Explanatory Notes
See Headnote
Apparatus Notes
See Headnotes

Mark Twain in 1884. Photograph taken in New York by Benjamin J. Falk.
The Mark Twain Papers, The Bancroft Library.



Illustrated by E. W. Kemble and John Harley

Edited by


With the late


Contributing Editors

Robert Pack Browning, Anh Q. Bui, Michael B. Frank,
Kenneth M. Sanderson, Harriet Elinor Smith

A Publication of the Mark Twain Project
of The Bancroft Library

General Editor, Robert H. Hirst

University of California Press
Berkeley   Los Angeles   London

2003, 2009, 2016


Editorial work for this volume has been supported by grants to
the Friends of The Bancroft Library from the


and the


and by matching funds from the


an independent federal agency.

Without such generous support, these editions could
not have been produced.


this edition builds on the Mark Twain Project’s 1988 edition of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and therefore owes much to those who originally worked on it or supported that work financially. We are especially indebted to the late Walter Blair, whose pioneering study of the book’s composition and structure, and whose advocacy of it among college and university academics have deeply informed all subsequent scholarship on Mark Twain and Huckleberry Finn. Blair was unable to work on this new edition, which was compelled by the discovery in 1990 of the hitherto-lost first half of the manuscript, but we rely extensively on his earlier work.

Work on this new edition has had extraordinary individual and institutional support. We thank especially the National Endowment for the Humanities, which repeatedly granted outright funds and also matched multiple, generous contributions from the Barkley Fund, and (in support of work on the 1988 edition) the Medco Foundation. The Endowment also matched most of the donations from individuals and institutions mentioned in the next paragraph or listed at the end of these acknowledgments.

We thank the following donors—including several who prefer to remain anonymous—for major, sustaining gifts to the Mark Twain Project: Richard and Rita Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. John P. Austin; the Bank of America Foundation; the Barkley Fund; the Behring-Hofmann Educational Institute; Lawrence I. Berkove in memory of Pascal Covici Jr., and James D. Wilson; The House of Bernstein; Dix and Didi Boring; Marilyn R. Bewley; Allan G. Bortel; Robert Pack Browning; Mrs. Helen Kennedy Cahill; J. Kimo Campbell; the Class of 1938, University of California, Berkeley; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson G. Combs; Don L. Cook; Robert Paul Corbett; Lawrence E. Crooks; Claire Daggett; B. J. Deering; the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation; the Dow Chemical Corporation Foundation; Victor A. Doyno; Dayton R. Duncan; Dorothy Eweson; Betsy W. Feichtmeir; Carol Hart Field and John Field; the Renee B. Fisher Foundation; Ann and David Flinn; Florentine Films; Victoria F. and Dr. Barry L. Fong; George and Mary Foster; Peter B. Frazier; Mrs. Virginia R. Furth; Launce E. Gamble; Barbara Gibson in memory of William M. Gibson and Henry Nash Smith; Dr. and Mrs. Orville J. Golub; Robert D. Haas; the Heller Charitable & Educational Fund; Betty and Carl Helmholz; Chancellor Emeritus Ira Michael Heyman and Therese Heyman; Mrs. W. James Hill in memory of Dean W. James Hill; the late Kenneth E. Hill; Hal Holbrook; Richard W. Holmes; James M. Hotchkiss Jr.; George J. Houle in memory of Gary Bosc, Alfred Kronfeld, Jack Freborg, Kenneth M. Ramseur III, and Jeffrey Sacks; Don L. Jewett in memory of L. L. Bennett; Mr. and Mrs. George F. Jewett Jr.; Waring Jones; Yoshio Kanaya; Holger Kersten; Bauer E. Kramer; Horst and Ursula Kruse; Watson M. (Mac) Laetsch; Lucius Lampton, M.D.; Irene and Jervis Langdon Jr. in memory of Polly Pennock; Allan Littman; the Lucent Technologies Foundation; the Jean A. MacAllum Trust; Michael Maniccia; the Mark Twain Forum; the Mark Twain Foundation; Bobby to Georgie for listening; the Frank & Georgiana Massa Foundation; Beverly Wagler Matson in memory of Moss Fairley Wagler; Sean E. McCarthy; Martin and Janis McNair; Hugh D. McNiven; Lee and Linda Meier; Robert and Beverly Middlekauff; Gwendolyn V. Mitchell; Richard H. Morrison; Tim Muller; Arlene Merino Nielsen; Jeanne G. O’Brien; Hiroshi Okubo; Peter K. Oppenheim; Katherine Wallace O’Reilly and Terry O’Reilly; Scott Pector; David Wingfield Pettus; Clyde and Marian Rasmussen; Lila and Neville Rich; Richard E. Roberts; Leigh Robinson; Mark J. Robinson; Mrs. Ernest H. Ruehl; Russ and Carolyn Ryder; Donald and Joanne Sandstrom; Virginia Scardigli; Thelma Schoonmaker in memory of Michael Powell; George Sears; Benjamin and Susan Shapell Foundation; Michael Shelden; John and Sheri Shenk; Willis and Marion Slusser; Camilla and George Smith; Janet and Alan Stanford; the Miriam and Harold Steinberg Foundation; Stephen R. Stewart; the Sturgis Library; Barbara Temby; Thomas A. Tenney; Betty Alexandra Toole; Gretchen Trupiano; Fred T. Weiss; Catherine and Kent Williams; Alvin Ziegler; and Peter and Midge Zischke. Many of these donors are members of the recently created Mark Twain Luncheon Club, led by its board of directors: Charles B. Faulhaber, Ann Flinn, Victoria F. Fong, Peter E. Hanff, Ira Michael Heyman, Watson M. Laetsch, Robert Middlekauff, Catherine and Kent Williams, and Alvin Ziegler. We also thank Donald A. McQuade, Vice Chancellor for University Relations, for his unprecedented efforts to ensure the financial stability of the Mark Twain Project. We are grateful to him and to the directors and members of the Mark Twain Luncheon Club for broadening the base of our support, and for literally making it possible to finish this edition of Huckleberry Finn.

