippings in Scrapbook 6:109–10 and Scrapbook 7:41–43, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 274–78.

1866m. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 5.” Letter dated March. Sacramento Union, 20 April, 2, clippings in Scrapbook 6:110–11 and Scrapbook 7:43, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 279–83.

[begin page 1060]

1866n. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 6.” Letter dated March. Sacramento Union, 21 April, 3, clippings in Scrapbook 6:111–12 and Scrapbook 7:43–47, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 284–90.

1866o. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 7.” Letter dated March. Sacramento Union, 24 April, 4, clipping in Scrapbook 6:112–13, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 291–95.

1866p. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 8.” Letter dated April. Sacramento Union, 21 May, 3. Reprinted in MTH, 296–301.

1866q. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 9.” Sacramento Union, 22 May, 3, clipping in Scrapbook 6:113–14, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 302–7.

1866r. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 10.” Sacramento Union, 23 May, 3, clipping in Scrapbook 6:114–15, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 308–12.

1866s. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 11.” Sacramento Union, 24 May, 3, clipping in Scrapbook 6:115–16, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 313–17.

1866t. “A Strange Dream.” Saturday Press 5 (2 June): 1–2.

1866u. “At the Volcano.” Entry dated 7 June in the Volcano House Register (q.v.). The two leaves containing the entry (pp. 75–78) were removed from the book sometime after 1912 and are now lost, but its text survives in two transcriptions. Published in MTH, 126–27.

1866v. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 12.” Letter dated 23 May. Sacramento Union, 20 June, 1, clipping in Scrapbook 6:116–17, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 318–22.

1866w. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 13.” Letter dated 23 May. Sacramento Union, 21 June, 3, clipping in Scrapbook 6:117–18, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 323–27.

1866x. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 13.” Letter dated 22 June, number 14 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 16 July, 3, clipping in Scrapbook 6:118–19, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 328–34.

1866y. “Letter from Honolulu.” Letter dated 25 June, number 15 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 19 July, 1, clipping in Scrapbook 6:119–21, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 335–47.

1866z. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 14.” Letter dated 30 June, number 16 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 30 July, 1, clipping in Scrapbook 6:121–22, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 348–55.

1866aa. “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 15.” Letter dated 1 July, number 17 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 1 August, 1, clipping in Scrapbook 6:122–23, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 356–64.

[begin page 1061]

1866bb. “Letter from Honolulu.” Letter dated July, number 18 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 18 August, 1. Reprinted in MTH, 365–71.

1866cc. “From the Sandwich Islands.” Letter dated July, number 19 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 24 August, 3. Reprinted in MTH, 372–78.

1866dd. [“The Moral Phenomenon.”] Californian 5 (25 August): 9.

1866ee. “From the Sandwich Islands.” Letter dated 1866, number 20 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 30 August, 3. Reprinted in MTH, 379–83.

1866ff. “From the Sandwich Islands.” Letter dated July, number 21 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 6 September, 3. Reprinted in MTH, 384–90.

1866gg. “From the Sandwich Islands.” Letter dated July, number 22 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 22 September, 1. Reprinted in MTH, 391–97.

1866hh. “From the Sandwich Islands.” Letter dated 10 September, number 23 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 26 September, 1. Reprinted in MTH, 398–407.

1866ii. “How, For Instance?” New York Weekly Review 17 (29 September): 1.

1866jj. “Origin of Illustrious Men.” Californian 5 (29 September): 8.

1866kk. Miscellaneous Sandwich Islands lecture notes and drafts. MS of eighty-seven pages, written for the 2 October lecture in San Francisco, CU-MARK. Partly published in MTS, 7–20.

1866ll. Advertisement, San Francisco Dramatic Chronicle, 2 October, 3. Reprinted in MTB, 1:292.

1866mm. “An Epistle from Mark Twain.” Letter dated 24 September. Honolulu Hawaiian Herald, 17 October, 1. Reprinted in MTH, 460–6.

1866nn. “From the Sandwich Islands.” Letter dated June, number 24 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 25 October, 1. Reprinted as “Letter from Mark Twain in the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 27 October, 1; also reprinted in MTH, 408–15.

1866oo. “Card to the Highwaymen.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 11 November, 3.

