Explanatory Notes
Apparatus Notes
[begin page 313]
65. The Lick House Ball
27 September 1863

“The Lick House Ball” appeared in the same number of the Golden Era which carried the previous sketch, “Mark Twain—More of Him” (no. 64). Two other writers, “Peregrine” and “Pandora,” also gave their impressions of the event in the same issue. “It was on Thursday evening, the 24th inst.,” wrote Peregrine, “when the boarders of that highly popular hotel, the Lick House, gave another of those social and fashionable re-unions which have formed so marked a feature of this establishment.”1 Pandora noted the presence of Governor-elect Low and his wife, as well as “a live Baron” (probably Castro d'Estrala, the lion of the social season), and the officers of the U.S.S. Lancaster, the flagship of Admiral Ball, commander in chief of the United States naval forces in the Pacific. After the company “Quadrilled, Polked, Lanced, Waltzed, Galloped and Tuckered,” she wrote, supper was served about twelve, followed by more dancing until morning.2

The party was an important event, for the Lancaster had arrived in port only recently, on September 15, and scarcely two weeks earlier, on September 2, Frederick Low had soundly defeated John G. Downey in the race for governor.3 As though to do the occasion justice, Clemens dipped more deeply into the pool of fashion terms, expended more effort on individual descriptions, and singled out more wives of well-known men than he had done in “Mark Twain—More of Him.”

Editorial Notes
1 “Peregrine at the Lick House Hop,” Golden Era 11 (27 September 1863): 4.
2 “Pandora at the Party,” Golden Era 11 (27 September 1863): 5.
3 San Francisco Alta California, 16 September 1863, p. 1; San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 2 September 1863, p. 2; Golden Era 11 (4 October 1863): 4.
Textual Commentary

The first printing in the San Francisco Golden Era 11 (27 September 1863): 4 is copy-text. Copy: PH from Bancroft. In this sketch Mark Twain elaborates the technique used in “Mark Twain—More of Him” (no. 64), enriching his fashion jargon by borrowing from so many other vocabularies (such as mining and farming) that he often approaches nonsense humor. He deliberately calls attention to his inevitable failures of spelling: in describing one dress he alludes to its “maccaroon (usually spelled ‘maccaroni,’) buttons” (316.32–33)—a rhetorical device designed to assure his readers that his errors for “macaroon” and “macaroni” are intentional gaffes, properly included as part of the blasé pseudocompetence that informs the sketch throughout. As in no. 64, misspelled fashion terms have not been emended.

[begin page 314]
The Lick House Ball

Eds. Era: I have received a letter from the land of eternal summer—Washoe, you understand—requesting a short synopsis of the San Francisco fashions for reference. There are ten note paper pages of it. I read it all. For two hours I worked along through it—spelling a word laboriously here and there—figuring out sentences by main strength—getting three or four of them corraled, all ragged and disjointed, and then skirmishing around after the connection—two hours of unflagging labor, determination and blasphemy, unrewarded by one solitary shadow of a suspicion of what the writer was trying to get through her headtextual note or what she could possibly be up to—until I bore down upon the three lines at the bottom of the last page, marked “P.S.,” which contained the request about the fashions, and was the only paragraph in the document wherein the light of reason glimmered. All that went before it was driveling stupidity—all that the girl really wished to say was in the postscriptemendation. It was not strange that I experienced a warm fellow-feeling for the dog that drank sixty gallons of water to get at a spoonful of mush in the bottom of the tank.

The young lady signs herself “Œnone.” I am not acquainted with her, but the respect, the deference which, as a white man and a Christian, I naturally feel for members of her sex, impels me to take no less pains in obliging her than were the circumstances different.

A fortunate occurrence has placed it in my power to furnish Œnone with the very latest fashions: I refer to the great ball given me at the Lick House last Thursday night by a portion of the guests of that hotel, [begin page 315] on the occasion of my promising to “let up” on Messrs. Jerome Riceexplanatory note, John B. Wintersexplanatory note, Brooksexplanatory note, Masonexplanatory note, Charley Creedexplanatory note, Capt. Peaseexplanatory note, and the other “billiard sharps” of the establishment.