Institutional support comes in several forms. First among equals are the University Library at Berkeley and The Bancroft Library which together form one of the world’s truly exceptional research libraries. We have been lucky to have close, daily contact with its resources, not the least of which is its knowledgeable staff. We particularly thank Thomas C. Leonard, University Librarian, Charles B. Faulhaber, James D. Hart Director of The Bancroft Library, and Peter E. Hanff, Deputy Director of The Bancroft Library, for their unstinting financial and moral support of the editorial work.

In preparing the text and annotation we have been helped by libraries and private collectors worldwide. In 1991, Sotheby’s auction house generously allowed us to inspect the newly discovered half of the Huckleberry Finn manuscript at their offices in New York City. We are grateful to the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, and to William H. Loos, Curator of the Mark Twain Room, for access to the complete manuscript of Huckleberry Finn, and for permission to reproduce some of its pages in photofacsimile. We are likewise grateful to Patrick E. Martin of Kennedy, Stoeckl & Martin, Victor A. Doyno of the State University of New York at Buffalo, and Marta Werner, Brandon Stosuy, and Terrence Chiusano for facilitating the reproduction of these manuscript pages.

The following institutions provided assistance and allowed us to quote or reproduce materials which they owned: the Vassar College Library; the Boston Athenaeum; the Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library, St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, California; the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University; the Library of Congress; the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection, New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations; the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and the Rare Books and Manuscripts Division of the New York Public Library; the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center Library, University of Texas at Austin; the Clifton Waller Barrett Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville; the Mark Twain House, Hartford; the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans; the Houghton Library, Harvard University; the Pierpont Morgan Library; the British Library, London; the L. E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Eau Claire, Wisconsin; and the Smithsonian Institution.

We benefitted from access to several private collections. Peter A. Benoliel generously allowed us to reproduce two original illustrations by E. W. Kemble; Christie’s, New York, provided photocopies of four original Kemble drawings; Samuel N. Freedman allowed us to quote a letter, Barton Levi St. Armand allowed us to reproduce a Kellogg mourning print, Ronald R. Randall allowed us to reproduce a publisher’s circular, and Justin G. Turner made available Mark Twain’s own copy of Francis Grose’s slang dictionary. We were also able to draw on a number of fine collections of first and foreign editions, notably those of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt E. Appert and of Mrs. Roberton F. Williams, as well as volumes owned by Villy M. Sorensen, Theodore H. Koundakjian, and Hamlin L. Hill. We also wish to thank William P. Barlow Jr., for access to his vast collection of auction catalogs, and for use of his Hinman Collator in establishing the text.