1866pp. “Letter from Honolulu.” Letter dated 3 June, number 25 in the sequence. Sacramento Union 16 November, 1. Reprinted in MTH, 416–20.

[begin page 1062]

1866qq. “Forty-three Days in an Open Boat.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 34 (December): 104–13.

1866rr. “Mark Twain’s Interior Notes—No. 2.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 6 December, 1. Reprinted in Benson, 204–7.

1867a. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and Other Sketches. Edited by John Paul. New York: C. H. Webb.

1867b. “Letter from ‘Mark Twain.’ Number 2.” Letter dated 20 December 1866 on “Steamer ‘Columbia.’ ” San Francisco Alta California, 22 February, 1. Reprinted in MTTB, 20–27.

1867c. “Letter from ‘Mark Twain.’ Number 3.” Letter dated 23 December 1866. San Francisco Alta California, 24 February, 1. Reprinted in MTTB, 28–33.

1867d. “Letter from ‘Mark Twain.’ Number IV.” Letter dated “Christmas Eve” 1866. San Francisco Alta California, 15 March, 1. Reprinted in MTTB, 34–45.

1867e. “Letter from ‘Mark Twain.’ [No. 14.]” Letter dated 16 April. San Francisco Alta California, 26 May, 1. Reprinted in MTTB, 141–48.

1867f. “Letter from ‘Mark Twain.’ [No. 15.]” Letter dated 19 April. San Francisco Alta California, 2 June, 1. Reprinted in part in MTTB, 149–58.

1867g. “Letter from ‘Mark Twain.’ [No. 18.]” Letter dated 18 May. San Francisco Alta California, 23 June, 1. Reprinted in part in MTTB, 180–91.

1867h. “Letter from ‘Mark Twain.’ [No. 20.]” Letter dated 20 May. San Francisco Alta California, 7 July, 1. Reprinted in MTTB, 202–13.

1867i. “Letter from ‘Mark Twain.’ [No. 22.]” Letter dated 26 May. San Francisco Alta California, 21 July, 1. Reprinted in MTTB, 226–37.

1867j. “Letter from ‘Mark Twain.’ [No. 25.]” Letter dated 5 June. San Francisco Alta California, 11 August, 1. Reprinted in MTTB, 259–69.

1867k. “The Holy Land Excursion. Letter from ‘Mark Twain.’ [Number Twenty-eight.]” Letter dated 12 September. San Francisco Alta California, 4 December, 1. Reprinted in TIA, 183–88.

1868a. “Mark Twain’s Letters from Washington. Number II.” Letter dated 16 December 1867. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 7 January, no page, PH in Willard S. Morse Collection, CtY-BR.

1868b. “Letter from ‘Mark Twain.’ Home Again.” Letter dated 20 November 1867. San Francisco Alta California, 8 January, 1. TIA, 309–13.

1868c. “Assaying in Nevada.” Incomplete MS of nineteen pages, written sometime in May, catalogued as A3, NPV. Bracketed words within quotations were supplied by a twelve-page typed transcript containing readings no longer visible in the MS, also catalogued as A3, NPV.

[begin page 1063]

1868d. “I Rise to a Question of Privilege.” MS of fifteen pages, written ca. 18–23 May for the San Francisco News Letter and California Advertiser, although left unpublished, a discussion of reverence versus ridicule, catalogued as A15, NPV.

1868e. “Letter from Mark Twain.” Letter dated 2 May. Chicago Republican, 31 May, 2.

1868f. “Remarkable Sagacity of a Cat.” MS of four pages, probably written in June, catalogued as A4, NPV.

1868g. “The Treaty with China.” New York Tribune, 4 August, 1–2.

1868h. “Letter from Mark Twain.” Letter dated 17 August. Chicago Republican, 23 August, 2.

1868i. “Cannibalism in the Cars.” Broadway: A London Magazine, n.s. 1 (November): 189–94.

1868j. “Private Habits of Horace Greeley.” New York Spirit of the Times 19 (7 November): 192.

1869a. The Innocents Abroad; or, The New Pilgrims’ Progress. Hartford: American Publishing Company.

1869b. “The White House Funeral.” Written on 7 March for the New York Tribune, but not then published. One sheet of Tribune galley proof, CU-MARK. Published in L3, 458–66.

