Explanatory Notes
See Headnote
Apparatus Notes
See Headnotes
[begin page 35]


Our new conductor (just shipped) had been without sleep for twenty hours. Such a thing was very frequent. From St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, by stage-coachemendation, was nearly nineteen hundred miles, and the trip was often made in fifteen days (the cars do it in four and a half, now), but the time specified in the mail contracts, and required by the schedule, was eighteen or nineteen days, if I remember rightlyexplanatory note. This was to make fair allowance for winter storms and snows, and other unavoidable causes of detention. The stage company had everything under strict discipline and good system. Over each two hundred and fifty miles of road they placed an agent or superintendent, and invested him with great authority. His beat or jurisdiction of two hundred and fifty miles was called a “division.” He purchased horses, mules,emendation harness, and food for men and beasts, and distributed these things among his stage stations, from time to time, according to his judgment of what each station needed. He erected station buildings and dug wells. He attended to the paying of the station-keepers, hostlers, drivers and blacksmiths, and discharged them whenever he chose. He was a very, very great man in his “division”—a kind of Grand Mogul, a Sultan of the Indies, in whose presence common men were modest of speech and manner, and in the glare of whose greatness even the dazzling stage-driver dwindled to a penny dip. There were about eight of these kings, all told, on the overlandemendation route.

Next in rank and importance to the division-agent came the “conductor.” His beat was the same length as the agent’s—two hundred and fifty miles. He sat with the driver, and (when necessary) rode that fearful distance, night and day, without other rest or sleep than what he could get perched thus on top of the flying vehicle. Think of it! He had absolute charge of the mails, express [begin page 36] matter, passengers and stage-coachemendation, until he delivered them to the next conductor, and got his receipt for them. Consequently he had to be a man of intelligence, decision and considerable executive ability. He was usually a quiet,

the conductor.
pleasant man, who attended closely to his duties, and was a good deal of a gentleman. It was not absolutely necessary that the division-agent should be a gentleman, and occasionally he wasn’t. But he was always a general in administrative ability, and a bulldogemendation in courage and determination—otherwise the chieftainship over the lawless underlings of the overlandemendation service would never in any instance have been to him anything but an equivalent for a month of insolence and distress and a bullet and a coffin at the end of it. There were about sixteen or eighteen conductors on the overland, for there was a daily stage each way, and a conductor on every stage.

Next in real and official rank and importance, after the conductor, came my delight, the driver—next in real but not in apparent importance—for we have seen that in the eyes of the common herd the driver was to the conductor as an admiral is to the captain of the flag-ship. The driver’s beat was pretty long, and his sleepingtime at the stations pretty short, sometimes; and so, but for the grandeur of his position his would have been a sorry life, as well as a hard and a wearing one. We took a new driver every day or every night (for they drove backwards and forwardsemendation over the same piece of road all the time), and therefore we never got as well acquainted with them as we did with the conductors; and besides, they would have been above being familiar with such rubbish as passengers, anyhow, as a general thing. Still, we were always eager to get a sight of each and every new driver as soon as the watch changed, [begin page 37] for each and every day we were either anxious to get rid of an unpleasant one, or loath to part with a driver we had learned to like and had come to be sociable and friendly with. And so the first question we asked the conductor whenever we got to where we were to exchange drivers, was always, “Which is him?” The grammar was faulty, maybe, but we could not know, then, that it would go into a book some day. As long as everything went smoothly, the overland driver was well enough situated, but if a fellow driver got sick suddenly it made trouble, for the coach must go on, and so the potentate who was about to climb down and take a luxurious rest after his long night’s siege in the midst of wind and rain and darkness, had to stay where he was and do the sick man’s work. Once, in the Rocky Mountains, when I found a driver sound asleep on the box, and the mules going at the usual break-neck pace, the conductor said never mind him, there was no danger, and he was doing double duty—had driven seventy-five miles on one coach, and was now going back over it on this without rest or sleep. A hundred and fifty miles of holding back of six vindictive mules and keeping them from climbing the trees! It sounds incredible, but I remember the statement well enough.

The station-keepers, hostlers, etc., were low, rough characters, as already described; and from western Nebraska to Nevada a considerable sprinkling of them might be fairly set down as outlaws—fugitives from justice, criminals whose best security was a section of country which was without law and without even the pretenseemendation of it. When the “division-agent” issued an order to one of these parties he did it with the full understanding that he might have to enforce it with a navy six-shooter, and so he always went “fixed” to make things go along smoothly. Now and then a division-agent was really obliged to shoot a hostler through the head to teach him some simple matter that he could have taught him with a club if his circumstances and surroundings had been different. But they were snappy, able men, those division-agents, and when they tried to teach a subordinate anything, that subordinate generally “got it through his head.”

