Explanatory Notes
See Headnote
Apparatus Notes
See Headnotes
[begin page 466]


While I was in Honolulu I witnessed the ceremonious funeral of the King’s sister, her Royal Highness the Princess Victoria. According to the royal custom, the remains had lain in state at the palace thirty days explanatory note, watched day and night by a guard of honor. And during all that time a great multitude of natives from the several islands had kept the palace grounds well crowded and had made the place a pandemonium every night with their howlings and wailings, beating of tom-toms and dancing of the (at other times) forbidden hula-hula emendation by half-clad maidens to the music of songs of questionable decency chanted in honor of the deceased. The printed programme of the funeral procession interested me at the time; and after what I have just said of Hawaiian grandiloquence in the matter of “playing empire,” I am persuaded that a perusal of it may interest the reader:

Afteremendation reading the long list of dignitaries, etc., and remembering the sparseness of the population, one is almost inclined to wonder where the material for that portion of the procession devoted to “Hawaiian Population Generally” is going to be procured:


Royal School. Kawaiahao School. Roman Catholic School.emendation

Maemaeemendation School.

Honolulu Fire Department.

Mechanics’emendation Benefit Union.

Attending Physicians.

Konohikis (Superintendents)emendation of Crownemendation Lands, Konohikis of Privateemendation
Lands of His Majesty, Konohikis of Private Lands of Her late Royal Highness.

Governor of Oahuexplanatory note and Staff.

Hulumanu (Military Company)emendation.

The Prince of Hawaii’s Own (Military Company).

Household Troops.emendation

[begin page 467] The King’s Household Servants.

Servants of Her late Royal Highness.

Protestant Clergy. The Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church.

His Lordship Louis Maigret, the Rt. Rev. Bishoptextual note emendation of Arathea,
Vicar-Apostolic of the Hawaiian Islandsexplanatory note.

The Clergy of the Hawaiian Reformed Catholic Church.

His Lordship the Right Reverend Bishop of Honoluluexplanatory note.

Escort Haw. Cavalry.
Large Kahilis.
Small Kahilis.


Escort Haw. Cavalry.
Large Kahilis.*emendation
Small Kahilis.

Her Majesty Queen Emma’s Carriageexplanatory note.

His Majesty’s Staff.

Carriage of Her late Royal Highness.

Carriage of Her Majesty the Queen Dowagerexplanatory note.

The King’s Chancellorexplanatory note.

Cabinet Ministers.

His Excellency the Minister Resident of the United Statesemendation.

H. I. M.’s Commissionerexplanatory note emendation.

H. B. M.’s Acting Commissioneremendation.

Judges of Supreme Court.

Privy Councillors.

Members of theemendation Legislative Assembly.

Consular Corps.

Circuit Judges.

Clerks of Government Departments.

Members of the Bar.

Collector General, Custom House Officers and Officers of the Customs.

Marshal and Sheriffs of the different Islands.

King’s Yeomanry.

Foreign Residents.

Ahahui Kaahumanuexplanatory note.

*Ranks of long-handled mops made of gaudy feathers—sacred to royalty. They are stuck in the ground around the tomb and left there.emendation [begin page 468]

Hawaiian Population Generally.

Hawaiian Cavalry.

Police Force.textual note emendation

I resume my journal at the point where the procession arrived at the royal mausoleum:emendation

a modern funeral.

As the procession filed through the gate, the military deployed handsomely to the right and left and formed an avenue through which the long column of mourners passed to the tomb. The coffin was borne through the door of the mausoleum, followed by the King and his chiefs, the great officers of the kingdom, foreign Consuls, Embassadors and distinguished guests (Burlingameexplanatory note and Gen.emendation Van Valkenburghexplanatory note). Several of the kahilis emendation were then fastened to a frameworkemendation in front of the tomb, there to remain until they decay and fall to pieces, or, forestalling this, until another scion of royalty dies. At this point of the proceedings the multitude set up such a heart-brokenemendation wailing as I hope never to hear again. The soldiers fired three volleys of musketry—the wailing being previously silenced to permit of the guns being heard. His Highness Prince William, in a showy military uniform (the “true prince,” this—scion of the house over-thrown by the present dynasty—heemendation was formerly betrothed to the Princess but was not allowed to marry her), stood guard and paced back and forth within the door. The privileged few who followed the coffin into the mausoleum remained [begin page 469] some time, but the King soonemendation came out and stood in the door and near one side of it. A stranger could have guessed hisemendation rank (although he was so simply and unpretentiously dressed) by the profound deference paid him by all persons in his vicinity; by seeing his high officers receive his quiet orders and suggestions with bowed and uncovered heads; and by observing how careful those persons who came out of the mausoleum were to avoid “crowding” him (although there was room enough in the doorway for a wagon to pass, for that matter); how respectfully they edged out sideways, scraping their backs against the wall and always presenting a front view of their persons to his Majesty, and never putting their hats on until they were well out of the royal presence.emendation

Heemendation was dressed entirely in black—dress-coat and silk hat—and looked rather democratic in the midst of the showy uniforms about him. On his breast he wore a large gold star, which was half hidden by the lappeltextual note of his coat. He remained at the door a half hour, and occasionally gave an order to the men who were erecting the kahilis before the tomb. He had the good taste to make one of them substitute black crape for the ordinary hempen rope he was about to tie one of them to the framework with. Finally he entered his carriage and drove away, and the populace shortly began to drop intoemendation his wake. While he was in view there was but one man who attracted more attention than himself, and that was Harris (the Yankee Prime Minister)emendation. This feeble personage had crape enough around his hat to express the grief of an entire nation, and as usual he neglected no opportunity of making himself conspicuous and exciting the admiration of the simple Kanakas. Oh! noble ambition of this modern Richelieu!

Itemendation is interesting to contrast the funeral ceremonies of the Princess Victoria with those of her notedemendation ancestor Kamehameha the Conqueror, who died fiftyemendation years ago—in 1819, the year before the first missionaries came:

On the 8th of May, 1819, at the age of sixty-six, he died as he had lived, in the faith of his country. It was his misfortune not to have come in contact with men who could have rightly influenced his religious aspirations. Judged by his advantages, and compared with the most eminent of his countrymen, he may be justly styled, not only great, but goodexplanatory note. To this day his memory warms the heart and elevates the national feelings of Hawaiians. They are proud of their old warrior-king; they love his name; his deeds form their historical age; and an enthusiasm everywhere prevails, shared even by foreigners who knew his worth, that constitutes the firmest pillar of the throne of his dynastyemendation.