1869c. “Scenery.” MS of eleven pages, written ca. July as part of a lecture to be called “Curiosities of California,” formerly catalogued as DV17, CU-MARK. Published in Wecter 1948, 13–17.

1869d. “People and Things.” Buffalo Express, 18 August, 2.

1869e. “A Day at Niagara.” Buffalo Express, 21 August, 1–2.

1869f. “People and Things.” Buffalo Express, 24 August, 2.

1869g. “L’Homme Qui Rit.” MS of twenty-two pages, written ca. September, CU-MARK. Published in S&B, 40–48.

1869h. “People and Things.” Buffalo Express, 4 September, 2.

1869i. “The Last Words of Great Men.” Buffalo Express, 11 September, 1.

1869j. Letter dated 11 October to the California Pioneers, in “The California Pioneers.” New York Tribune, 14 October, 5. Reprinted in L3, 370–74.

1869k. “Around the World. Letter No. One.” Letter dated 10 October. Buffalo Express, 16 October, 1.

1869l. “Around the World. Letter No. 2. Adventures in Hayti.” Letter dated 5 October. Buffalo Express, 30 October, 1.

1869m. “Around the World. Letter No. 3. California—Continued.” Undated letter. Buffalo Express, 13 November, 1.

[begin page 1064]

1869n. “Around the World. Letter Number 4. California—Continued.” Undated letter. Buffalo Express, 11 December, 2.

1869o. “Around the World. Letter Number 5. California—Continued.” Undated letter. Buffalo Express, 18 December, 2.

1870a. “Around the World. Letter Number 6. ‘Early Days’ in Nevada.” Undated letter. Buffalo Express, 8 January, 2–3.

1870b. “Around the World. Letter Number 7. Pacific Coast—Concluded.” Undated letter. Buffalo Express, 22 January, 2.

1870c. “Around the World. Letter Number 8. Dining with a Cannibal.” Letter dated 20 November 1869. Buffalo Express, 29 January, 2.

[For “Around the World” letters 9 and 10 see Ford, Darius R.]

1870d. “A Big Thing.” Buffalo Express, 12 March, 2. Reprinted in McCullough and McIntire-Strasburg, 161–66.

1870e. “The Facts in the Great Land Slide Case.” Buffalo Express, 2 April, 2.

1870f. “Disgraceful Persecution of a Boy.” Galaxy 9 (May): 722–24.

1870g. Untitled MS of seven pages, written ca. 14 May–8 June, labeled “Chinese Labor &c” by Albert Bigelow Paine, CU-MARK. Published in Wecter 1948, 24–26.

1870h. “A Couple of Sad Experiences.” Galaxy 9 (June): 858–61.

1870i. “John Chinaman in New York.” Galaxy 10 (September): 426.

1870j. “The Noble Red Man.” Galaxy 10 (September): 426–29.

1870k. “Science vs. Luck.” Galaxy 10 (October): 574–75.

1870l. “Goldsmith’s Friend Abroad Again.” Galaxy 10 (October, November): 569–71, 727–31.

1870m. “Riley—Newspaper Correspondent.” Galaxy 10 (November): 726–27.

1870n. “Favors from Correspondents.” Galaxy 10 (December): 883–85.

1870o. “The Famous Sanitary Flour Sack.” Letter to the editor dated 11 December. New York Tribune, 13 December, 5.

1871a. “Goldsmith’s Friend Abroad Again.” Galaxy 11 (January): 156–58.

1871b. “About a Remarkable Stranger. Being a Sandwich Island Reminiscence.” Galaxy 11 (April): 616–18.

[begin page 1065]

1871c. “The Old-Time Pony Express of the Great Plains.” American Publisher 1 (May): 4. Extract from SLC 1872, chapter 8.

1873–74? [formerly 1873a]. “[The Arkansas Incident.]” Untitled play fragment, MS of twenty pages, a dramatization of the “Arkansas” incident in chapter 31 of Roughing It, CU-MARK.

1873b. “The Sandwich Islands.” Letter dated 3 January. New York Tribune, 6 January, 4–5. L5, 557–63. MTH, 489–94.