It was a graceful acknowledgment of my proficiency in the beautiful science of billiards, as well as of the liberality I have shown in paying for about every game I ever played in the house.

I expect I have been rather hard upon those gentlemen, but it was no fault of mine—they courted their own destruction. As one of them expressed it, they “could not resist the temptation to tackle me;” and if they baited their hooks for a sardine and caught a whale, who is to blame? Possibly it will be a comfort to Capt. Pease to know that I don't blame him, anyhow; that there is no animosity whatever, and that I feel the same filial affection, the same kindly regard, etc., etc., just as if nothing had happened.

Œnone, (or Unknown, if it is all the same to you,) the ball was a grand success. The army was present and also the navy. The nobility were represented by his Grace the Duke of Beniciaexplanatory note, the Countess of San Jose, Lord Blessyou, Lord Geeminyemendation, and many others whose titles and whose faces have passed from my memory. Owing to a press of imperial business, the Emperor Nortonexplanatory note was unable to come.

The parlors were royally decorated, and the floors covered with a rich white carpet of mauve domestique, forty dollars a yard, imported from Massachusetts or the kingdom of New Jersey, I have forgotten which. The moment I entered I saw at a glance that this was the most extraordinary party ever given in San Francisco. I mentioned it to Benish, (the very friendly, not to say familiar, relations existing between myself and his Grace the Duke of Benicia, permit of my addressing him in this way without impropriety,) and he said he had never seen anything like it where he came from. He said there were more diamonds here than were displayed at the very creditable effort of the Messrs. Barronexplanatory note, recently. This remark revived in his breast a reminiscence of that ball. He observed that the evening before it came off,emendation he visited all the jewelry shops in town for the purpose of leasing some diamonds for his wife, who had been invited; but others had gone before him and “cleaned out,” (as the facetious nobleman expressed it,) every establishment. There was but one shop where a diamond remained on hand; and even there, the proprietor was obliged to tell him—though it cost him pain to do it— [begin page 316] that he only had a quart left, and they had already been engaged by the Duchess of Goat Islandexplanatory note, who was going to the ball and could not do without them.

The memory of the incident affected the noble Benish almost to tears, and we pursued the theme no further. After this, we relapsed into a desultory conversation in French, in which I rather had the best of him; he appeared to have an idea that he could cypher out what I was driving at, whereas I had never expected to understand him in the first place.

But you are suffering for the fashions, Œnone. I have written such things before, but only by way of burlesquing the newspaper descriptions of balls and dresses launched at the public every now and then by individuals who do not seem to know that writing fashion articles, like wet nursing, can only be done properly by women. A rightly constituted man ought to be above filching from the prerogatives of the other sex. As I have said, the fashion synopses heretofore written by myself, have been uncouth burlesques—extravagant paraphrases of the eloquence of female costume, as incomprehensible and as conflicting as Billy Birch'sexplanatory note testimony in the case of the atrocious assassination of Erickson's bull by “Jonesy,” with his infamous “stuffed club.” But this time, since a lady requests it, I will choke down my distaste for such feminine employment, and write a faithful description of the queenly dresses worn at the Lick House party by several ladies whose tempers I think I can depend on. Thus:

Mrs. F. F. L.explanatory note wore a superb toilette habillee of Chambery gauze; over this a charming Figaro jacket, made of mohair, or horse-hair, or something of that kind; over this again, a Raphael blouse of cheveux de la reine, trimmed round the bottom with lozenges formed of insertions, and around the top with bronchial trochesexplanatory note; nothing could be more graceful than the contrast between the lozenges and the troches; over the blouse she wore a robe de chambre of regal magnificence, made of Faille silk and ornamented with maccaroon (usually spelled “maccaroni,”) buttons set in black guipre. On the roof of her bonnet was a menagerie of rare and beautiful bugs and reptiles, and under the eaves thereof a counterfeit of the “early bird” whose specialty it hath been to work destruction upon such things since time began. To say that Mrs. L. was never more elaborately dressed in her life, would be to express an opinion within the range of possibility, at least—to say that [begin page 317] she did or could look otherwise than charming, would be a deliberate departure from the truth.