In lieu of human victims (the custom of that age)emendation, a sacrifice of three hundred dogs attended his obsequies; no mean holocaust, when their national value and the estimation in which they were held areemendation considered. The bones of Kamehameha after being kept for a while, were so carefully [begin page 470] concealed that all knowledge of their final resting place is now lost. There was a proverb current among the common people that the bones of a cruel king could not be hid; they made fish-hooks and arrows of themexplanatory note, upon which in using them they vented their abhorrence of his memory in bitter execrations.explanatory note

The account of the circumstances of his death, as written by the native historians, is full of minute detail, but there is scarcely a line of it which does not mention or illustrate some bygoneemendation custom of the country. In this respect it is the most comprehensive document I have yet met withexplanatory note. I will quote it entire:emendation

Whenemendation Kamehameha was dangerously sick and the priests were unable to cure him, they said, “Be of good courage, and build a house for the god” (his own private god or idol), “thatemendation thou mayest recover.” The chiefs corroborated this advice of the priests, and a place of worship was prepared for Kukailimokuexplanatory note, and consecrated in the evening. They proposed also to the king, with a view to prolong his life, that human victims should be sacrificed to his deity; upon which the greater part of the people absconded through fear of death, and concealed themselves in hiding-places till the tabu,*emendation in which destruction impended, was past. It is doubtful whether Kamehameha approved of the plan of the chiefs and priests to sacrifice men, as he was known to say, “The men are sacred for the king;”emendation meaning that they were for the service of his successor. This information was derived from his son, Liholihoexplanatory note emendation.

Afteremendation this, his sickness increased to such a degree that he had not strength to turn himself in his bed. When another season, consecrated for worship at the new temple—heiau—arrived, he said to his son Liholiho, “Go thou and make supplication to thy god; I am not able to go and will offer my prayers at home.” When his devotions to his feathered god, Kukailimoku, were concluded, a certain religiously disposed individual, who had a bird-god, suggested to the king that through its influence his sickness might be removed. The name of this god was Pua; its body was made of a bird, now eaten by the Hawaiians, and called in their language alae. Kamehameha was willing that a trial should be made, and two houses were constructed to facilitate the experiment; but while dwelling in them, he became so very weak as not to receive food. After lying there three days, his wives, children, and chiefs, perceiving that he was very low, returned him to his own house. In the evening he was carried to the

*Tabu (pronounced tah-boo,) means prohibition (we have borrowed it,) or sacred. The tabu was sometimes permanent, sometimes temporary; and the person or thing placed under tabu was for the time being sacred to the purpose for which it was set apart. In the above case the victims selected under the tabu emendation would be sacred to the sacrifice.emendation [begin page 471] eating-house,*emendation where he took a little food in his mouth, which he did not swallow; also a cup of water. The chiefs requested him to give them his counsel. But he made no reply, and was carried back to the dwelling-house; but when near midnightemendation, ten o’clock, perhaps, he was carried again to the place to eat; but, as before, he merely tasted of what was presented to him. Then Kaikioewaexplanatory note addressed him thus: “Here we all are, your younger brethren, your son, Liholiho, and your foreignerexplanatory note; impart to us your dying charge, that Liholiho and Kaahumanuexplanatory note may hear.” Then Kamehameha inquired, “What do you say?” Kaikioewa repeated, “Your counsels for us.” He then said, “Move on in my good way, and——.” He could proceed no further. The foreigner—Mr. Young—embraced and kissed him. Hoapiliexplanatory note also embraced him, whispering something in his ear, after which he was taken back to the house. About twelve, he was carried once more to the house for eating, into which his head entered, while his body was in the dwelling-house immediately adjoining. It should be remarked, that this frequent carrying of a sick chief to and frotextual note emendation from one house to another, resulted from the tabutextual note emendation system then in force. There were at that time six houses (huts)emendation connected with an establishment; one was for worship, one for the men to eat in, an eating-houseemendation for the women, a house to sleep inemendation, a house in which to manufacture kapa (native cloth)emendation, and one where at certain intervals the women might dwell in seclusion.

Theemendation sick kingemendation was once more taken to his house, when he expired; this was at two o’clock—a circumstance from which Leleiohokuexplanatory note derived his name. As he breathed his last Kalaimokuexplanatory note came to the eating-house to order those in it to go out. There were two aged persons thus directed to depart; one went, the other remained on account of love to the king, by whom he had formerly been kindly sustained. The children also were sent away. Then Kalaimoku came to the house, and the chiefs had a consultation. One of them spoke thus: “This is my thought, we will eat him raw.”†emendation Kaahumanu (one of the dead king’semendation widows)emendation replied, “Perhaps his body is not at our disposal; that is more properly with his successor. Our part in him—theemendation breath—has departed; his remains will be disposed of by Liholiho.”

Afteremendation this conversation, the body was taken into the consecrated house for the performance of the proper rites by the priest and the newemendation king. The name of this ceremony is uko; and when the sacred hog was baked, the priest offered it to the dead body and it became a god, the king at the same time repeating the customary prayers.

*It was deemed pollution to eat in the same hut a person slept in—the fact that the patient was dying could not modify the rigid etiquette.

†This sounds suspicious, in view of the fact that all Sandwich Island historians, white and black, protest that cannibalism never existed in the Islandsemendation. However, since they only proposed to “eat him raw” we “won’t count that.”emendation But it would certainly have been cannibalism if they had cooked himexplanatory note.—M. T.emendation [begin page 472]

Thenemendation the priest,emendation addressing himself to the king and chiefs, said, “Iemendation will now make known to you the rules to be observed respecting persons to be sacrificed on the burial of this body. If you obtain one man before the corpse is removed, one will be sufficient; but after it leaves this house four will be required. If delayed until we carry the corpse to the grave, there must be ten; but after it is deposited in the grave, there must be fifteen. To-morrow morning there will be a tabuemendation, and if the sacrifice be delayed until that time, forty men must die.”

