Explanatory Notes
See Headnote
Apparatus Notes
See Headnotes
[begin page 947]
Emendations of the Copy-Text and Rejected Substantives
[Headnote and List of the Text's Correspondences to Copy-texts]

This list records every departure of the edited text from each of the successive copy-texts on which it is based. The list therefore identifies alterations presumably made by Mark Twain for Roughing It (A), as well as corrections made independently by the editors (C). Found in the same list (rather than separately, as with previous volumes in the Works of Mark Twain) are also those few substantives in A which the editors reject in favor of the copy-text variants. Variant accidentals in A which the editors also reject in favor of the copy-text are not listed, however, for to do so would make the list excessively long.

The copy-text for each section of the text is identified where it begins within the list. For example:

A (i–46) is copy-text for ‘ROUGHING . . . things:’ (xxi title–26.31)

The following symbols are used to identify the copy-texts and the sources of the variants listed here. (Each of the texts is more completely defined in the Description of Texts.)

A   First American edition of Roughing It AP   American Publisher BE   Buffalo Express BoM   Book of Mormon C   California editors G   Galaxy HoHI   History of the Hawaiian Islands MP   Mormon Prophet NYT   New York Times PCA   Honolulu Pacific Commercial Advertiser Pr   Prospectus of the first American edition of Roughing It (A) PT   People’s Tribune SU   Sacramento Union TE63   Virginia City Territorial Enterprise TE70   Virginia City Territorial Enterprise VoM   Vigilantes of Montana

In each entry, the reading adopted in the text is given first, with its source identified parenthetically. The adopted reading is separated by a dot (•) from the rejected variant (or variants) on the right, which is not identified parenthetically when it is from the copy-text. There are, however, several kinds of entries in which variants on both sides of the dot must be identified. When a passage of several lines has been adopted from A, the fact is recorded [begin page 948] in one entry for the whole passage, and any further emendation within the passage is recorded in separate entries. For example, where Mark Twain has added a passage in A to a text first published in the Sacramento Union (which is therefore copy-text), the following entries occur:

109.25–111.2 And . . . powers: (A)  •  not in
109.35 Lehi;” (C)  •  Lehi”; (A)

The second entry here records an emendation of the A reading, not of the copy-text, which is still SU. Similarly, if the editors adopt the substance but not the form of a particular variant, all variant texts, including the copy-text, are identified parenthetically because the reading of this edition (C) corresponds exactly to none of the contributing documents.

28.3 8 (C)  •  eight (A); 6 (NYT)
238.2 marvelous (C)  •  marvellous (A); wonderful (BE)

Likewise, in a passage where the Buffalo Express is copy-text, and the editors retain its substantive variant and reject the variant in A, both readings must be explicitly identified, since no emendation has in fact occurred. (It may help to think of such entries as recording a refusal to emend where emendation might otherwise be expected.)

239.10 lay (BE)  •  laid (A)

And in the few cases where substantive texts intervene between the copy-text and the first edition, all variant substantives are routinely reported, and must be explicitly identified, even though emendation is not necessarily involved.

471.20 manufacture kapa (native cloth) (SU–A)  •  beat kapa (HoHI)
471.22 king (HoHI–SU)  •  not in (A)
560.36 you —— —— (A)  •  you God d——d (TE70–PT)

All illustrations and captions are drawn from the first American edition. The absence of illustrations in journal copy-texts, which were in general not illustrated (BE, G, SU, and TE63, for instance), is not recorded. Variant substantives in the captions printed in the prospectus and the first edition are, however, recorded. Certain nontextual typographical adjustments (such as the change from roman to arabic numerals in the chapter headings), which are listed in the Introduction (page 911), are not recorded as emendations. When emendation is reported for other reasons, however, the exact form of each text is reproduced.

391 title CHAPTER 57 (C)  •  CHAPTER LVII. (A); desolation. (BE)

Because Pr and A are different impressions from the same typesetting and are therefore part of the same edition, the symbol A by itself may signify [begin page 949] a variant common to both; but when these texts vary from one another, the reading in each is given. Variant states within A or Pr are shown by lowercase letters following their abbreviations. Thus, Pra and Prb represent the first and second states of the prospectus, and Aa, Ab, Ac, Ad, Ae, Af, and Ag represent the seven known states of A. Variants identified as from Pr are common to Pra and Prb, and a variant identified as from A is common to all states of A, Aa through Ag.

