Explanatory Notes
See Headnote
Apparatus Notes
See Headnotes
[begin page 50]


In emendation a little whileemendation all interest was taken up in stretching our necks and watching for the “pony-rider”—the fleet messenger who sped across the continent from St. Joe to Sacramento, carrying letters nineteen hundred miles in eight daysexplanatory note! Think of that for perishable horse and human flesh and blood to do! The pony-rider was usually a little bit of a man, brim fullemendation of spirit and endurance. No matter what time of the day or night his watch came on, and no matter whether it was winter or summer, raining, snowing, hailing, or sleeting, or whether his “beat” was a level straight road or a crazy trail over mountain crags and precipices, or whether it led through peaceful regionsemendation or regions that swarmed with hostile Indians, he must be always ready to leap into the saddle and be off like the wind! There was no idling-time for a pony-rider on duty. He rode fifty miles without stopping, by daylightemendation, moonlight, starlight, or through the blackness of darknessexplanatory noteemendation just as it happened. He rode a splendid horseemendation that was born for a raceremendation and fed and lodged like a gentleman;emendation kept him at his utmost speed for ten miles, and then, as he came crashing up to the station where stood two menemendation holding fast a fresh, impatient steed, the transfer of rider and mail-bag was made in the twinkling of an eye, and away flew the eager pairemendation and were out of sight before the spectator could get hardly the ghost of a look. Both rider and horse went “flying light.” The rider’s dress was thinemendation and fitted close; he wore a “roundaboutemendation” and a skull-cap, and tucked his pantaloons into his boot-topsemendation like a race-rider. He carried no arms—he carried nothing that was not absolutely necessary,emendation for even the postage on his literary freight was worth two dollars an ounce textual note explanatory note emendation. He got but little frivolous correspondence to carry—emendation his bag had business letters in it, mostly. His horse was stripped of all unnecessary weight, too. He wore a little wafer of a [begin page 51] racing-saddle, and no visible blanket. He wore light shoes, or none at all. The little flat mail-pocketsemendation strapped under the rider’s thighsemendation would each hold about the bulk of a child’s primer. They held many and many an important business chapter and newspaper letter, but these were written on paper as airy and thin as gold-leaf, nearly, and thus bulk and weight were economized. The stage-coachemendation traveledemendation about a hundred to a hundred and twenty-five miles

here he comes!”emendation
a day (twenty-fouremendation hours),emendation the pony-rider about two hundred and fifty. There were about eighty pony-riders in the saddle all the time, night and day, stretching in a long, scattering processionemendation from Missouri to California, forty flying eastwardemendation and forty toward the west, and among them making four hundred gallant horses earn a stirring livelihoodemendation and see a deal of scenery every single day in the year.

We had had a consuming desire, from the beginning, to see a pony-rider, butemendation somehow or otheremendation all that passed usemendation and all that met usemendation managed to streak by in the night, and so we heard only a whiz and a hail, and the swift phantom of the desert was goneemendation before we could get our heads out of the windows. But now we were expecting one along every moment, and would see him in broad daylight. Presently the driver exclaims:

Here he comes emendation!”

Every neck is stretched further, and every eye strained wider. Away across the endless dead level of the prairieemendation a black speck appears against the sky, and it is plain that it moves. Well, I should think so! In a second or two it becomes a horse and rider, rising and falling, rising and falling—sweeping toward us nearer and nearer—growing more and more distinct, more and more sharply defined—nearer and still nearer, and the flutter of the hoofs comes faintly to the ear—another instant a whoop and a hurrah from our upper deck, a wave of the rider’s hand, but no reply, and man and horse [begin page 52] burst past our excited faces, and go winging away like a belated fragment of a storm!

changing horses.emendation

So sudden is it all, and so like a flash of unreal fancy, thatemendation but for the flake of white foam left quivering and perishing on a mail-sackemendation after the vision had flashed by and disappeared, we might have doubted whether we had seen any actual horse and man at all, maybeemendation.textual note

We rattled through Scott’s Bluffs Pass, by and by. It was along here somewhere that we first came across genuine and unmistakable alkali water in the road, and we cordially hailed it as a first-class curiosity, and a thing to be mentioned with eclat in letters to the ignorant at home. This water gave the road a soapy appearance, and in many places the ground looked as if it had been whitewashed. I think the strange alkali water excited us as much as any wonder we had come upon yet, and I know we felt very complacent and conceited, and better satisfied with life after we had added it to our list of things which we had seen and some other people had not. In a small way we were the same sort of simpletons as those who climb unnecessarily the perilous peaks of Mont Blanc and the Matterhorn, and derive no pleasure from it except the reflection that it isn’t a common experience. But once in a while one of those parties trips and comes darting down the long mountain cragsemendation in a sitting posture, making the crusted snow smoke behind him, flitting from bench to bench, and from terrace to terrace, jarring the earth where he strikes, and still glancing and flitting on again, [begin page 53] sticking an iceberg into himself every now and then, and tearing his clothes, snatching at things to save himself, taking hold of trees and fetching them along with him, roots and all, starting little rocks now and then, then big boulders, then acres of ice and snow and patches of forest, gathering and still gathering as he goes, adding and still adding to his massed and sweeping grandeur as he nears a three-thousand-footemendation precipice, till at last he waves his hat magnificently and rides into eternity on the back of a raging and tossing avalanche!

riding the avalanche.