Thenemendation the high priest Hewahewa, inquired of the chiefs, where shall be the residence of King Liholiho? They replied, “Where, indeed? you of all men ought to know.” Then the priest observed, “There are two suitable places; one is Kau, the other isemendation Kohala.” The chiefs preferred the latter, as it was more thickly inhabited. The priest added, “These are proper places for the king’s residence, but he must not remain in Konaexplanatory note, for it is polluted.” This was agreed to. It was now break of day. As he was being carried to the place of burial, the people perceived that their king was dead, and they wailed. When the corpse was removed from the house to the tomb, a distance of one chain, the procession was met by a certain man who was ardently attached to the deceased. He leaped upon the chiefs who were carrying the king’s body; he desired to die with him, on account of his love. The chiefs drove him away. He persisted in making numerous attempts, which were unavailing.emendation Kalaimokuemendation also had it in his heart to die with him, but was prevented by Hookio.

Theemendation morning following Kamehameha’s death, Liholiho and his train departed for Kohala according to the suggestions of the priest, to avoid the defilement occasioned by the dead. At this time, if a chief died the land was polluted, and the heirs sought a residence in another part of the country, until the corpse was dissected and the bones tied in a bundle, which being done, the season of defilement terminated. If the deceased were not a chief, the house only was defiled, which became pure again on the burial of the body. Such were the laws on this subject.

Onemendation the morning in which Liholiho sailed in his canoe for Kohala, the chiefs and people mourned after their manner on occasion of a chief’s death, conducting themselvesemendation like madmen, and like beasts. Their conduct was such as to forbid description. The priests, also, put into action the sorcery apparatus, that the person who had prayed the king to death might die; for it was not believed that Kamehameha’s departure was the effect either of sickness or old age. When the sorcerers set up by their fire-placesemendation sticksemendation with a strip of kapa flying at the top, the chief Keeaumoku, Kaahumanu’semendation brotherexplanatory note, came, in a state of intoxication, and broke the flag-staff of the sorcerers, from which it was inferred that Kaahumanu and her friends had been instrumental in the king’s deathemendation. On this account they were subjected to abuse.explanatory note textual note emendation

You have the contrast, now, and a strange one it is. This great Queen, Kaahumanu, who was “subjected to abuse” during the [begin page 473] frightful orgies that followed the King’s death, in accordance with ancient custom, afterwardemendation became a devout Christian and a steadfast and powerful friend of the missionaries.explanatory note emendation

Dogs were, and still are, reared and fattened for food, by the natives—hence the reference to their value in one of the above paragraphs.

Forty years ago it was the custom in the Islands to suspend all law for a certain number of days after the death of a royal personage; and then a saturnalia ensued which one may picture to himself after a fashion, but not in the full horror of the reality. The people shaved their heads, knocked out a tooth or two, plucked out an eye sometimes, cut, bruised, mutilated or burned their flesh, got drunk, burned each other’s huts, maimed or murdered one another according to the caprice of the moment, and both sexes gave themselves up to brutal and unbridled licentiousnessexplanatory note. And after it all, came a torpor from which the nation slowly emerged bewildered and dazed, as if from a hideous half-remembered nightmare. They were not the salt of the earth, those “gentle children of the sun.”

former funeral orgies.

The natives still keep up an old custom of theirs which cannot be comforting to an invalid. When they think a sick friend is going [begin page 474] to die, a couple of dozen neighbors surround his hut and keep up a deafening wailing night and day till he either dies or gets well. No doubt this arrangement has helped many a subject to a shroud before his appointed time.

They surround a hut and wail in the same heart-broken way when its occupant returns from a journey. This is their dismal idea of a welcome. A very little of it would go a great way with most of us.

