Explanatory Notes
See Headnote
Apparatus Notes
See Headnotes
[begin page 526]


I stumbled upon one curious character in the islandemendation of Mauiexplanatory note emendation. He became a sore annoyance to me in the course of time. My first glimpse of him was in a sort of public room in the town of Lahaina. He occupied a chair at the opposite side of the apartment, and sat eyeing our party with interest for some minutes, and listening as critically to what we were saying as if he fancied we were talking to him and expecting him to reply. I thought it very sociable in a stranger. Presently, in the course of conversation, I made a statement bearing upon the subject under discussion—and I made it with due modesty, for there was nothing extraordinary about it, and it was only put forth in illustration of a point at issue. Iemendation had barely finished when this personemendation spoke out with rapid utterance and feverish anxiety:

“Oh, that was certainly remarkable, after a fashion, but you ought to have seen my chimney—you ought to have seen my chimney, sir! Smoke!emendation I wish I may hang if—Mr. Jones, you remember that chimney—you must remember that chimney! No, no—I recollect, now, you warn’t living on this side of the island then. But I am telling you nothing but the truth, and I wish I may never draw another breath if that chimney didn’t smoke so that the smoke actually got caked in it and I had to dig it out with a pickaxeexplanatory note! You may smile, gentlemen, but the High Sheriff’s got a hunk of it which I dug out before his eyes, and so it’s perfectly easy for you to go and examine for yourselves.”

The interruption broke up the conversation, which had already begun to lag, and we presently hired some natives and an outriggeremendation canoe or two, and went out to overlook a grand surf-bathing contestemendation.

Two weeks after this, while talking in a company, I looked up and detected this same man boring through and through me with [begin page 527] his intense eye, and noted again his twitching muscles and his feverish anxiety to speak. The moment I paused, he said:

Beg your pardon, sir, beg your pardon, but it can only be considered remarkable when brought into strong outline by isolation. Sir, contrasted with a circumstance which occurred in my own experience, it instantly becomes commonplace. No, not that—for I will not speak so discourteously of any experience in the career of a stranger and a gentleman—but I am obliged to say that you could not, and you would not ever again refer to this tree as a large one, if you could behold, as I have, the great Yakmatack tree, in the island of Ounaska, sea of Kamtchatkatextual note—a tree, sir, not one inch less than four hundred and fifteen feet in solid diameter!—and I wish I may die in a minute if it isn’t so! Oh, you needn’t look so questioning, gentlemen; here’s old Cap Saltmarsh can say whether I know what I’m talking about or not. I showed him the tree.”

eleven miles to see.

Capt.emendation Saltmarsh.—“Come, now, cat your anchor, lad—you’re heaving too taut. You promised to show me that stunner, and I walked more than eleven mile with you through the cussedestemendation jungle I ever see, a huntingemendation for it; but the tree you showed me finally [begin page 528] warn’t as big around as a beer cask, and you know that your own self, Markiss.”

“Hear the man talk! Of course the tree was reduced that way, but didn’t I explain emendation it? Answer me, didn’t I? Didn’t I say I wished you could have seen it when I first saw it? When you got up on your ear and called me names, and said I had brought you eleven miles to look at a sapling, didn’t I explain to you that all the whaleshipsemendation in the North Seas had been wooding off of it for more than twentyseven years? And did you s’pose the tree could last for-ever emendation, con-found it? I don’t see why you want to keep back things that way, and try to injure a person that’s never done you any harm.”

Somehow this man’s presence made me uncomfortable, and I was glad when a native arrived at that moment to say that Muckawow, the most companionable and luxurious among the rude war-chiefs of the Islands, desired us to come over and help him enjoy a missionary whom he had found trespassing on his grounds.

I think it was about ten days afterward that, as I finished a statement I was making for the instruction of a group of friends and acquaintances, and which made no pretenseemendation of being extraordinary, a familiaremendation voice chimed instantly in on the heels of my last word, and said:

“But, my dear sir, there was nothing remarkable about that horse, or the circumstance either—nothing in the world! I mean no sort of offenseemendation when I say it, sir, but you really do not know anything whatever about speed. Bless your heart, if you could only have seen my mare Margaretta; there was a beast!— there was lightning for you! Trot! Trot is no name for it—she flew! How she could whirl a buggy along! I started her out once, sir—Col.emendation Bilgewateremendation, you recollect that animal perfectly well—I started her out about thirty or thirty-five yards ahead of the awfullest storm I ever saw in my life, and it chased us upwards of eighteen miles! It did, by the everlasting hills! And I’m telling you nothing but the unvarnished truth when I say that not one single drop of rain fell on me—not a single drop, sir! And I swear to it! But my dog was a swimmingemendation behind the wagonexplanatory note all the way!”