1873c. “The Sandwich Islands.” Letter dated 6 January. New York Tribune, 9 January, 4–5. L5, 563–73. MTH, 494–500.

1878. “Some Random Notes of an Idle Excursion.” In Punch, Brothers, Punch! and Other Sketches. New York: Slote, Woodman and Co. First published in 1877–78 in Atlantic Monthly 40 (October): 443–47; 40 (November): 586–92; 40 (December): 718–24; 41 (January): 12–19.

1884a. MS fragments, totaling eighteen pages, of an unfinished Sandwich Islands novel, CU-MARK.

1884b. “Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer among the Indians.” MS originally of 228 pages, written beginning in July, primarily in MiD (some of the MS is at other institutions, some is missing: see Inds, 372–73). Published in HH&T, 81–140, and Inds, 33–81.

1885. “The Private History of a Campaign That Failed.” Century Magazine 31 (December): 193–204. Reprinted in Budd 1992a, 863–82.

1897. “Villagers of 1840–3.” MS of forty-three leaves, written in July–August, CU-MARK. Published in Inds, 93–108.

1897–98. “My Autobiography. [Random Extracts from It.]” MS of seventy-five pages, CU-MARK. Published with omissions as “Early Days” in MTA, 1:81–115, and in full in AutoMT1, 203–20.

1899. “My Début as a Literary Person.” Century Magazine 59 (November): 76–88. Published in AutoMT1, 127–44.

1903. “As Regards the Company’s Benevolences.” TS of four pages, CU-MARK. Published in HHR, 533–34.

1905. “Joan of Arc. Address at the Dinner of the Society of Illustrators, Given at the Aldine Association Club, December 22, 1905.” MTS, 269–75.

1905–6. “The Refuge of the Derelicts.” MS of 307 pages, CU-MARK. Published in FM, 157–248.

1909. Extract from Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven. New York and London: Harper and Brothers. First published in 1907–8 in Harper’s Monthly Magazine 116 (December): 42–49; 116 (January): 266–76.

1910. “The Turning Point of My Life.” Harper’s Bazar 44 (February): 118–19. Reprinted in Budd 1992b, 929–38, and WIM, 455–64.

1912. “My Platonic Sweetheart.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine 126 (December): 14–20. Partly reprinted in MTH, 480–82.

[begin page 1066]

1982. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer . . . A Facsimile of the Author’s Holograph Manuscript. Introduction by Paul Baender. 2 vols. Frederick, Md., and Washington, D.C.: University Publications of America and Georgetown University Library.

Smith, Benjamin E. 1895. The Century Cyclopedia of Names. 2d ed. New York: Century Company.

Smith, Bradford. 1956. Yankees in Paradise: The New England Impact on Hawaii. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company.

Smith, Elizabeth H. 1965. “Reuel Colt Gridley.” Tales of the Paradise Ridge 6 (June): 11–18.

Smith, Grant H. 1943. The History of the Comstock Lode, 1850–1920. University of Nevada Bulletin, Geology and Mining Series No. 37. Reno: Nevada State Bureau of Mines and the Mackay School of Mines.

Smith, Henry Nash.

1959. Introduction to Roughing It. New York: Harper and Brothers.

1962. Mark Twain: The Development of a Writer. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Smith, Joseph. 1904. History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Period I. History of Joseph Smith, the Prophet by Himself. 7 vols. Introduction and Notes by B. H. Roberts. Salt Lake City: Deseret News.

State Historical Society of Colorado. 1972. Point of Interest. Denver: State Historical Society of Colorado.


1852. The Statutes of California, Passed at the Third Session of the Legislature. San Francisco: G. K. Fitch and V. E. Geiger and Co., State Printers.

1866. The Statutes of California, Passed at the Sixteenth Session of the Legislature, 1865–6. Sacramento: O. M. Clayes, State Printer.

1870. The Statutes of California, Passed at the Eighteenth Session of the Legislature, 1869–70. Sacramento: D. W. Gelwicks, State Printer.

1876. The Statutes of California, Passed at the Twenty-first Session of the Legislature, 1875–6. Sacramento: State Printing Office.

1878. The Statutes of California, Passed at the Twenty-second Session of the Legislature, 1877–8. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft and Co.