Editorial Emendations CHAPTER 68
  hula-hula  (C)  •  “hula-  |  hula” (A) 
  After (A)  •  indented from right Honolulu, July 1, 1866. centered Funeral of the Princess. [¶] At ten o’clock yesterday morning, the court, members of the Legislature and various diplomatic bodies assembled at the Iolani Palace, to be present at the funeral of the late Princess. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Parker, pastor of the great stone church—of which the Princess was a member, I believe, and whose choir she used to lead in the days of her early womanhood. To the day of her death she was a staunch, unwavering friend and ally of the missionaries, and it is a matter of no surprise that Parker, always eloquent, spoke upon this occasion with a feeling and pathos which visibly moved the hearts of men accustomed to conceal their emotions. [¶] The Bishop of Honolulu, ever zealous, had sought permission to officiate in Parker’s stead, but after duly considering the fact that the Princess had always regarded the Bishop with an unfriendly eye and had persistently refused to have anything to do with his church, his request was denied. However, he demanded and was granted the place of honor in the procession, although it belonged properly to the officiating clergyman. The Bishop also claimed that inasmuch as the Royal Mausoleum was consecrated ground, it would be sacrilegious to allow a Calvinistic minister to officiate there when the body was consigned to the tomb, and so he was allowed to conduct that portion of the obsequies himself. However, he explained that it was not the custom of his church to read a burial service or offer up a prayer over such as had never belonged to that church, and therefore the departed Princess was consigned to her last resting place with no warmer or kindlier a recommendation than a meager, non-committal benediction—a sort of chilly funereal politeness—nothing more. But then we should not blame the Bishop in this matter, because he has both authority and example to sustain his position, as I find by reference to a “Review” by W. D. Alexander of one of his “Pastoral Addresses.” I quote from Alexander: [¶] “Only last December, Thomas Powell, near Peterborough, in England, wished to have his son buried in the parish church-yard, and a Dissenting minister to officiate. When the friends had gathered around the grave, a messenger arrived from the clergyman of the Established Church, one Ellaby, stating that he was ready to perform the Episcopal service. This was courteously declined, upon which the Rector issued from the church and forbade the burial. Even the right of silent interment was denied them, and when the afflicted father would himself perform the last sad offices at the grave of his child, the spade was wrenched from his hand by the sexton.” [¶] In offering this defense of the Bishop of Honolulu, I do so simply with an unselfish wish to do him justice and save him from hasty and injurious criticism, and not through a mean desire to curry favor with him. centered The Grand Funereal Pageant. [¶] As the hour of eleven approached, large bodies of white and native residents, chiefly on horseback, moved toward the palace through the quiet streets, to see the procession form. All business houses were closed, of course, and many a flag, half-mast high, swung lazily in the Summer air. [¶] The procession began to move at eleven, amid the solemn tolling of bells and the dull booming of minute guns from the hights overlooking the city. A glance of the eye down the procession revealed a striking and picturesque spectacle—large bodies of women, in melancholy black, and roofed over with a far-reaching double line of black umbrellas; troops of men and children, in black; carriages, with horses clad from head to foot in sable velvet; and in strong contrast with all this were the bright colors flashing here and there along the pageant—swarthy Zouaves, in crimson raiment; soldiers, in blue and white and other lively hues; mounted lancers, with red and white pennants fluttering from their weapons; nobles and great officers in splendid uniforms; and—conspicuous amid its gloomy surroundings—the catafalque, flanked on either side with gorgeously-tinted kahilis. The slow and measured tread of the marching squadrons; the mournful music of the bands; the chanting of the virtues of the dead and the warrior deeds of her ancestors, by a gray and venerable woman here and there; the wild wail that rang out at times from some bereaved one to whom the occasion brought back the spirit of the buried past—these completed the effect. centered The Kahilis. [¶] The kahilis are symbols of mourning which are sacred to the aristocracy. They are immense plumes, mounted upon tall poles, and are made of feathers of all bright and beautiful colors; some are a rich purple; some crimson; others brown, blue, white and black, etc. These are all dyed, but the costly kahilis formed of the yellow feather of royalty (tabu to the common herd) were tinted by the hand of nature, and come from the tropic bird, which, as I have said in a previous letter, has but two of them—one under each wing. One or two kahilis, also, made of red feathers from a bird called by sailors the marlinspike bird, had no artificial coloring about them. These feathers are very long and slender (hence the fowl’s name), and each bird’s tail is furnished with two, and only two, of them. The birds of the Sandwich Islands seem uncommonly indigent in the matter of strictly ornamental feathers. A dozen or more of these gaudy kahilis were upheld by pall-  |  bearers of high blood and fenced in the stately catafalque with a vari-colored wall as brilliant as a rainbow. Through the arches of the catafalque could be seen the coffin, draped with that badge and symbol of royalty, the famous yellow-feather war-cloak, whose construction occupied the toiling hands of its manufacturers during nine generations of Hawaiian Kings. centered “Style.” [¶] We have here, in this little land of 50,000 inhabitants, the complete machinery, in its minutest details, of a vast and imposing empire, done in miniature. We have all the sounding titles, all the grades and castes, all the pomp and circumstance, of a great monarchy. To the curious, the following published programme of the procession will not be uninteresting. After (SU) 
  Undertaker. (SU A)  •  centered PROGRAMME OF THE FUNERAL centeredofcentered Her Late Royal Highness the Princess centered VICTORIA KAMAMALU KAAHUMANU. centered rule centered Undertaker. (PCA) 
  School. (SU)  •  School, (PCA) 
  Maemae (PCA SU)  •  Miæmæ (A) 
  Mechanics’ (SU A)  •  Mechanic’s (PCA) 
  (Superintendents) (SU A)  •  not in  (PCA) 
  Crown (PCA)  •  the Crown (SU A) 
  Private (PCA)  •  the Private (SU A) 
  (Military Company) (SU A)  •  not in  (PCA) 
  The Prince of Hawaii’s Own (Military Company). Household Troops. (SU)  •  Household Troops. | The Prince of Hawaii’s Own (Military Company). lines reversed  (A)  The Prince of Hawaii’s Own.  |  Household Troops. (PCA) 
  Bishop (SU A)  •  Bishop Staley (PCA) 
  [HEARSE.] (SU A)  •  catafalque dingbat  (PCA) 
  Kahilis.* (A)  •  Kahilis. (PCA SU) 
  States (A)  •  States, James McBride (PCA SU) 
  Commissioner (A)  •  Commissioner, Mons. Desnoyers (PCA SU) 
  Commissioner (A)  •  Commissioner, W. L. Green (PCA SU) 
  the (PCA)  •  not in  (SU A) 
  *Ranks . . . there. (A)  •  not in  (PCA SU) 
  Force. (SU A)  •  Force. [¶] The Procession will form at 10 o’clock a. m., on Saturday, June 30th, on King street, in front of Iolani Palace. Those who are to precede the Catafalque will form between Richard street and Fort street, and those who are to follow, on the Waikiki side of the Palace gate. [¶] The Procession will start at 11 o’clock a. m., precisely, and will proceed through King street to Nuuanu street, thence by Nuuanu street to the Royal Mausoleum. [¶] The Procession will be under the direction of the Governor of Oahu. [¶] Iolani Palace, June 27, 1866. (PCA) 