Of the many scholars whose ideas and insights enriched our research, we especially thank Victor A. Doyno, Howard G. Baetzhold, Louis J. Budd, Tom Quirk, Shelley Fisher Fishkin, and Thomas A. Tenney.

We thank Robert L. Miller, Curator of the Keokuk River Museum, for invaluable information about nineteenth-century steamboat design; Henry Sweets, of the Mark Twain Museum in Hannibal, Missouri; Christoph K. Lohmann of the W. D. Howells edition, at Indiana University, Bloomington; Randall Knoper, for combing unpublished Howells correspondence for references to Clemens; Francis Martin, for contributing information about E. W. Kemble; and Coralee Paull, for her research into Clemens’s Hannibal associates.

For research assistance we thank the following: Robert M. Gurn, Special Collections Department, Buffalo and Erie County Public Library; Kenneth A. Lohf and Bernard R. Crystal, Butler Library, Columbia University; Rose Marie Mitten and Marcia E. Moss, the Concord Free Public Library, Massachusetts; Eunice Gillman DiBella and Steve Wolff, the Connecticut State Library, Hartford; Sara S. Hodson, the Huntington Library; Edwin A. Quist, the Peabody Conservatory of Music, Johns Hopkins University; Jerry P. Sampson, Marion County Circuit Court, Palmyra, Missouri; Peggy Platner, State Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia; and Margaret W. Clute, Chemung County Historical Society, Elmira, New York.

Throughout the preparation of this volume, we had expert technical assistance. Frank Castella of Harmon and Castella, Poughkeepsie, New York, made photographic copies of the Kemble drawings and picture proofs at Vassar; Stephen Petegorsky photographed the Huckleberry Finn frontispiece for us, and Marianne Curling of the Mark Twain House, Hartford, carefully examined the drawing for signs of the artist’s alterations; Allen McKinney and his staff at Graphic Impressions, Oakland, California, prepared the remainder of the illustrations in the volume for publication; Mark Ong created the original maps from editorial mock-ups, and those maps were later revised electronically by Wilsted & Taylor Publishing Services, Oakland, California, who also brought their exacting standard to the typesetting for the volume, with the help of their talented staff: Jeff Clark, Melissa Ehn, Megan Geer, Melody Lacina, Sarah Lowe, Rebecca Nestle, Caroline Roberts, and Christine Taylor. At the University of California Press, Sam Rosenthal skillfully guided the book through production, and our sponsoring editors, Doris Kretschmer and Laura Cerruti, energetically coordinated all aspects of the publication process. We are also grateful to Sandy Drooker, Steve Renick, Stephanie Hansen, Laura Driussi, and Carla Golden for their assistance.

We especially thank Hershel Parker, who examined the volume for the Committee on Scholarly Editions of the Modern Language Association. We appreciate his lively interest in our work and his insightful suggestions for improving it.

Finally, we thank our colleagues at the Mark Twain Project, in particular our contributing editors for this volume—Robert Pack Browning, Anh Q. Bui, Michael B. Frank, Kenneth M. Sanderson, and Harriet Elinor Smith—for their ready assistance, thoughtful revision, and informed criticism on matters textual, historical, bibliographical, digital, and literary. In addition, Neda Salem, administrative assistant to the Mark Twain Project, facilitated our work in her usual genial style, and a number of former staff members contributed indispensable research for the documentary appendixes and notes, transcribed and collated texts, and proofread countless pages: Dahlia Armon, Richard Bucci, Jay Gillette, Paul Machlis, and Bernard L. Stein; as well as student assistants Priscilla Botsford, Janice Braun, Peter Goodwin, Julie Newcomb, Lindsay Onodera, Devang Parekh, and Louis Suarez-Potts. To all these friends and colleagues we are grateful.