Mrs. Wm. M. S.explanatory note wore a gorgeous dress of silk bias, trimmed with tufts of ponceau feathers in the Frondeur style; elbowed sleeves made of chicories; plaited Swiss habit-shirt, composed of Valenciennes, a la vieille, embellished with a delicate nansook insertion scolloped at the edge; Lonjumeau jacket of maize-colored Geralda, set off with bagnettes, bayonets, clarinets, and one thing or other—beautiful. Ricestraw bonnet of Mechlin tulle, trimmed with devices cut out of sole-leather, representing aigrettes and arastrasexplanatory note—or asters, whichever it is. Leather ornamentsexplanatory note are becoming very fashionable in high society. I am told the Empress Eugenieexplanatory note dresses in buckskin now, altogether; so does Her Majesty the Queen of the Shoshonesexplanatory note. It will be seen at a glance that Mrs. S.'semendation costume upon this occasion was peculiarly suited to the serene dignity of her bearing.

Mrs. A. W. B.explanatory note was arrayed in a sorrel organdy, trimmed with fustians and figaros, and canzou fichus, so disposed as to give a splendid effect without disturbing the general harmony of the dress. The body of the robe was of zero velvet, goffered, with a square pelerine of solferino poil de chevre amidships. The fan used by Mrs. B. was of real palm-leaf and cost four thousand dollars—the handle alone cost six bits. Her head dress was composed of a graceful cataract of white chantilly lace, surmounted by a few artificial worms, and butterflies and thingsexplanatory note, and a tasteful tarantula done in jet. It is impossible to conceive of anything more enchanting than this toilet—or the lady who wore it, either, for that matter.

Mrs. J. B. W.explanatory note was dressed in a rich white satin, with a body composed of a gorgeously figured Mackinaw blanket, with five rows of ornamental brass buttons down the back. The dress was looped up at the side with several bows of No. 3 ribbon—yellow—displaying a skirt of cream-colored Valenciennes crocheted with pink cruel. The coiffure was simply a tall cone of brilliant field-flowers, upon the summit of which stood a glittering ‘golden beetle’—or, as we call him at home, a “straddle-bugemendation.” All who saw the beautiful Mrs. W. upon this occasion will agree that there was nothing wanting about her dress to make it attract attention in any community.

Mrs. F.explanatory note was attired in an elegant Irish foulard of figured aqua marine, or aqua fortis, or something of that kind with thirty-two perpendicular [begin page 318] rows of tulle puffings formed of black zero velvets (Fahrenheit.) Over this she wore a rich balmoral skirt—Pekin stripe—looped up at the sides with clusters of field flowers, showing the handsome dress beneath. She also wore a white Figaro postillion pea-jacket, ornamented with a profusion of Gabriel bows of crimson silk. From her head depended tasteful garlands of fresh radishes. It being natural to look charming upon all occasions, she did so upon this, of course.

Miss B. wore an elegant goffered flounce, trimmed with a grenadine of bouillonnee, with a crinoline waistcoat to match; pardessus open behind, embroidered with paramattas of passementerie, and further ornamented at the shoulders with epaulettes of wheat-ears and string-beans; tule hatexplanatory note, embellished with blue-bells, hare-bells, hash-bells, etc., with a frontispiece formed of a single magnificent cauliflower imbedded in mashedemendation potatoestextual note. Thus attired Miss B. looked good enough to eat. I admit that the expression is not very refined, but when a man is hungry the similes he uses are apt to be suggested by his stomach.