  I . . . mausoleum: (A)  •  centered Details. [¶] The “Ahahui Kaahumana”—a benevolent society instituted (and presided over) by the late Princess for the nursing of the sick and the burial of the dead—was numerously represented. It is composed solely of native women. They were dressed in black, and wore sashes of different colors. [¶] His Majesty the King, attended by a guard of nobles and princes, whose uniforms were splendid, with bright colors and loops and braids of gold, rode with his venerable father in the first carriage in the rear of the catafalque. The Bishop of Honolulu occupied the place of honor in that portion of the procession which preceded the catafalque. [¶] The servants of the King and the late Princess would have made quite a respectable procession by themselves. They numbered two hundred and fifty, perhaps. [¶] Four or five poodle dogs, which had been the property of the deceased, were carried in the arms of individuals among these servants of peculiar and distinguished trustworthiness. It is likely that all the Christianity the Hawaiians could absorb would never be sufficient to wean them from their almost idolatrous affection for dogs. And these dogs, as a general thing, are the smallest, meanest, and most spiritless, homely and contemptible of their species. [¶] As the procession passed along the broad and beautiful Nuuanu street, an innocent native would step out occasionally from the ranks, procure a slice of water-  |  melon, or a pineapple, or a lighted pipe, from some dusky spectator and return to his place and enjoy the refreshing luxury as he kept step with the melancholy music. [¶] When we had thoroughly examined the pageant we retired to a back street and galloped ahead to the mausoleum, two miles from the center of the town, and sat down to wait. This mausoleum is a neat edifice, built of dressed blocks of coral; has a high, sharp, slated roof, and its form is that of a Greek cross. The remains of the later Kings repose in it, but those of ancient times were hidden or burned, in compliance with a custom of the dark ages; some say, to prevent evil-disposed persons from getting hold of them and thus being enabled to pray a descendant to death; others say, to prevent the natives from making fish-  |  hooks out of them, it being held that there were superior fishhook virtues in the bones of a high chief. There are other theories for accounting for this custom, but I have forgotten what they are. It is said that it was usual to send a friend to hide the bones (after they had been stripped of the flesh and neatly tied in a bundle), and then waylay him and kill him as he came back, whereby it will be observed that to do a favor of this kind was attended with consequences which could not be otherwise than disagreeable to the party assuming the kindly office of undertaker to a dead dignitary. Of course, as you will easily divine, the man was killed to prevent the possibility of his divulging his precious secret. [¶] The mausoleum is large enough to accommodate many dead Kings and Princes. It stands in the middle of a large grass-clad lawn, which is inclosed by a stone wall. centered Arrival of the Procession.  (SU) 
  Gen. (C)  •  General (SU) 
  kahilis  (C)  •  kahilis (SU) 
  framework (C)  •  frame-  |  work (SU) 
  heart-broken (A)  •  dismal, heart-  |  broken (SU) 
  (the . . . he (A)  •  (who (SU) 
  the King soon (A)  •  centered The King flush left Soon (SU) 
  his (A)  •  His (SU) 
  presence. (A)  •  presence. [¶] The King is thirty-four years of age, it is said, but looks all of fifty. He has an observant, inquiring eye, a heavy, massive face, a lighter complexion than is common with his race, tolerably short, stiff hair, a moderate mustache and imperial, large stature, inclining somewhat to corpulence (I suppose he weighs fully one hundred and eighty—may be a little over), has fleshy hands, but a small foot for his size, is about six feet high, is thoughtful and slow of movement, has a large head, firmly set upon broad shoulders, and is a better man and a better looking one than he is represented to be in the villainous popular photographs of him, for none of them are good. That last remark is surplusage, however, for no photograph ever was good, yet, of anybody—hunger and thirst and utter wretchedness overtake the outlaw who invented it! It transforms into desperadoes the meekest of men; depicts sinless innocence upon the pictured faces of ruffians; gives the wise man the stupid leer of a fool, and a fool an expression of more than earthly wisdom. If a man tries to look merely serious when he sits for his picture, the photograph makes him as solemn as an owl; if he smiles, the photograph smirks repulsively; if he tries to look pleasant, the photograph looks silly; if he makes the fatal mistake of attempting to seem pensive, the camera will surely write him down an ass. The sun never looks through the photographic instrument that it does not print a lie. The piece of glass it prints it on is well named a “negative”—a contradiction—a misrepresentation—a falsehood. I speak feelingly of this matter, because by turns the instrument has represented me to be a lunatic, a Solomon, a missionary, a burglar and an abject idiot, and I am neither. (SU) 
  He (A)  •  The King (SU) 
  into (A)  •  in (SU) 
  Harris (the Yankee Prime Minister) (A)  •  Minister Harris (SU) 
  It (A)  •  centered A Contrast—How They Did in Ancient Times. [¶] It (SU) 
  noted (A)  •  great (SU) 
  fifty (A)  •  less than fifty (SU) 
  dynasty (A)  •  son (HoHI SU) 
  (the custom of that age) (SU A)  •  not in  (HoHI) 
  and . . . are (SU A)  •  is (HoHI) 
  bygone (C)  •  by-gone (SU) 
  The . . . entire: (SU A)  •  The native historians relate the circumstances of his death with a feeling and minuteness, which so well illustrates many of their customs, that the reader will pardon the insertion. (HoHI) 
  When (C)  •  ‘When (HoHi) 
  god” . . . idol), “that (C)  •  god’ . . . idol) ‘that (SU)  god’ . . . idol), that (A)  god, that (HoHI) 
  tabu,* (C)  •  tabu* (A)  tabu, (SU)  kapu, (HoHI) 
  “The . . . king;” (C)  •  ‘The . . . king;’ (HoHi) 
  his son, Liholiho (HoHI)  •  Liholiho, his son (SU A) 
  After (C)  •  ‘After (HoHi) 
  tabu . . . tabu . . . tabu  (C)  •  tabu . . . tabu . . . tabu (A) 
  *Tabu . . . sacrifice. (A)  •  not in  (HoHI SU) 
  eating-house,* (C)  •  eating house,† (A)  eating house, (SU)  eating-house, (HoHI) 
  midnight (A)  •  mid-  |  night (HoHi) 
  to and fro (HoHI)  •  not in  (SU A) 
  tabu (C)  •  tabu  (SU)  taboo (HoHI) 
  (huts) (A)  •  not in  (HoHI SU) 
  an eating-house (C)  •  an eating house (SU A)  another (HoHI) 
  house to sleep in (SU A)  •  dormitory (HoHI) 
  manufacture kapa (native cloth) (SU A)  •  beat kapa (HoHI) 
  The (C)  •  ‘The (HoHi) 
  king (HoHI)  •  not in  (SU A) 
  raw.”† (C)  •  raw.’* (A)  raw.’ (SU)  raw.” (HoHI) 
  king’s (C)  •  King’s (SU) 
  (one of the dead king’s widows) (SU A)  •  not in  (HoHI) 
  the (HoHI)  •  his (SU A) 
  After (C)  •  ‘After (HoHi) 
  new (SU A)  •  not in  (HoHI) 
  Islands (C)  •  islands (A) 
  that.” (C)  •  that”. (A) 
  *It . . . M.T. (C)  •  †It . . . [M.T.] (A)  not in  (HoHI SU) 
  Then (C)  •  ‘Then (HoHi) 
  priest, (A)  •  priest  (HoHi) 
  “I (C)  •  ‘I (HoHi) 
  tabu (C)  •  tabu  (SU)  taboo (HoHI) 
  Then (C)  •  ‘Then (HoHi) 
  other is (SU A)  •  other, (HoHI) 
  unavailing. (SU A)  •  unavailing. His name was Keamahulihia. (HoHI) 
  Kalaimoku (HoHI SU)  •  Kalaimoka (A) 
  The (C)  •  ‘The (HoHi) 
  On (C)  •  ‘On (HoHi) 
  themselves (SU A)  •  not in  (HoHI) 
  fire-places (SU)  •  fire-  |  places (HoHi) 
  sticks (HoHI SU)  •  stick (A) 
  Kaahumanu’s (HoHI)  •  Kaahumaun’s (A)  Kaahumauu’s (SU) 
  king’s death (C)  •  King’s death (SU A)  death of Kamehameha (HoHI) 
  abuse. (C)  •  abuse.” (SU A)  abuse.’—Hawaiian Spectator, vol. 2, p. 227. (HoHI) 
  afterward (A)  •  afterwards (SU) 