V. F. and L. S. 

We wish to thank the following donors to the Mark Twain Project for their support of our work over several years, often with more than one donation.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Aaron II in honor of Jack Rosston

Academy of Art College

Thomas H. G. Aitken

The Reverend Russell H. Allen

Donald C. Allin

Sidney O. and Jan Allison

Joseph A. Alvarez

Leslee K. and Leonard J. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Ward Anderson

Tony Angellotti

William R. Appel

Jonathan Arac

Nicholas Aracic

Dahlia Armon

Roger Asselineau

Barbara F. Avery

Richard Bachenheimer

John Edward Back

Nancy and Howard G. Baetzhold in memory of James D. Wilson and Stanley Brodwin

Burton H. Baker

Bobbi Baldwin’s Portraits

Joyce E. and Kenneth Baldwin

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Balfour

Steven Barmazel

Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Barron

Gerald and Cathie Bartholomew

Carlos Bea

Rexford S. Beckham

The Sacramento Bee

John B. and Ann W. Bender

Ruth Bendor

The Bennett Family Trust

Carol C. Bense

Bruce G. Bentz

Doris and Robert Bergman

Norman M. Berk

Paul Berkowitz

James R. and Pamela B. Bernard

Anthony J. Berret

Roger Berry

David Bianculli

Duane Bietz, M.D.

John C. Bird

Donald P. Black and Robert L. Black, M.D., in memory of Harold A. Black

W. Edward Blain

Burton J. Bledstein

Kevin and Margaret Bochynski

Mary S. and Charles Boewe

Judith A. Bolon

Gene and Patty Bonnstetter

Nicole Lucile Boudié

Betsy Bowden

Lorraine Boyd

Jo Ann Boydston

John V. Boyer

Philip and Katherine Bradley

Professor Raymond L. Braham

Edgar Marquess Branch

Janet Branham

Steven A. Branson

Elaine Brasher

John P. Breeden Jr.

Steven R. Brenton

William B. (Bill) Brewer

Earl F. Briden

Richard Bridgman

Gwen Briscoe

Anthony E. Brown

Cecil M. Brown

Richard L. Bryan

Richard Bucci

Timothy Buchanan

Louis J. and Isabelle Budd

William P. and Mary L. Butler

The Cal Club of San Joaquin County

The California Alumni Club of the Peninsula

Robert L. Callahan

Lawrence G. Carlin

Elaine Carlson

Paul J. Carrigan Jr.

Mary D. Chamberlain

Robert S. Chapman and Candace E. Carlo

Theodore Chase Jr.

Frank S. and Mary Anne Chew

C. D. Christensen

Richard Christiansen

Arthur Christy

Barbara Cicardo in memory of James D. Wilson

Fred Clagett in memory of William H. Clagett

Natalie Cohen

Brenda J. Coker

James L. Colwell

Olivia Conner

Nancy Cook

Wayne and Germaine Cooper

Thomas B. Copeland

James M. Cox

Charles M. Crawford

Charles L. Crow

Terry L. Crowe

Sherwood Cummings

Mrs. Theresa L. Cunningham

Gloria Daffner

Linda H. Dalton

Beverly R. David

Harry E. Davis

Albert De la Pena

Dorothy De Mare

Vincent and Mildred DeDomenico

Edgar K. and Elinor S. DeJean

Theresa Demick

Christopher P. Denten

Barbara Deutsch

Jean Pond Dever

Julius E. Dias

Carl Dolmetsch Jr.

Rick Dolphus

Sheila T. Dowd

Marie Snow Doyle

Selma K. Dritz

Jon A. Dubin

Anthony Joseph Dubright

Robert M. Ebiner

Thomas J. Edsall

Mary K. Bercaw Edwards

Matthew J. Ehrenberg

Shirley Ellingson

Elmira College Center for Mark Twain Studies

Eleanor A. Elrod

Everett Emerson

Vince Emery

Allison R. Ensor

Bill Erwin

EspriTruth Films

Dwayne Eutsey

Marian M. Everett

Philip and Linda Fanning

Pat and Morley S. Farquar

William M. Fay

Henry A. Feldman

Gail L. Ferris

Ann Cahill Fidanque

Victor Fischer

Shelley Fisher Fishkin

Norma J. Flanery

The Reverend Don Fraser

David T. Funk

Gordon Furth

Sam S. Gallinger

Fred Genchi, Esq.

John Gensberg

Jay E. Gillette

David Glick

Fritz Goeckner

Dr. Anne T. Goetsch

Dorothy Goldberg in honor of Susan, Elena, and Ezra Snyder

Gloria R. Goldblatt

Stephen L. Golder

Mrs. Valerie M. Gomez

Marion S. Goodin

Lowell Gorseth

Vida L. Gosheff

Shoji Goto

Mrs. Adolphus E. Graupner Jr.