For a week or two I stayed mostly within doors, for I seemed to meet this person everywhere, and he had become utterly hateful to me. But one evening I dropped in on Capt.emendation Perkins and his [begin page 529] friends, and we had a sociable time. About ten o’clock I chanced to be talking about a merchant friend of mine, and without really intending it, the remark slipped out that he was a little mean and parsimonious about paying his workmen. Instantly, through the steam of a hot whiskyemendation punch on the opposite side of the room, a remembered voice shot—and for a moment I trembled on the imminent verge of profanity:

chased by a storm.

“Oh, my dear sir, really you expose yourself when you parade that as a surprising circumstance. Bless your heart and hide, you are ignorant of the very A B C of meanness! ignorant as the unborn babe! ignorant as unborn twins! You don’t know anything about it! It is pitiable to see you, sir, a well-spoken and prepossessing stranger, making such an enormous pow-wow here about a subject concerning which your ignorance is perfectly humiliatingemendation! Look me in the eye, if you please; look me in the eye. John James Godfrey was the son of poor but honest parents in the State of Mississippi—boyhood friend of mine—bosom comrade in later years. Heaven rest his noble spirit, he is gone from us now. John James Godfrey was hired by the Hayblossomemendation Mining Company in California to do some blasting for them—the ‘Incorporated Company of Mean Men,’emendation the boys used to call it. Well, one day he drilled a hole about four feet deep and put in an awful blast of powder, and [begin page 530] was standing over it ramming it down with an iron crowbar about nine foot long, when the cussed thing struck a spark and fired the powder, and scat! away John Godfrey whizzed like a sky-rocketemendation, him and his crowbar! Well, sir, he kept on going up in the air higher and higher, till he didn’t look any bigger than a boy—and he kept going on up higher and higher, till he didn’t look any bigger than a doll—and he kept on going up higher and higher, till he didn’t look any bigger than a little small bee—and then he went out of sight! Presently he came in sight again, looking like a little small bee—and he came along down further and further, till he looked as big as a doll again—and down further and further, till he was as big as a boy again—and further and further, till he was a full-sized man once more; and thenemendation him and his crowbar came a wh-izzing down and lit right exactly in the same old tracks and went to r-ramming down, and r-ramming down, and r-ramming down again, just the same as if nothing had happened! Now doemendation you know,emendation that poor cuss warn’t gone only sixteen minutes, and yet that Incorporated Company of Mean Men docked him for the lost time!”

leaving work.

I said I had the headache, and so excused myself and went home. And on my diary I entered “another night spoiled” by this offensive loafer. And a fervent curse was set down with it to keep the item company. And the very next day I packed up, out of all patience, and left the islandemendation.

Almost from the very beginning, I regarded that man as a liar.

The line of points represents an interval of years. At the end of which time the opinion hazarded in that last sentence came to be [begin page 531] gratifyingly and remarkably endorsed, and by wholly disinterested persons. The man Markiss was found one morning hanging to a beam of his own bedroom (the doors and windows securely fastened on the inside), deadexplanatory note, and on his breast was pinned a paper in his own handwriting begging his friends to suspect no innocent person of having anything to do with his death, for thattextual note it was the work of his own hands entirely. Yet the jury brought in the astounding verdict that deceased came to his death “by the hands of some person or persons unknown!” They explained that the perfectly undeviating consistency of Markiss’s character for thirty years towered aloft as colossal and indestructible testimony, that whatever statement he chose to make was entitled to instant and unquestioning acceptance as a lie. And they furthermore stated their belief that he was not dead, and instanced the strong circumstantial evidence of his own word that he was dead—and beseeched the coroner to delay the funeral as long as possible, which was done. And so in the tropical climate of Lahaina the coffin stood open for seven days, and then even the loyal jury gave him up. But they sat on him again, and changed their verdict to “suicide induced by mental aberration”—because, said they, with penetration, “he said he was dead, and he was dead; and would he have told the truth if he had been in his right mind? No, sir.”explanatory note