  missionaries. (A)  •  missionaries. indented from right MARK TWAIN. centered Postscript—The Ministers. [¶] Burlingame and Von Valkenburgh, United States Ministers to China and Japan, are ready to sail, but are delayed by the absence of two attaches, who went to Hawaii to see the volcano, and who were not aware how slow a country this is to get around in. The journey hence to Hilo, which would be made anywhere else almost in eighteen or twenty hours, requires a week in the little inter-island schooners. [¶] Colonel Kalakaua, the King’s Chamberlain, has invited the Ministerial party to a great luau (native dinner) at Waikiki. [¶] Gen Von Valkenburgh has achieved a distinguished success as a curiosity-finder—not hunter. Standing on the celebrated Pari, a day or two ago, and amusing himself by idly punching into the compact lava wall through which the road is cut, he crumbled away a chunk of it, and observing something white sticking to it, he instituted an examination, and found a sound, white, unmarred and unblemished human jaw-tooth firmly imbedded in the lava! Now the question is, how did it get there—in the side (where a road had been cut in) of a mountain of lava—seven hundred feet above the valley? a mountain which has been there for ages, this being one of the oldest islands in the group. Burlingame was present and saw the General unearth his prize. I have critically examined it, but, as I half expected myself, the world knows as much about how to account for the wonder now as if I had let it alone. In old times, the bones of Chiefs were often thrown into the volcanoes, to make sure that no enemy could get a chance to meddle with them; and Brown has given it as his deliberate opinion that “that old snag used to belong to one of them fellows.” Possibly—but the opinion comes from a source which entitles it to but little weight. However, that tooth is as notable a curiosity as any I have yet seen in the Sandwich Islands. indented from right M. T. (SU) 
Textual Notes CHAPTER 68
  [begin page 943] Undertaker . . . Force.] It is very likely—but not certain—that Mark Twain’s source for Princess Kamamalu’s funeral program was a clipping from the Honolulu Pacific Commercial Advertiser (PCA), which he incorporated into the manuscript for his Union letter published on 1 August 1866; a clipping of SU then served in turn as printer’s copy for A. The program is also extant in a broadside printing in Hawaiian, and it is possible that Mark Twain had access to a broadside version, although no such document has been located. Such broadside printings, both in English and in Hawaiian, are known to survive from other royal funerals.
 Bishop] Although the name of Bishop [Thomas Nettleship] Staley (Anglican bishop of Honolulu since 1861) was present in the original PCA program, it was absent from SU, while in the same line of type the title “Reverend” was shortened to “Rev.” It is possible that the SU typesetter volunteered both these changes, in order to fit the text of this line into the narrow column of the newspaper, since there is no obvious reason why Mark Twain would have deleted only the name “Staley,” while reproducing the names of Bishop Louis Maigret, James McBride, Mons. Desnoyers, and W. L. Green. Later, when writing Roughing It, he added a new passage at the end of the preceding chapter in which he described Staley (identified, however, only by his title) as a “cheap ready-made Bishop from England” and ridiculed several other officials as well. He then deleted the names of McBride, Desnoyers, and Green from the program, leaving only Maigret’s—presumably because he did not wish to name the officials he had just made fun of: see the entries at 467.15, 467.16, and 467.17. Although Staley’s name had already been deleted from the SU text that he was using, Mark Twain would no doubt have deleted it now had it been present, as he did the other officials’ names.
 lappel] An acceptable nineteenth-century spelling ( OED , s.v. “lapel”).
 On . . . abuse.] Mark Twain used a borrowed copy of James Jackson Jarves’s History of the Hawaiian Islands (HoHI) to prepare his Union letter published on 1 August 1866 (see the explanatory note at 443.26), which included the two extracts at 469.30–470.5 and 470.11–472.43. A clipping of SU then served in turn as printer’s copy for A. He clearly could not have torn out the pages to paste into his manuscript, so he must have recopied the passages, making minor revisions—and presumably some errors—as he did so. The misspelling in SU at 472.40 (“Kaahumauu’s” in place of “Kaahumanu’s”) may be further evidence that the SU compositor was setting type from Mark Twain’s manuscript, rather than from HoHI directly, since the author’s “n” could easily have been mistaken for a “u”: a similar error [begin page 944] occurred at 526.1 (“Mani” instead of “Maui”) in material typeset from holograph.
 to and fro] The omission of HoHI “to and fro” from SU and A was apparently inadvertent, possibly a copying error by Mark Twain or by the SU compositor.
 tabu] Since the spelling of “tabu” in the added footnote at 470n. 1–5 is probably Mark Twain’s, the change from HoHI “taboo” to SU “tabu” here and at 472.7 is accepted as authorial, while the roman styling of the copy-text is retained.
Explanatory Notes CHAPTER 68
 the King’s sister, her Royal Highness the Princess Victoria . . . had lain in state at the palace thirty days] Princess Victoria Kamamalu Kaahumanu (1838–66) was the sister of Kamehameha IV and Kamehameha V, and the granddaughter and last female descendant of Kamehameha I. Since her brother Kamehameha V was unmarried, Victoria was heir apparent to the Hawaiian throne. She died on 29 May 1866 and, [begin page 721] according to native custom, her body lay in state for one month before the funeral on 30 June 1866. Clemens was touring the island of Hawaii when Victoria died, but returned to Oahu in time to witness the elaborate funeral ceremonies. He devoted three of his Union letters to a description of these ceremonies and to a discussion of local politics, which had been thrown into “a state of unusual stir” as a result of Victoria’s untimely death (SLC 1866x, 1866z–aa; “Death of the Heir Apparent,” Honolulu Pacific Commercial Advertiser, 2 June 66, 2).
 After . . . missionaries.] Mark Twain based this portion of the text on his letter in the Sacramento Union for 1 August 1866, revising it for inclusion in Roughing It (SLC 1866aa). That letter included the text of the funeral program (466.19–468.3), probably typeset from a clipping of the Honolulu Pacific Commercial Advertiser for 30 June 1866 (“Programme of the Funeral,” 2). The Union letter also included the two lengthy quotations on the death of Kamehameha from Jarves’s History: see the notes at 469.30–470.5 and 470.11–472.43.
 Governor of Oahu] John Dominis (see the note at 464.32).
 His Lordship Louis Maigret, the Rt. Rev. Bishop . . . of the Hawaiian Islands] Louis Désiré Maigret (1804–82), who arrived in the Sandwich Islands in 1840, headed the French Roman Catholic mission there from his cathedral of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu. A notebook entry that Clemens made in late June 1866 suggests that he visited the cathedral ( N&J1 , 118). In contrast to his critical portrait of Bishop Staley, Clemens praised Maigret as “a leader of distinguished ability” in his Union letter published on 30 July (SLC 1866z; Kuykendall 1938, 150–52, 341–42; Korn, 324; “Death of Bishop Maigret,” Friend 31 [1 July 82]: 67).
 His Lordship the Right Reverend Bishop of Honolulu] Bishop Staley (see the note at 464.22–28). The Advertiser reported that Staley “appropriated” the position next to the hearse, which custom assigned not to him but to the “officiating clergyman.” The paper claimed that Staley’s “bigoted conduct” provoked “an intense feeling of disgust,” reporting that “he would not walk side by side with the American Protestant Missionaries, but thrust himself above them, and above the Roman Catholic Bishop, all of whom have been longer upon the Islands, and have a greater influence than he has or ever will have among the people” (Honolulu Pacific Commercial Advertiser: “Funeral of the Princess Victoria” and “Side by Side,” 7 July 66, 3).
 Her Majesty Queen Emma’s Carriage] Queen Emma—Emma Naea Rooke (1836–85), the widow of Kamehameha IV, sister-in-law of Kamehameha V, granddaughter of John Young (see the note at 471.7), and great granddaughter of the younger brother of Kamehameha I—was not in this carriage and did not attend the funeral. She had sailed [begin page 722] for England in May 1865 for an extended visit and would not return until October 1866, after spending several weeks in the United States. Gracious, kindhearted, and highly cultivated, the popular Queen Emma had been known during her reign for her pro-British feelings and her promotion of the Hawaiian Reformed Catholic Church ( N&J1 , 220; Kuykendall 1953, 35, 78, 83–98 passim, 202–5).
 Her Majesty the Queen Dowager] Queen Kalama (1817–70), widow of Kamehameha III (“Death of Her Majesty the Dowager Queen Kalama,” Honolulu Pacific Commercial Advertiser, 24 Sept 70, 2).