Maxine W. Greer in memory of William W. Greer

Kenneth L. Greif

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Griffin

Michael D. Griffith

Vernon Q. Gross

Gerald Gunn in memory of Robert and Louise Gunn

Jean F. Guyer

Lawrence P. Haeg

Kenneth L. Hagstrom

Peter E. Hanff

John and Kathryn Hansell

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Harnsberger

Mrs. Mercedes Haroldson

Susan K. Harris

Katherine A. and Terrence E. Harris-Inman

Michael Harrison

Peter D. Hart

Julia Hartung

David Hawkins and Ann Kirschner in memory of Jack Hawkins

Linda S. and William E. Hawn

Richard G. Heggie

James D. Heiple

Katherine Heller

H. Sleet Henderson

Margaret E. Henderson

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heuler

Mark Heyman

Sandra Hjorth

Mary Jo Hobart-Parks in memory of Russell Jewell

Elizabeth A. Hoem

Carl Hoff

Mrs. Carl J. Hoffman in honor of Cyril Clemens

Raymond Holbert

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Holcomb

Karen Holmes

Professor and Mrs. Richard H. Holton

Larry Howe

George L. Howell

Nancy Hoyt

David S. Hubbell, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Vernon Hudnut

Michael F. Hughes

Justine Hume

Sheila and Michael Humphreys

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Hungerford

The IAWQ-Microorganisms Conference

Hiroyoshi Ichikawa

Dr. M. Thomas Inge

Dr. Marcia Jacobson

Mark S. Jaffe

Dr. Janice Beaty Janssen in memory of Dale Janssen

David Jenkins

Robert Jenkins

Ruth M. Johanson in memory of Adolph H. Hintz

Mary Ann Johnson

Robert and Judy Jones

Mark Jordan

Fred Kaplan

The Katherine Heller and Rolf Lygren Fund

Dennis and Hene Kelly

Janette A. Kelly

Lynn Kelly

Dr. Charles C. Kelsey in memory of James D. Wilson

Maxwell R. Keniston

Howard Kerr

Harlan and Esther Kessel

David Kessler

David B. Kesterson

John K. King Books

Robert R. Kinkead Jr.

Ronald C. Kinkeade

Michael J. Kiskis

Elsa C. Kleinman

Paul and Elisa Kleven

Dorothy Klopf

Jeremy Knight

Robert E. and Margarette L. Knudsen

Lawrence T. Kocher

Julia Kramer

Larry Kramer

Kathryn C. Krauss

Richard W. La Rue

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Laidig

Baldwin G. and Ormond S. Lamson

Rudolph M. Lapp

John Leahy

Harriet Lin Lee

Mark and Evelyn Leeper

Philip W. Leon

Robert C. Lesser

Mrs. Roxanne Lindsay in memory of Bob Livermore

William S. Linn

Albert Locher-Bärtschi

Rita M. Locke

Bill Loehfelm

William H. Loos

John E. and Nancy J. Lorz

Richard A. Lowenstein

Eugene V. Luttrell

Kerry L. Macintosh

Ian MacKinlay

David Madson

A. Maher

Linda Rose Maio

William Makely in memory of Walter Blair

George Mallman

Mila P. Mangold

James F. Manning

Stephanie Manning

The Mark Twain Circle of America

The Mark Twain Society, Inc.

Lawrence Marshburne Jr.

Patrick E. Martin

Gregory Matza

Henry and Elizabeth Mayer

Jeffrey Mayne in memory of Lois and Jay McCarthy

Patricia Murphy McClelland in honor of Professor Leslie Fiedler

Joseph B. McCullough

Monica McGoldrick

Lynn McGowin

Mrs. Claudia R. McMullin

Wilson C. McWilliams

Ronald R. Melen

Gary L. Menges

Eileen N. Meredith

Theodore Meriam

Peter Messent

Spencer and Roberta Michels

J. N. Miettinen

Jay and Elise Miller

Michael Millgate

Ruth L. Mirassou in memory of Norbert Mirassou

Annie R. Mitchell

R. E. Mitchell

George and Elizabeth Mohun

F. Van Dorn and Carolyn U. Moller

Rayburn S. Moore in honor of Louis J. Budd and in memory of Arlin Turner

Michael Moores

Linda Morris in memory of Henry Nash Smith

Ron Morrison

Jane M. Murray

Jayne V. Diaz and Brian M. Murray

Charles and Doris Muscatine

Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Nadritch

Makoto Nagawara

Keiko Nakagawa

Leslie Neely

Bette Newberger

Morton Newman

Robert S. Newton

Phyllis Nicholson

Albert Raymond Nish Jr.