Editorial Emendations CHAPTER 77
  island (C)  •  Island (A) 
  Maui (C)  •  Mani (A) 
  I . . . I (A)  •  [On second thought I will extend my Memoranda a little, and insert the following chapter from the book I am writing. It will serve to show that the volume is not going to be merely entertaining, but will be glaringly instructive as well. I have related one or two of these incidents before lecture audiences, but have never printed any of them before.—M. T.] [¶] I (G) 
  when this person (A)  •  my simple statement when the stranger at the other corner of the room (G) 
  Smoke! (A)  •  Smoke! Humph! (G) 
  outrigger (C)  •  out-  |  rigger (G) 
  to overlook a grand surf-bathing contest (A)  •  in the roaring surf to watch the children at their sport of riding out to sea perched on the crest of a gigantic wave (G) 
  Capt. (C)  •  Captain  (G) 
  cussedest (A)  •  cussedest aggravatingest (G) 
  a hunting (A)  •  a-hunting (G) 
  explain  (A)  •  explain (G) 
  whaleships (C)  •  whale-  |  ships (G) 
  for-ever  (A)  •  for-  |  ever  (G) 
  pretense (C)  •  pretence (G) 
  familiar (A)  •  familiar and hated (G) 
  offense (C)  •  offence (G) 
  Col. (C)  •  Colonel (G) 
  Bilgewater (A)  •  Bilge-  |  water (G) 
  a swimming (C)  •  a-swimming (G) 
  Capt. (C)  •  Captain (G) 
  whisky (C)  •  whiskey (G) 
  humiliating (A)  •  ghastly (G) 
  Hayblossom (A)  •  Hay-  |  blossom (G) 
  ‘Incorporated . . . Men,’ (C)  •  “Incorporated . . . Men,” (G) 
  sky-rocket (C)  •  sky-  |  rocket (G) 
  then (A)  •  not in  (G) 
  do (A)  •  don’t (G) 
  know, (A)  •  know  (G) 
  island (C)  •  Island (A)  Islands (G) 
Textual Notes CHAPTER 77
 Kamtchatka] An acceptable nineteenth-century spelling (Webster 1870, “Geographical Vocabulary,” 637).
 for that] An archaic but nevertheless correct conjunction meaning “for the reason that”: the OED cites examples from Keats (1821) and Macaulay (1855), among others ( OED , s.v. “for that”).
Explanatory Notes CHAPTER 77

one curious character in the island of Maui] The eccentric Francis A. Oudinot (1822?–71) of Lahaina, Maui, was a native of Kentucky. At the time of his arrival in the Sandwich Islands in 1851, he listed his occupation as “jeweler.” Claiming descent from Charles Nicolas Oudinot (1767–1847), the famous marshal of Napoleon’s forces, he celebrated French national holidays by dressing in a resplendent French uniform and carrying a French flag. Oudinot, alone among Lahaina’s American population, was known to be a Southern sympathizer during the Civil War. He also had a reputation as a spinner of yarns. Harriet Baldwin Damon, a resident of Lahaina in her youth, recalled him:

Oudinot, well known throughout the islands as something of a farmer, had wonderful stories to recount of the marvelous growth of his plantings. With him the sugar cane grew so fast, it rustled and rattled, and with a lantern at night, he had watched the progress. All his products were magnified, nor did there ever appear to be a doubt in his mind but that his stories were accepted. With his lack of veracity, he was however most generous, and we never left his place empty handed. (Mary Charlotte Alexander, 250)

According to his obituary notice, Oudinot was a deputy sheriff at Lahaina for a number of years: “His hospitality, cheerfulness of temper and many other good qualities, caused him to be universally known on these islands and secured for him a large number of friends. Through industry and energy he has accumulated a valuable property situated in Lahaina” (“Died,” Honolulu Pacific Commercial Advertiser, 22 July 71, 2; naturalization document of Francis A. Oudinot dated 18 June 55, Naturalization Book N:55, Hawaiian Ministry of Interior, Bureau of Immigration, H-Ar; William Ap Jones to Mr. Chapman of the Interior Ministry, 24 Aug 61, Miscellaneous File, Hawaiian Ministry of Interior, H-Ar; MTH , 57–58; N&J1 , 120 n. 38).

 I . . . sir.”] Mark Twain first published this portion of the text as “About a Remarkable Stranger” in his “Memoranda” in the April 1871 Galaxy (SLC 1871b). He revised the sketch only slightly when incorporating it into Roughing It.
 you ought to have seen my chimney . . . I had to dig it out with a pickaxe] In August 1866 Clemens wrote in one of his Hawaiian notebooks: “Chimney got choked with smoke so thick had to dig it out” ( N&J1 , 146).
  [begin page 740] there was lightning for you . . . my dog was a swimming behind the wagon] In late July 1866 Clemens wrote in his notebook, “Oudinot’s bee & dog & lightning story—lightning came in at front door as he was just going out & drove him clear through & out at the back door” ( N&J1 , 147). Although the lightning anecdote sketched in the entry does not occur in this chapter, the listed elements (the bee, the dog, and the lightning) are nevertheless present (see the phrase “little small bee” at 530.11).
 Markiss was found . . . dead] Oudinot was still alive when Mark Twain published his Galaxy sketch, but died of heart disease three months later.