 The King’s Chancellor] Elisha Hunt Allen (1804–83) was appointed United States consul to the Sandwich Islands in 1849 and joined the Hawaiian government in 1853, serving first as minister of finance. In 1857 he was appointed chief justice and chancellor. Over the next two decades he distinguished himself in diplomatic missions for the Hawaiian government, successfully negotiating the 1876 treaty of reciprocity with the United States. After 1876 he served as Hawaiian minister in Washington, D.C.
 His Excellency the Minister Resident of the United States. H. I. M.’s Commissioner. H. B. M.’s Acting Commissioner] These three men were identified by name in the Advertiser’s printed program—and in Mark Twain’s Union letter—as “James McBride,” “Mons. Desnoyers,” and “W. L. Green” (see the note at 464.35–38).
 Ahahui Kaahumanu] “The ‘Ahahui Kaahumanu’—a benevolent society instituted (and presided over) by the late Princess for the nursing of the sick and the burial of the dead—was numerously represented. It is composed solely of native women. They were dressed in black, and wore sashes of different colors” (SLC 1866aa).
 Burlingame] Anson Burlingame (see the note at 371.10–13), the United States minister to China (1861–67), arrived in Honolulu on 18 June en route to China. During his three-week stopover he developed a warm friendship with Clemens and helped him secure and conduct an interview with the survivors of the Hornet sea disaster—a journalistic scoop that Mark Twain reported in a Union letter published on 19 July (SLC 1866y; L1 , 348 n. 1).
 Gen. Van Valkenburgh] Robert Bruce Van Valkenburgh (1821–88), the recently appointed United States minister to Japan, was stopping over in Honolulu until 7 July on his way to his diplomatic post. A two-term congressman from New York State (1861–65), he had also served as a brigadier-general in the New York militia and commanded a regiment of New York volunteers at Antietam. He served in Japan until November 1869, and was later an associate justice of the Florida Supreme Court.
  [begin page 723] On . . . execrations.] Mark Twain’s source for this extract was the third edition of Jarves’s History (Jarves 1847, 105; see the note at 443.26).
 not only great, but good] The first and second editions of Jarves’s History include a passage at this point comparing Kamehameha I to Napoleon, which does not appear in the book’s third edition (the one Mark Twain consulted and quoted in writing Roughing It): “He may be justly styled the Napoleon of the Pacific. Without the worst traits of his prototype, he possessed, according to the situation he occupied, equal military skill, as vigorous an intellect, and as keen a judgment, as his illustrious cotemporary” (Jarves 1843, 188; Jarves 1844b, 206). Mark Twain makes a similar comparison in chapter 64 (440.36), which suggests that he had seen an earlier edition of the History. In 1884 he owned a copy of the second edition, but he almost certainly acquired it after the publication of Roughing It (Jarves 1847, 105; Gribben, 1:352; N&J1 , 104–5).
 The bones of Kamehameha . . . were so carefully concealed . . . they made fish-hooks and arrows of them] Clemens recorded in his notebook in April 1866: “Kammy’s bones hidden at his own request, to keep them from making fish hooks of them—a superstition that hooks made of the bones of a great Chief would concentrate the fish” ( N&J1 , 230). In “A Strange Dream,” probably written in April 1866, Mark Twain recounted an imaginary trip to Kilauea crater to search for the great chief’s bones, which have never been found (SLC 1866t).
 The account . . . written by the native historians . . . is the most comprehensive document I have yet met with] Mark Twain refers to Ka Mooolelo Hawaii, an 1838 history of the Sandwich Islands “written by scholars at a Hawaiian High school, and corrected by one of the instructors” (Malo et al., 58). Most of this history appeared for the first time in translation in 1839 in the second volume of the Hawaiian Spectator, a quarterly review published in Honolulu from January 1838 to October 1839 (“A Catalogue of Works Relating to the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands,” Friend 11 [1 May 62]: 38). Mark Twain’s introductory remarks are a paraphrase of Jarves’s own introduction to the extract that follows: see the next note.
 When . . . abuse.] Mark Twain’s source for this extract was the third edition of Jarves’s History (Jarves 1847, 105–6; see the note at 443.26). Jarves’s source, in turn, was the April 1839 Hawaiian Spectator (Malo et al., 227–31).
 Kukailimoku] This was Kamehameha I’s “favorite war god,” represented “by images of wicker-work, covered with red feathers, with [begin page 724] eyes made of mother-of-pearl,” and a wide gaping mouth “armed with sharks’ teeth” (Jarves 1847, 29–30; W. D. Alexander, 41).
 his son, Liholiho] Kamehameha I’s heir, who ruled as Kamehameha II: see the note at 496.23–498.23.
 Kaikioewa] A chief (d. 1839) who served as guardian of Prince Kauikeaouli (later Kamehameha III) during his minority and became governor of Kauai in 1824 (Dibble 1843, 199, 231–32; Kuykendall 1938, 118).
 your foreigner] John Young (1742–1835), an English sailor who arrived in the Sandwich Islands in 1790 as boatswain of the American vessel Eleanora. Young—along with another English seaman, Isaac Davis (d. 1810) of the Fair American—was detained by Kamehameha I as a result of violence between the foreigners and the natives. The two Englishmen became trusted advisers to the king. Young served as governor of the island of Hawaii from 1802 to 1812, and through his marriage to one of the king’s nieces became a member of the royal family (Kuykendall 1938, 24–25, 43–44, 54; Withington, 72–73; Scott, 887).
 Kaahumanu] The favorite wife (1768?–1832) of Kamehameha I and a descendant of the chiefs of Maui. In 1819, when Kamehameha’s son Liholiho became Kamehameha II, Kaahumanu assumed the position of kuhina nui, or chief adviser, in effect governing jointly with him. This position had been created for her by Kamehameha I, who did not want his successor to rule alone. After Liholiho’s departure for England in 1823 (see the note at 496.23–498.23) Kaahumanu served as regent, continuing this role during the minority of Kamehameha III until her death. The beautiful and imperious Kaahumanu was a major force behind the overthrow of the tabu system in November 1819 (described in chapter 72, at 496.25–497.4). After 1821 she reversed her initially unfriendly attitude toward the Protestant missionaries, becoming a vigorous supporter of their educational, social, and moral reforms (Kuykendall 1938, 63–64, 67–68, 77–78, 106, 114; Bingham, 148–49, 164–65; Bradley, 141–44, 173, 190–93, 211–13; Kamakau, 306–23).
 Hoapili] The chief Ulumeheihei (1767?–1840) was given the name “Hoapili,” or “close adhering companion,” by Kamehameha I, “from the friendship which existed between the old king and himself” (Jarves 1847, 108). It was Hoapili who successfully concealed the king’s bones. He married Keopuolani and Kalakua, two of Kamehameha’s widows. From 1823 until his death he served as governor of Maui (Judd, 41–42 n. 42; Jarves 1847, 119, 122).
 Leleiohoku] One of Kalaimoku’s sons (1826–48) (see the next note). At an early age he married Nahienaena, one of Kamehameha I’s daughters, and later married the high chiefess Ruth Keelikolani. He was governor of the island of Hawaii from 1844 until his death at age [begin page 725] twenty-two. The first part of his name, “Leleio,” means “to die quickly” or suddenly, and “hoku” means “night of the full moon,” a reference to Kamehameha’s decease “on the night of Hoku, May (Ka‘elo) 14 according to the Oahu calendar” (Kamakau, 212; Andrews, 336; Pukui and Elbert, 71; Zambucka 1977, 21).
 Kalaimoku] Kamehameha I’s trusted prime minister and treasurer (d. 1827), also known as Kalanimoku or Karaimoku. He adopted the name of one of his contemporaries, the great English prime minister William Pitt, and was often so addressed. He continued as prime minister in the reign of Kamehameha II (1819–24), and in the early years of the reign of Kamehameha III. During his long service, he was second in power (under the king’s ultimate authority) only to Kaahumanu, the kuhina nui and regent (Kuykendall 1938, 53, 64, 431–32).