Entries cite the edited text by page and line or, where necessary, by page, column, and line: “xxva.1” means “page xxv, first column, line 1”; “xxvb.8” means “page xxv, second column, line 8.” Titles, subtitles, and captions are not included in the line count. Citations of them therefore use the page number with “title,” “sub,” “cap,” or “illus,” as appropriate. To distinguish two captions on the same page, the citation adds a number, “cap1” or “cap2,” as appropriate. Editorial comment is always italicized and enclosed in square brackets, thus: “centered.” The symbol “¶” (for paragraph) is always editorial. Thus “VoM, 175 ¶2” means “the second paragraph that begins on page 175 of the Vigilantes of Montana.” A vertical rule (|) indicates the end of a line; a double vertical rule (||), the end of a page.

An en dash (–) connecting two symbols indicates that the reading was transmitted from the first text into the second. In the following entry, for example, the copy-text reading “do” has been retained instead of the reading “are,” which appeared in A, derived from PT.

564.12 do (TE70)  •  are (PT–A)

A caret () indicates the absence of a punctuation mark. A blank space enclosed in editorial brackets (the ) means that the text contains a space or an ambiguous mark instead of the expected mark of punctuation or letter, indicating that the mark or letter may have been typeset, but did not print properly. Entries marked with a heavy asterisk (✱) are discussed in the Textual Notes.

* * * * *

Pages xxi title–26.31)

A (i–46) is copy-text for ‘ROUGHING . . . things:’ (xxi title–26.31)

* * * * *

Page 26.32–34

✱NYT (title, ¶3) is copy-text for ‘ACROSS . . . jaunt.’ (26.32–34)

* * * * *

Page 26.34–37

NYT (¶8) is copy-text for ‘A . . . car.’ (26.34–37)

* * * * *

Pages 26.37–28.5

NYT (¶12) is copy-text for ‘It . . . out.’ (26.37–28.5)

* * * * *

Pages 29 title–50 title

A (48–70) is copy-text for ‘CHAPTER . . . CHAPTER 8’ (29 title–50 title)

* * * * *

Pages 50.1–52.7

✱A and AP (May 71) derive independently from MS for ‘In . . . maybe.’ (50.1–52.7)

* * * * *

Pages 52.8–63.35

A (72–83) is copy-text for ‘We . . . well.’ (52.8–63.35)

* * * * *

Pages 63.35–64.2

VoM (175 ¶2) is copy-text for ‘On . . . paragraph:’ (63.35–64.2)

* * * * *

Page 64.3–9

✱VoM (175 ¶1) is copy-text for ‘While . . . execution.’ (64.3–9)

* * * * *

Page 64.9–11

VoM (175 ¶4) is copy-text for ‘Stories . . . line.’ (64.9–11)

* * * * *

Page 64.11–13

VoM (175 ¶3) is copy-text for ‘As . . . practices.’ (64.11–13)

* * * * *

Pages 64.14–69.5

A (85–90) is copy-text for ‘Slade . . . chapter—’ (64.14–69.5)

* * * * *

Page 69.5–21

VoM (title page) is copy-text for ‘ “The . . . picturesque:’ (69.5–13)

* * * * *

Page 69.13–17

VoM (167 ¶2, lines 19–24) is copy-text for ‘ “Those . . . incarnate.” ’ (69.13–17)

* * * * *

Page 69.17–21

VoM (175 ¶3, lines 3–4) is copy-text for ‘And . . . mine:’ (69.17–21)

* * * * *

Pages 69.22–74.18

VoM (167 ¶3–173 ¶3) is copy-text for ‘After . . . feelings.’ (69.22–74.18)

* * * * *

Pages 74.19–107.25

A (95–128) is copy-text for ‘There . . . follows:’ (74.19–107.25)

* * * * *

Pages 107.26–112.36

✱BoM (title page [lines 1–23] and testimonial page) is copy-text for ‘The . . . powers:’ (107.26–111.2)

* * * * *

Page 111.3–25

BoM (1 Nephi 5:38, 5:39:1–2, 5:42) is copy-text for ‘And . . . Jacob:’ (111.3–25)

* * * * *

Pages 111.26–112.7

BoM (Jacob 2:6:14–25, 2:9:11–18) is copy-text for ‘For . . . everybody:’ (111.26–112.7)

* * * * *

Page 112.8–36

BoM (3 Nephi 9:1:1–3, 9:2:1–8, 8:5:3–22) is copy-text for ‘And . . . children.’ (112.8–36)