Charles A. Norton

Dorothy B. Nyswander

Patrick and Cathy Ober

Terry and Linda Oggel

The Olive L. Oggel Trust

Sheldeen G. Osborne

Wayne S. Ove

Lois Over

Robert Overbey

David W. Palmer

Marty Parkes

Dr. William E. Phipps

Mrs. Mary P. Pierce

Elizabeth Lyman Potter

Marilyn C. Potter

Skip Press

Diana J. Prola

Leslie B. Rall

Randall House Rare Books

R. Kent Rasmussen

Bruce Redwine III

W. R. Reidelberger

Elinor Reiss

The Reverend James Richardson

Mrs. Barbara H. Riggins

Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Ritter

Taylor Roberts

Mrs. Kip Robinson

Judith Robinson

Albert S. Rodda Jr.

Emily C. Rogers

John Rosen

Leslie Rosenbaum

Carl E. Rosenfeld

Bernard M. Rosenthal

Lynne M. Rusinko

Susan J. Sager

David Sakrison

Mrs. Leon E. Salanave in memory of Leon E. Salanave

Kenneth M. Sanderson

Eva Lee Sargent

Charles W. Savage III

Andrea B. Schlanger

Jim Schlievert

Barbara Schmidt

Katherine Schmidt

Harry R. Schroeter Jr.

James J. Schubring

Timothy, Sue, and James Schulfer

Richard F. Sentner Jr.

Gretchen E. Sharlow

Carol Booth Sharon

Jacklyn Lauchland Shaw in memory of Afghanistan Refugees

S. Diane Shaw

Robert C. Shenk Jr.

Polly A. Siegel

Carl B. and Elaine M. Simmons

Virginia H. and Warren G. Simms

Todd W. Singer

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corwin Singleton

Michael J. Skinner in memory of L. Bennett

David E. E. Sloane

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas Slotta in memory of Caroline Thomas Harnsberger

Elinor Lucas Smith

Dr. Geoffrey S. Smith

India M. Smith

Gene Snook

Colleen A. Spadaro

Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Speers Jr.

Marseille Spetz in memory of Leon Goldman

Ronald M. Spielman

Robert C. Spiess

James M. and Betty Jean Spitze

Mary Staats

Verne A. Stadtman

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steadman

Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Steeb

The Riverdale Press

Marshall D. Stein

Jeffrey Steinbrink

Charles G. and Tracy I. Stephenson

Eileen H. Strickland

Louis R. Suarez-Potts

Frances M. Sykes

Koji Tabei

G. Thomas Tanselle

John Curtiss Taylor III

Lu Terock

Anson Blake Thacher

Robert E. Thomason in memory of Dorothy H. Thomason

The Kenneth L. and Marian C. Thompson Fund

Stephen L. Tidler

The Times Mirror Foundation

Eloyde J. Tovey

Mrs. Forrest E. Tregea

Peter Tremblay

Edward L. Tucker

Bari Turner

Richard E. Tuttle

Frances E. Tywoniak

Charles S. Underhill

The United States Trust Company

Hirofumi Unoki

Thomas S. Van Den Heuvel

W. E. and Jean K. Van Loben Sels

Ellen M. and Michael Vernon

Terry Viele

Richard A. Vignolo

Robert W. Vivian

Warren W. Wallace

Kathleen Walsh

Donald Warrin in memory of Robert A. Murray

Willard D. Washburn

Professor M. Frances Van Loo and Robert Wazeka

Zella Y. Weeks

Mary A. and Charles L. Welch

Emmy E. Werner-Jacobsen

Ann A. West

The WGBH Educational Foundation

John and Kim Wheaton

John Wiesemes

Matilda B. Wilbur

T. H. Wildenradt

Merilynn A. Wilson

Herbert A. Wisbey Jr.

Donald A. Wolfel

Thomas Edwin Woodhouse

Sam Woodward

Byra Wreden

Roger M. Wright

Richard B. Yale

Mariko Yoshida

Nancy W. Zinn

David and Yoko Zmijewski

Jim Zwick