A great portion of this vast machinery—these hundreds of men and coaches, and thousands of mules and horses—was in the hands of Mr. Ben Holladayemendation. All the western half of the business was in his [begin page 38] handsexplanatory note. This

the superintendent as a teacher.
reminds me of an incident of Palestine travel which is pertinent here, and so I will transfer it just in the language in which I find it set down in my Holy Land note-bookexplanatory note:

No doubt everybody has heard of Ben Holladayemendation—a man of prodigious energy, who used to send mails and passengers flying across the continent in his overland stage-coaches like a very whirlwind—two thousand long miles in fifteen days and a half, by the watch! But this fragment of history is not about Ben Holladayemendation, but about a young New York boy by the name of Jack, who traveled with our small party of pilgrims in the Holy Land (and who had traveled to California in Mr. Holladay’semendation overland coaches three years before, and had by no means forgotten it or lost his gushing admiration of Mr. H.) Aged nineteen. Jack was a good boy—a good-hearted and always well-meaning boy, who had been reared in the city of New York, and although he was bright and knew a great many useful things, his Scriptural education had been a good deal neglected—to such a degree, indeed, that all Holy Land history was fresh and new to him, and all Bible names mysteries that had never disturbed his virgin ear. Also in our party was an elderly pilgrim who was the reverse of Jack, in that he was learned in the Scripturesexplanatory note and an enthusiast concerning them. He was our encyclopedia, and we were never tired of listening to his speeches, nor he of making them. He never passed a celebrated locality, from Bashan to Bethlehem, without illuminating it with an oration. One day, when camped near the ruins of Jericho, he burst forth with something like this:

“Jack, do you see that range of mountains over yonder that bounds the Jordan valley? The mountains of Moab, Jack! Think of it, my boy—the actual [begin page 39] mountains of Moab—renowned in Scripture history! We are actually standing face to face with those illustrious crags and peaks—and for all we know” [dropping his voice impressively], “our eyes may be resting at this very moment upon the spot where lies the mysterious grave of Moses! Think of it, Jack!”

jack and the elderly pilgrim.

“Moses who?[falling inflection]emendation.

“Moses who! Jack, you ought to be ashamed of yourself—you ought to be ashamed of such criminal ignorance. Why, Moses, the great guide, soldier, poet, lawgiver of ancient Israel! Jack, from this spot where we stand, to Egypt, stretches a fearful desert three hundred miles in extent—and across that desert that wonderful man brought the children of Israel!—guiding them with unfailing sagacity for forty years over the sandy desolation and among the obstructing rocks and hills, and landed them at last, safe and sound, within sightemendation of this very spot; and where we now stand they entered the Promised Land with anthems of rejoicing! It was a wonderful, wonderful thing to do, Jack! Think of it!”

Forty years? Only three hundred miles? Humph! Ben Holladayemendation would have fetched them through in thirty-six hoursexplanatory note!”

The boy meant no harm. He did not know that he had said anything that [begin page 40] was wrong or irreverent. And so no one scolded him or felt offended with him—and nobody could but some ungenerous spirit incapable of excusing the heedless blunders of a boy.

At noon on the fifth day out, we arrived at the “Crossing of the South Platte,” alias “Julesburg,” alias “Overland City,”explanatory note four hundred and seventy miles from St. Joseph—the strangest, quaintest, funniest frontier town that our untraveled eyes had ever stared at and been astonished with.