* * * * *

Pages 112.37–113.23

A (133–34) is copy-text for ‘And . . . battle:’ (112.37–113.23)

* * * * *

Pages 113.24–114.44

BoM (Ether 6:7–8, 6:9:1–25) is copy-text for ‘7. . . . written.’ (113.24–114.44)

* * * * *

Pages 115.1–221 title

A (135–241) is copy-text for ‘It . . . CHAPTER 34’ (115.1–221 title)

* * * * *

Pages 221.1–227.5

BE (2 Apr 70) is copy-text for ‘The . . . understanding.’ (221.1–227.5)

* * * * *

Pages 228 title–238 title

A (248–59) is copy-text for ‘CHAPTER . . . CHAPTER 37’ (228 title–238 title)

* * * * *

Pages 238.1–240.5

BE (11 Dec 69 ¶17–18) is copy-text for ‘It . . . desires.’ (238.1–240.5)

* * * * *

Pages 240.6–245 title

A (261–65) is copy-text for ‘A . . . CHAPTER 38’ (240.6–245 title)

* * * * *

Pages 245.1–249.15

BE (16 Oct 69) is copy-text for ‘Mono . . . true.’ (245.1–249.15)

* * * * *

Pages 250 title–299.6

A (270–320) is copy-text for ‘CHAPTER . . . cases.’ (250 title–299.6)

* * * * *

Pages 299.7–301.31

BE (8 Jan 70 ¶ 1–18) is copy-text for ‘Two . . . him.’ (299.7–301.31)

* * * * *

Pages 301.32–303.34

A (323–25) is copy-text for ‘A . . . country.’ (301.32–303.34)

* * * * *

Pages 303.35–304.2

BE (8 Jan 70 ¶19) is copy-text for ‘I . . . again.’ (303.35–304.2)

* * * * *

Pages 304.3–355.11

A (325–78) is copy-text for ‘In . . . the’ (304.3–355.11)

* * * * *

Pages 355n.1–356n.3

TE63 is copy-text for ‘Mr. . . . M. T.]’ (355n.1–356n.3)

* * * * *

Pages 356.1–387.17

A (378–410) is copy-text for ‘neighborhood . . . that.’ (356.1–387.17)

* * * * *

Pages 387.18–392.24

BE (13 Nov 69) is copy-text for ‘The . . . over.” ’ (387.18–392.24)

* * * * *

Pages 392.25–395.11

BE (11 Dec 69 ¶1–16) is copy-text for ‘But . . . head.’ (392.25–395.11)

* * * * *

Pages 395n.1–413.5

A (418n–36) is copy-text for ‘Being . . .end.’ (395n.1–413.5)

* * * * *

Pages 413.6–419.28

BE (18 Dec 69) is copy-text for ‘In . . . me.’(413.6–419.28)

* * * * *

Pages 419.29–431.8

A (443–54) is copy-text for ‘At . . . natives;’ (419.29–431.8)

* * * * *

Pages 431.9–434.2

SU (19 Apr 66) is copy-text for ‘then . . . sail—’ (431.9–434.2)

* * * * *

Pages 434.2–436.1

A (457–59) is copy-text for ‘a . . . this:’ (434.2–436.1)

* * * * *

Pages 436.2–438.21

SU (21 Apr 66 ¶1–4) is copy-text for ‘I . . . about.’ (436.2–438.21)

* * * * *

Pages 439.1–441.20

SU (21 Apr 66 ¶ 15–22) is copy-text for ‘A . . . itself.’ (439.1–441.20)

* * * * *

Pages 442 title–444.15

SU (24 Apr 66 ¶ 1–23) is copy-text for ‘CHAPTER . . . business.’ (442 title–444.15)

* * * * *

Pages 444.16–448.18

SU (21 Apr 66 ¶5–14) is copy-text for ‘This . . . expense.’ (444.16–448.18)

* * * * *

Pages 448.19–450 title

SU (24 Apr 66 ¶24) is copy-text for ‘It . . . CHAPTER 66’ (448.19–450 title)

* * * * *

Pages 450.1–453.37

SU (21 May 66) is copy-text for ‘Passing . . . art.’ (450.1–453.37)

* * * * *

Pages 453.38–454.14

A (477) is copy-text for ‘The . . . years!’ (453.38–454.14)

* * * * *

Pages 454.15–456.6

SU (20 Apr 66) is copy-text for ‘Society . . .shoved.” ’ (454.15–456.6)