This is all very fine, but let us not be carried away by excitement, but ask calmly, how does this person feel about it in his cooler moments next day, with six or seven thousand feet of snow and stuff on top of him?

We crossed the sand hills near the scene of the Indian mail robbery and massacre of 1856, wherein the driver and conductor perished, and also all the passengers but one, it was supposed; but this must have been a mistake, for at different times afterward on the Pacific coast I was personally acquainted with a hundred and thirty-three or four people who were wounded during that massacre, [begin page 54] and barely escaped with their lives. There was no doubt of the truth of it—I had it from their own lips. One of these parties told me that he kept coming across arrow-heads in his system for nearly seven years after the massacre; and another of them told me that he was stuck so literally full of arrows that after the Indians were gone and he could raise up and examine himself, he could not restrain his tears, for his clothes were completely ruined.

The most trustworthy tradition avers, however, that only one man, a person named Babbitt, survived the massacre, and he was desperately woundedexplanatory note. He dragged himself on his hands and knee (for one leg was broken) to a station several miles away. He did it during portions of two nights, lying concealed one day and part of another, and for more than forty hours suffering unimaginable anguish from hunger, thirst and bodily pain. The Indians robbed the coach of everything it contained, including quite an amount of treasure.

Editorial Emendations CHAPTER 8
  In  (A)  •  However, in (AP) 
  while (A)  •  while, (AP) 
  brim full (AP)  •  brim-  |  ful (A) 
  regions (A)  •  regions, (AP) 
  daylight (A)  •  day-  |  light (AP) 
  darkness— (A)  •  darkness, (AP) 
  horse (A)  •  horse, (AP) 
  racer (A)  •  racer, (AP) 
  gentleman; (A)  •  gentleman, (AP) 
  men (A)  •  men, (AP) 
  pair (A)  •  pair, (AP) 
  thin (AP)  •  thin, (A) 
  roundabout (AP)  •  round-  |  about, (A) 
  boot-tops (A)  •  boot-tops, (AP) 
  necessary, (A)  •  necessary; (AP) 
  two dollars an ounce  (AP)  •  five dollars a letter  (A) 
  carry— (A)  •  carry; (AP) 
  mail-pockets (A)  •  mail-pockets, (AP) 
  thighs (A)  •  thighs, (AP) 
  stage-coach (A)  •  stage-  |  coach (AP) 
  traveled (A)  •  travelled (AP) 
  “here he comes!” (C)  •  “here he comes.” (A)  not in  (AP) 
  twenty-four (A)  •  twenty four (AP) 
  hours), (A)  •  hours); (AP) 
  procession (A)  •  procession, (AP) 
  eastward (AP)  •  eastward, (A) 
  livelihood (A)  •  livelihood, (AP) 
  but (A)  •  but, (AP) 
  other (A)  •  other, (AP) 
  us (A)  •  us, (AP) 
  us (A)  •  us, (AP) 
  gone (A)  •  gone, (AP) 
  Here he comes  (A)  •  Here he comes (AP) 
  prairie (A)  •  prairie, (AP) 
  changing horses. (A)  •  not in  (AP) 
  that (A)  •  that, (AP) 
  mail-sack (A)  •  mail-sack, (AP) 
  maybe (A)  •  may be (AP) 
  mountain crags (C)  •  mountain-crags (A) 
  three-thousand-foot (C)  •  three thousand-foot (A) 
Textual Notes CHAPTER 8
  In . . . maybe.] This section of the chapter was printed in the American Publisher (AP) for May 1871. Since Bliss and Orion had the holograph manuscript and the amanuensis copy of the passage in Hartford at about the same time, the AP and A typesettings probably derive independently from Mark Twain’s manuscript (AP probably from the amanuensis copy, which in turn derived from the holograph manuscript). No copy-text is therefore chosen for this passage; instead, all variants between A and AP are recorded in Emendations, and the reading most in accord with Mark Twain’s holograph practice is printed in [begin page 936] the text. Although there are no substantive variants, the evidence of two spelling variants (“traveled” and “maybe” in A, versus “travelled” and “may be” in AP) indicates that the A compositor was not setting from AP, since elsewhere A spelled these words “travelled” and “may be,” while Mark Twain spelled them “traveled” and “maybe.” On 20 March 1871, in a letter transmitting the amanuensis copy of this passage to Orion and Bliss, Clemens instructed them to find the passage beginning with the words, “However, in a little while all interest was taken up in stretching our necks & watching for the pony-rider” (CU-MARK, in MTLP , 62). Since the comma after “while” in AP (50.1) is not present in Mark Twain’s letter or in A, the presumption must again be that A was typeset from holograph. The punctuation in AP—numerous commas, and semicolons where A has commas—is uncharacteristic of Mark Twain, apparently corrupted by both the amanuensis and the AP compositor. On the other hand, three commas present in A (at 50.23, twice, and 51.17) but absent from AP were probably supplied by the A compositor, since the punctuation of AP was in general heavier than in A. The reading of AP has therefore been adopted in these three cases, and at 50.6, where AP “brim full” is Mark Twain’s normal spelling. See also the next note.