Stegner, Wallace. 1964. The Gathering of Zion: The Story of the Mormon Trail. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Citations are to the 1981 reprint edition, Salt Lake City and Chicago: Westwater Press.

Steinbrink, Jeffrey. 1991. Getting to Be Mark Twain. Berkeley, Los Angeles, Oxford: University of California Press.

Stevenson, Burton, comp. 1948. The Home Book of Proverbs, Maxims and Familiar Phrases. New York: Macmillan Company.

[begin page 1067]

Stewart, A. A. 1912. The Printer's Dictionary of Technical Terms. Boston: School of Printing, North End Union.

Stewart, Charles Samuel. 1839. A Residence in the Sandwich Islands. 5th ed. Boston: Weeks, Jordan and Co.

Stewart, George R.

1937. John Phoenix, Esq., the Veritable Squibob: A Life of Captain George H. Derby, U.S.A New York: Henry Holt and Co. Citations are to the 1969 reprint edition, New York: Da Capo Press.

1968. “Travelers by ‘Overland.’ ” American West 5 (July): 4–12, 61.

Stewart, William M. 1908. Reminiscences of Senator William M. Stewart. Edited by George Rothwell Brown. New York: Neale Publishing Company.

Stewart, Robert E., and Mary Frances Stewart. 1962. Adolph Sutro: A Biography. Berkeley: Howell-North Books.

Stillé, Charles J. 1866. History of the United States Sanitary Commission. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co.

Stoddard, Henry Luther. 1946. Horace Greeley: Printer, Editor, Crusader. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.

Storey County Archives. Storey County Archives, County Courthouse, Virginia City, Nev.

Sutro, Adolph. 1868. The Mineral Resources of the United States, and the Importance and Necessity of Inaugurating a Rational System of Mining, with Special Reference to the Comstock Lode and the Sutro Tunnel, in Nevada. Baltimore: John Murphy and Co.

Sutro, Theodore. 1887. The Sutro Tunnel Company and the Sutro Tunnel: Property, Income, Prospects, and Pending Litigation. New York: J. J. Little and Co.

Tanselle, G. Thomas. 1975. “Problems and Accomplishments in the Editing of the Novel.” Studies in the Novel 7 (Fall): 323–60.

Taylor, Bayard. 1862. At Home and Abroad: A Sketch-book of Life, Scenery and Men. 2d series. New York: G. P. Putnam.

“Territorial Letters Received.” 1861–64. Letters received from Secretary Orion Clemens, in “Letters Received from Territorial Officials.” Office of the First Comptroller of the Treasury Department, RG 217, Records of the General Accounting Office, DNA.

“Territorial Letters Sent.” 1861–69. Letters sent to Secretary Orion Clemens, in “Letters Sent Relating to Territorial Expenses.” Office of the First Comptroller of the Treasury Department, RG 217, Records of the General Accounting Office, DNA.

Territorial Papers. 1942. State Department Territorial Papers, Nevada Series, Vol. 1: May 13, 1861–October 31, 1864. File Microcopies of Records [begin page 1068] in the National Archives, Microcopy no. 13, roll 1. Washington, D.C.: National Archives.

Thayer, William Roscoe. 1915. The Life and Letters of John Hay. 2 vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Thomas, Frank J. 1964. Mark Twain Roughed It Here. Los Angeles: Tenfingers Press.

Thomas, Mifflin. 1983. Schooner from Windward: Two Centuries of Hawaiian Interisland Shipping. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Thompson, Robert Luther. 1947. Wiring a Continent: The History of the Telegraph Industry in the United States, 1832–1866. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

Thrapp, Dan L. 1988. Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography. 3 vols. Glendale, Calif.: Arthur H. Clark Company.

TIA. 1958. Traveling with the Innocents Abroad: Mark Twain’s Original Reports from Europe and the Holy Land. Edited by Daniel Morley McKeithan. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

Tinkham, George H. 1921. History of Stanislaus County, California. Los Angeles: Historic Record Company.

Toby, B. B. 1872. “ ‘Mark Twain.’ Biographical Sketch of the Great Humorist. Carefully Compiled from Imaginary Notes by B. B. Toby.” San Francisco Morning Call, 28 April, 1.