Editorial Emendations CHAPTER 6
  stage-coach (C)  •  stage-  |  coach (A) 
  mules, (C)  •  mules  (A) 
  overland (C)  •  over-  |  land (A) 
  stage-coach (C)  •  stage, | coach (A) 
  bulldog (C)  •  bull-  |  dog (A) 
  overland (C)  •  over-  |  land (A) 
  backwards and forwards (C)  •  backward and forward (A) 
  pretense (C)  •  pretence (A) 
  Holladay (C)  •  Holliday (A) 
  Holladay (C)  •  Holliday (A) 
  Holladay (C)  •  Holliday (A) 
  Holladay’s (C)  •  Holliday’s (A) 
  [falling inflection] (C)  •  (falling inflection) (A) 
  within sight (C)  •  with insight (A) 
  Holladay (C)  •  Holliday (A) 
Explanatory Notes CHAPTER 6
 the trip was often made in fifteen days . . . eighteen or nineteen days, if I remember rightly] The scheduled passenger trip from Atchison to Placerville (about sixty miles shorter than the trip from St. Joseph to Sacramento) actually took seventeen days. Clemens’s trip to Carson City (a day short of Placerville) took twenty days, including a stop of two nights and two days at Salt Lake City. The government contract with the stage company provided for “the transportation of the entire letter mail six times a week on the central route, to be carried through in twenty days eight months in the year, and in twenty-three days four months in the year, from St. Joseph, Missouri, (or Atchison, Kansas,) to Placerville” (Blair, 560; “Greatly Reduced Rates,” Atchison Freedom’s Champion, 12 Oct 61, 3; Root and Connelley, 43, 63; Kelly 1862, 12).
 this vast machinery . . . was in the hands of Mr. Ben Holladay. All the western half . . . was in his hands] In mid-1861 Benjamin Holladay (1819–87) held an unrecorded deed of trust giving him effective control of the stage line, but he did not become its official owner until March 1862. His interest was not in “the western half of the business,” but in the line between the Missouri River and Salt Lake City. Popular with his employees, punctilious as an administrator, and sometimes unscrupulous in his business methods, Holladay was exceedingly [begin page 581] prosperous and had achieved near-legendary status by the time he sold his stage operations to Wells, Fargo and Company in November 1866, anticipating the completion of the transcontinental railroad. Thereafter he concentrated his business interests in the West, where he operated railroads, steamship lines, a hotel, and a sawmill (Ralph Moody, 202–5, 211–13; Frederick, 63–64, 71–75, 80–81, 260, 272; Hafen, 227–28).
 an incident of Palestine travel . . . set down in my Holy Land note-book] The incident is not mentioned in Clemens’s extant notebooks or in The Innocents Abroad. Mark Twain did, however, tell the story in several of his 1868 and 1869 lecture appearances, and included it in “I Rise to a Question of Privilege,” written in May 1868 for the San Francisco News Letter and California Advertiser but never published (SLC 1868d). Clemens’s remarks in a letter of 2 December 1868 to Jervis Langdon confirm that it was based on fact ( L2 , 298, 299 n. 2).
 a young New York boy by the name of Jack . . . an elderly pilgrim . . . learned in the Scriptures] Mark Twain refers to John A. (Jack) Van Nostrand (1847?–79) of New York City and Greenville, New Jersey, and to (Confederate) Colonel William Ritenour Denny (1823–1904), a Sunday-school superintendent from Winchester, Virginia, who were members of the Quaker City excursion and of Clemens’s party during a three-week trip on horseback through the Holy Land. While at Jericho, Denny noted in his journal, “We tried to select what might be the spot (Pisgah) where Moses viewed the promised land and died on the mountains of Moab beyond Jordan but we could not” (Denny, entries for 11 and 25 Sept 67; L2 , 64, 93, 395–96; MTB , 3:1290).
 Ben Holladay would have fetched them through in thirty-six hours] Holladay was fond of performing dramatic feats of travel. In 1862 he made the trip from San Francisco to New York City in sixteen days (a clipping describing this event may be found in Clemens’s December 1866 notebook); the following year he traveled from Folsom, California (near Sacramento), to Atchison, Kansas, in twelve days. On both occasions he used specially selected teams of horses. Albert D. Richardson, correspondent for the Boston Journal in 1863, estimated that the latter trip “cost him 20,000 dollars in wear and tear of stock and vehicles”—evidently a small price to pay for the publicity it received (Ralph Moody, 255; “Telegraphic,” Sacramento Bee, 16 Sept 62, 3; N&J1 , 265 n. 30).
 “Julesburg,” alias “Overland City,”] Named for Jules Bene (also known as Jules Beni or Reni, and as René Jules), a French-Canadian trader who settled on the site in 1859, this town consisted of no more than a dozen buildings by the time it was destroyed by Indians in February 1865. It marked a major junction—the point at which the stage line to Denver diverged toward the southwest, while the main overland [begin page 582] route crossed the South Platte River and headed northwest. By the time of the Clemenses’ visit, the town had a reputation for lawlessness, which had prompted the stage company to rename it Overland City in official documents. Present-day Julesburg, Colorado, was established in 1884 by the Union Pacific Railroad, across the river and several miles north of the original site (Root and Connelley, 65, 213–15, 360–61; Thrapp, 1:92; Mattes, 279; Work, 24; see also the notes at 60.26–63.3 and 66.24–67.7).