†This . . . would certainly have been cannibalism if they had cooked him] This footnote misrepresents the view of Sandwich Islands historians. Jarves observed:

Some doubt formerly existed, whether cannibalism ever prevailed in the group. The natives themselves manifested a degree of shame, horror and confusion, when questioned upon the subject, that led Cook and his associates, without any direct evidence of the fact, to believe in its existence; but later voyagers disputed this conclusion. The confessions of their own historians, and the general acknowledgment of the common people, have now established it beyond a doubt. (Jarves 1847, 49)

Mark Twain often treated the subject of cannibalism humorously during this period—for example, in two items about Honolulu publisher Henry Whitney, in his Sandwich Islands lecture, in the sketch “Cannibalism in the Cars,” and in an 1870 Buffalo Express piece, “Dining with a Cannibal” (SLC 1866mm, 1870n, 884; Fatout 1976, 10; MTH , 144–45; SLC 1868i, 1870c).

 Kau . . . Kohala . . . Kona] Kamehameha I died at his home, Kamakahonu, in the village of Kailua, Kona district. Kona is on the west side of the island of Hawaii, between the districts of Kohala to the north and Ka‘u to the south. Kau is in the Ka‘u district (Pukui, Elbert, and Mookini, 80, 91, 114).
 Keeaumoku, Kaahumanu’s brother] Keeaumoku (d. 1824), a high chief of the Maui royal line, was a trusted counselor to Kamehameha I, like his father of the same name. He served as governor of both Maui and Kauai (Kuykendall 1938, 53; Withington, 134–36; Jarves 1847, 108, 123).
 Forty years ago . . . both sexes gave themselves up to . . . licentiousness] This paragraph summarizes a passage in Jarves’s History, which Mark Twain quoted in full in his Sacramento Union letter published on 16 July 1866 (Jarves 1847, 40; SLC 1866x).