Townley, John M. 1980. Across Nevada with the Pony Express and Overland Stage Line. Reno: Great Basin Studies Center.

Tribute. 1883. A Tribute to the Memory of Reuel Colt Gridley. Compiled and published for the purpose of raising money to aid in building a monument to his memory, and establishing a fund for his family. Stockton, California, April 9, 1883. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft.

TS. 1980. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; Tom Sawyer Abroad; and Tom Sawyer, Detective. Edited by John C. Gerber, Paul Baender, and Terry Firkins. The Works of Mark Twain. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

TxU. University of Texas, Austin.

UkReU. University of Reading Library, Whiteknights, Reading, Berkshire, England.

Urbanek, Mae.

1974. Wyoming Place Names. 3d ed. Boulder, Colo.: Johnson Publishing Company.

1978. Ghost Trails of Wyoming. Boulder, Colo.: Johnson Publishing Company.

Van Deusen, Glyndon G. 1953. Horace Greeley: Nineteenth-Century Crusader. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Van Sickle, Henry. 1883. “Utah Desperadoes.” MS of thirteen pages, dictated at Genoa, Nevada, CU-BANC.

[begin page 1069]

Van Wagoner, Richard S. 1989. Mormon Polygamy: A History. 2d ed. Salt Lake City: Signature Books.

Van Wagoner, Richard S., and Steven C. Walker. 1982. A Book of Mormons. Salt Lake City: Signature Books.

Varigny, Charles de. 1981. Fourteen Years in the Sandwich Islands, 1855–1868. Translated by Alfons L. Korn. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii and the Hawaiian Historical Society. Modern translation of Quatorze ans aux îles Sandwich, first published in 1874.

Veni, Vidi [pseud.].

1862. “Mono County Correspondence.” Letter dated 3 July. Sacramento Bee, 12 July, 3.

1862. “Esmeralda Correspondence.” Letter dated 28 July. Sacramento Bee, 1 August, 1.

Vi. Library of Virginia, Richmond, Va.

ViU. University of Virginia, Charlottesville.

Volcano House Register. 1866. Register of visitors to the Volcano House in 1866, pp. 63–85 of volume 1. The leaves containing the entries made between 25 April and 18 July, including Clemens’s entry of 7 June, are now missing: see SLC 1866u. Original at the Volcano House, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii; PH in HU.

Waite, Mrs. Catharine V. 1868. The Mormon Prophet and His Harem; or, An Authentic History of Brigham Young, His Numerous Wives and Children. 5th ed., rev. and enl. Chicago: J. S. Goodman and Co.

Walker, Franklin.

1938. The Washoe Giant in San Francisco. San Francisco: George Fields.

1969. San Francisco’s Literary Frontier. Rev. ed. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Warner, Charles Dudley. 1872 [attributed]. “ ‘Roughing It.’ Mark Twain’s New Book.” Hartford Courant, 18 March, 1.

Watson, Margaret G. 1964. Silver Theatre: Amusements of the Mining Frontier in Early Nevada, 1850 to 1864. Glendale, Calif.: Arthur H. Clark Company.

Webb, Charles Henry [John Paul and Inigo, pseuds.].

1865. “Local Matters: An Afternoon of Blood.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 8 July, 5.

1865. “Letter from San Francisco.” Letter dated 12 July. Sacramento Union, 14 July, 2.

Webster, Noah.

1847. American Dictionary of the English Language. New York: Hurst and Co.

[begin page 1070]

1870. A Dictionary of the English Language. Rev. and enl. by Chauncey A. Goodrich and Thomas Heber Orr. 2 vols. Glasgow: William Mackenzie.

1934. Webster’s New International Dictionary of the English Language. 2d ed. Springfield, Mass.: G. and C. Merriam and Co.

Wecter, Dixon. 1952. Sam Clemens of Hannibal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, Riverside Press.

Wecter, Dixon, ed. 1948. Mark Twain in Three Moods: Three New Items of Twainiana. San Marino, Calif.: Friends of the Huntington Library. (BAL 3577).

Wedertz, Frank S. 1978. Mono Diggings. Bishop, Calif.: Chalfant Press.

Weisenburger, Francis Phelps. 1965. Idol of the West: The Fabulous Career of Rollin Mallory Daggett. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

Wells, Evelyn.