* * * * *

Pages 457 title–458.18

SU (20 June 66) is copy-text for ‘CHAPTER . . . etc.’ (457 title–458.18)

* * * * *

Pages 458.19–466.14

A (481–90) is copy-text for ‘The . . . reader:’ (458.19–466.14)

* * * * *

Pages 466.15–18

SU (1 Aug 66 ¶ 1–8) is copy-text for ‘After . . . procured:’ (466.15–18)

* * * * *

Pages 466.19–468.3

✱PCA is copy-text for ‘Undertaker . . . Force.’ (466.19–468.3) ■ SU (1 Aug 66 ¶8) variants are reported

* * * * *

Pages 468.4–469.29

SU (1 Aug 66 ¶9–19) is copy-text for ‘I . . . came:’ (468.4–469.29)

* * * * *

Pages 469.30–472.43

✱HoHI (105 ¶1–106 ¶4) is copy-text for ‘On . . . abuse.’ (469.30–472.43) ■ SU (1 Aug 66 ¶20–30) variants are reported

* * * * *

Pages 472.44–475 title

SU (1 Aug 66 ¶31–34) is copy-text for ‘You . . . CHAPTER 69’ (472.44–475 title)

* * * * *

Pages 475.1–480.2

SU (18 Aug 66) is copy-text for ‘Bound . . . fruit.’ (475.1–480.2)

* * * * *

Pages 480.3–24

SU (24 Aug 66 ¶ 1–13) is copy-text for ‘At . . . required.’ (480.3–24)

* * * * *

Pages 481 title–489 title

A (504–11) is copy-text for ‘CHAPTER . . . CHAPTER 71’ (481 title–489 title)

* * * * *

Pages 489.1–491.24

SU (24 Aug 66 ¶ 14–33) is copy-text for ‘At . . . retaliation.’ (489.1–491.24)

* * * * *

Pages 491.25–492.20

SU (30 Aug 66) is copy-text for ‘Near . . . innocent.’ (491.25–492.20)

* * * * *

Pages 493 title–495.14

SU (6 Sept 66) is copy-text for ‘CHAPTER . . . point.’ (493 title–495.14)

* * * * *

Pages 495.15–506.4

SU (22 Sept 66) is copy-text for ‘I . . . charge.’ (495.15–506.4)

* * * * *

Pages 507 title–29

A (532–33) is copy-text for ‘CHAPTER . . . hotel.’ (507 title–29)

* * * * *

Pages 508.1–10

SU (16 Nov 66 ¶1–6) is copy-text for ‘By . . . like.’ (508.1–10)

* * * * *

Pages 508.11–23

SU (16 Nov 66 ¶15) is copy-text for ‘A . . . revelation.’ (508.11–23)

* * * * *

Pages 508.24–512.8

SU (16 Nov 66 ¶7–16) is copy-text for ‘Arrived . . . hotel.’ (508.24–512.8)

* * * * *

Pages 513 title–526 title

A (538–50) is copy-text for ‘CHAPTER . . . CHAPTER 77’ (513 title–526 title)

* * * * *

Pages 526.1–531.22

G is copy-text for ‘I . . . sir.” ’ (526.1–531.22)

* * * * *

Pages 532 title–550.23

A (558–76) is copy-text for ‘CHAPTER . . . that—’ (532 title–550.23)

* * * * *

Pages 550.24–551.6

MP (76 ¶1) is copy-text for ‘A . . . God.’ (550.24–551.6)

* * * * *

Page 551.7–28

A (577) is copy-text for ‘The . . . proceeded:’ (551.7–28)

* * * * *

Pages 551.29–552.21

MP (73 ¶4–74 ¶2) is copy-text for ‘They . . . occasion:’ (551.29–552.21)

* * * * *

Pages 552.22–553.7

MP (84 ¶5–85 ¶2) is copy-text for ‘He . . . reliable:’ (552.22–553.7)

* * * * *

Page 553.8–38

MP (76 ¶3–77 ¶7) is copy-text for ‘For . . . depredations.’ (553.8–38)

* * * * *

Pages 554 title–555.2

A (580) is copy-text for ‘APPENDIX . . . perhaps:]’ (554 title–555.2)

* * * * *

Pages 555.3–569.38

✱TE70 is copy-text for ‘From . . . M. T.]’ (555.3–569.38) ■ PT variants are reported

* * * * *