  two dollars an ounce] When Mark Twain submitted his manuscript for publication in AP, he doubted the accuracy of his figure: “Refer the marginal note to Orion, about postage. I feel sure I am wrong, & that it was Four Dollars an ounce instead of Two— —make the correction, if necessary” (SLC to Bliss and OC, 20 Mar 71, CU-MARK, in MTLP , 62). Although the reading “two dollars an ounce” was retained in AP, the figure was corrected—presumably as a result of Orion’s research—to “five dollars a letter” in A. Although the latter figure was not wrong, since it reflected the cost of postage when the pony-express mail service was initiated, Mark Twain’s memory was more accurate than he had believed: his original “two dollars an ounce” (AP) was correct in July 1861 when this incident must have occurred, and has therefore been retained. The other rate Clemens mentioned in his letter to Bliss, “Four Dollars an ounce,” had been in effect until the first of that month (Hafen, 180; “Pony Express,” St. Louis Missouri Democrat, 1 July 61, 4; DAH , 4:306–7).
Explanatory Notes CHAPTER 8
 carrying letters nineteen hundred miles in eight days] The pony express provided mail service—at first weekly, and then semiweekly—for nearly nineteen months, starting on 3 April 1860; it was officially discontinued on 26 October 1861, two days after the completion of the overland telegraph line. The service had been established by the freighting firm of Russell, Majors and Waddell (which also owned the Central Overland California and Pike’s Peak Express Company) to demonstrate the practicality of the central route, in an attempt to win the overland-mail contract away from the Butterfield Overland Mail. The full nineteen-hundred-mile route, from St. Joseph to Sacramento, required about ten days of nonstop travel, in relays, with each rider [begin page 583] covering at least fifty miles (and sometimes as much as a hundred). By late July 1861, when the Clemenses started overland, telegraph stations had been established some fifty miles west of Fort Kearny, Nebraska, and the same distance east of Fort Churchill, Nevada; the transmission of messages therefore required pony-express travel only between these two stations, which took as little as eight days (Chapman, 301; Hafen, 169–74, 179, 185–87; Blair, 560).
 the blackness of darkness] Jude 13.
  two dollars an ounce] The cost of operating the pony express turned out to be much greater than the income generated, contributing to the eventual bankruptcy of Russell, Majors and Waddell. The initial fee for a letter was five dollars per half ounce, in addition to the basic ten-cent United States postage. Over the life of the service, the charge was gradually reduced: at the time of the Clemens brothers’ trip it had recently been cut to the rate named here (Hafen, 180; “Pony Express,” St. Louis Missouri Democrat, 1 July 61, 4; DAH , 4:306–7; see the textual note at 50.27).
 the Indian mail robbery and massacre of 1856 . . . Babbitt, survived the massacre, . . . desperately wounded] Undoubtedly based on a story which the brothers heard and which Orion recorded in his journal, Mark Twain’s account conflates several related incidents involving Cheyenne Indians, mislocates them by a hundred miles or more, and supplies a fictional embellishment—the “desperately wounded” survivor. On 24 August 1856, near Fort Kearny (about two hundred and fifty miles east of the scene of Mark Twain’s account), a frightened mail conductor fired on two young Indians who approached to ask for tobacco. One of the Indians responded by wounding him with an arrow, but was restrained and punished by his fellow tribesmen. The following day soldiers from Fort Kearny retaliated by attacking the offending group of Indians, killing at least six, wounding many others, and taking their horses and other possessions. The surviving Indians then attacked a small wagon train carrying official supplies to the Utah government on behalf of Almon Whiting Babbitt (1813–56), secretary of Utah Territory since 1853. Two members of the company, which did not include Babbitt, survived the attack. Babbitt himself and two companions were killed thirteen days later, on 7 September, about a hundred miles east of the spot identified by Mark Twain. The Cheyenne plundered Babbitt’s light carriage, taking his mules, jewelry, and gold coin (supplement A, item 1; McClelland, 1:650–54; Jefferson Davis, 106–12; Schindler, 230–36; Joseph Smith, 76; Jenson, 1:284–86; Van Wagoner and Walker, 5–9).