1921. “The Silver Sixties.” Chapter 5 in “The Silver Sixties: Tom Fitch’s Story of California-Nevada Comstock Days.” San Francisco Call and Post, 1 April, 15.

1921. “Fighters of Old Days.” Chapter 14 in “The Silver Sixties: Tom Fitch’s Story of California-Nevada Comstock Days.” San Francisco Call and Post, 12 April, 13.

West, George P. 1924. “Bret Harte’s ‘Roaring Camp’ Still Producing: Mother Lode Country Rich in Reminiscences of Mark Twain’s Youth.” San Francisco Call and Post, 24 May, section 2:13, 18.

Wharton, Don. 1948. “Why We Brush Our Teeth.” Reader’s Digest 53 (July): 139–42.

Wheat, Carl I. 1929. “ ‘California’s Bantam Cock’—The Journals of Charles E. De Long, 1854–1863 (Continued).” California Historical Society Quarterly 8 (December): 337–63.

Whitney, Henry M. 1875. The Hawaiian Guide Book. Honolulu: Henry M. Whitney.

Wilkes, Charles. 1844. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition. During the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. 5 vols. Philadelphia: C. Sherman.

Williams, George, III. 1986. Mark Twain: His Adventures at Aurora and Mono Lake. Riverside, Calif.: Tree By the River Publishing.

Wise, William. 1976. Massacre at Mountain Meadows: An American Legend and a Monumental Crime. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company.

Withington, Antoinette. 1953. The Golden Cloak. Honolulu: Hawaiiana Press.

Wood, John George. 1870. The Uncivilized Races, or Natural History of Man; Being a Complete Account of the Manners and Customs, and the [begin page 1071] Physical, Social and Religious Condition and Characteristics, of the Uncivilized Races of Men, throughout the Entire World. 2 vols. Hartford: American Publishing Company.

Wood, Richard Coke. 1949. Tales of Old Calaveras. Angels, Calif.: Calaveras Californian.

Worcester, Joseph E. 1863. A Dictionary of the English Language. Boston: Brewer and Tileston.

Work, James C. 1979. “The Julesburg of Mark Twain’s Roughing It.” Mark Twain Journal 19 (Summer): 24.

WPA. 1941. Wyoming: A Guide to Its History, Highways, and People. Compiled by workers of the Writers’ Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Wyoming. New York: Oxford University Press.

Wright, James W. A. 1960. The Cement Hunters: Lost Gold Mine of the High Sierra. Edited by Richard E. Lingenfelter. Los Angeles: Glen Dawson.

Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.].

1864 [attributed]. “New Mining District.” Sacramento Union, 10 May, 3, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 7 May.

1876. The Big Bonanza: An Authentic Account of the Discovery, History, and Working of the World-Renowned Comstock Silver Lode of Nevada. Hartford: American Publishing Company. Citations are to the 1947 reprint edition, with an introduction by Oscar Lewis, New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

1891. “The Thoreau of the Sierras.” Salt Lake City Tribune, 19 July. Reprinted in Berkove 1988, 2.

1893. “The Territorial Enterprise . . .,” in “The Passing of a Pioneer.” San Francisco Examiner, 22 January, 15. Reprinted as “The Story of the Enterprise” in Lewis 1971, 5–10.

1893. “Salad Days of Mark Twain.” San Francisco Examiner, 19 March, 13–14. Reprinted in Lewis 1971, 37–52.

1893. “Reporting with Mark Twain.” Californian Illustrated Magazine 4 (July): 170–78.

WU. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.

Young, Brigham. 1861. “Office Journal.” Brigham Young Collection, Archives Division, Church Historical Department, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah.

YSMT. Yale Scrapbook, Willard S. Morse Collection, CtY-BR. Clemens used this scrapbook to collect clippings of his articles dating from December 1863 to October 1866, many of which he revised in the margins. The scrapbook was the source for roughly half of the pieces in SLC 1867a: see ET&S1, 506–42.

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Zambucka, Kristin.

1977. The High Chiefess Ruth Keelikolani. Honolulu: Mana Publishing Company.

1983. Kalakaua: Hawaii’s Last King. Honolulu: Mana Publishing Company.