It is hardly worth while to describe the costumes of the gentlemen, since, with the exception of a handsome uniform here and there, (there were six naval Brigadier Generals present from the frigate Lancaster) they were all alike, and as usual, there was nothing worthy of particular notice in what they wore.

Œnone, I could furnish you with an accurate description of the costume of every lady who attended that party if it were safe to do it, but it isn't, you know. Over in Washoe I generally say what I please about anybody and everybody, because my obliging fellow citizens have learned to put up with it; but here, common prudence teaches me to speak of those only who are slow to anger, when writing about ladies. I had rather lose my scalp, anyhow, than wound a lady's feelings.

But there is one thing you can rest assured of, Œnone: The pleasantest parties in the world are those given at the Lick House every now and then, and to which scarcely any save the guests of the establishment are invited; and the ladies are handsomer, and dress with more taste and greater magnificence—but there come the children again. Whenemendation that last invoice of fifteen hundred infants come around and get toemendation romping about my door with the others, and hurrahingemendation for their several favorite candidates for Governor, (unaware [begin page 319] that the election is over, poor little miscreants,) I cannot write with such serene comfort as I do when they are asleep. Yet there is nothing I love so dearly as a clean, fat, healthy infant. I calculate to eat that whole tribe before I leave the Lick House.

Now, do you know, Œnone—however, I hear the stately tread of that inveterate chambermaid. She always finds this room in a state of chaos, and she always leaves it as trim as a parlor. But her instincts infallibly impel her to march in here just when I feel least like marching out. I do not know that I have ever begged permission to write “only a few moments longer”—never with my tongue, at any rate, although I may have looked it with my expressive glass eye. But she cares nothing for such spooney prayers. She is a soldier in the army of the household; she knows her duty, and she allows nothing to interfere with its rigid performance. She reminds me of U. S. Grant; she marches in her grand military way to the centre of the room, and comes to an “order arms” with her broom and her slop-bucket; then she bends on me a look of uncompromising determination, and I reluctantly haul down my flag. I abandon my position—I evacuate the premises—I retire in good order—I vamose the ranch. Because that look of hers says in plain, crisp language, “I don't want you here. If you are not gone in two minutes, I propose to move upon your works!” But I bear the chambermaid no animosity.

Mark Twain.

Editorial Emendations The Lick House Ball
  postscript (I-C)  •  post- | script
  Geeminy (I-C)  •  Gee- | miny
  off, (I-C)  •  off.
  S.'s (I-C)  •  S's.
  straddle-bug (I-C)  •  straddle- | bug
  mashed (I-C)  •  washed
  again. When (I-C)  •  again.— | When
  to (I-C)  •  o
  hurrahing (I-C)  •  [ ]urrahing
Textual Notes The Lick House Ball
 trying to get through her head] Evidently in the sense of trying to express, despite some difficulty of comprehension or articulation. The idiom is clearly authorial and requires no emendation. Compare Mark Twain's usage in the report of his speech before the Third House of the 1863 Territorial Legislature: “What are you trying to get through your head?”—a remark addressed to Mr. Chapin, who seems unable to complete his sentence ( MTEnt , p. 104). A similar phrase (“what he was trying to worry through his head”) appears in “ ‘Mark Twain’ Explains the Mexican Correspondence” (no. 196).
 mashed potatoes] The copy-text reads “washed potatoes.” Although it is possible to imagine “cauliflower imbedded in” a mound of clean potatoes, the likelihood that Mark Twain's m was misread as a w, and the better sense of “mashed,” suggest the emendation adopted here.
Explanatory Notes The Lick House Ball
 Jerome Rice] Rice, who lived at the Lick House, was a San Francisco real-estate dealer and auctioneer; he and Clemens were good friends. On 7 September 1864 Rice's carriage went over an embankment near Vallejo Mills and he suffered injuries that soon caused his death. Clemens, who was then reporting for the San Francisco Morning Call, wrote a long and emotional account of the incident for his newspaper ( CofC , pp. 122–124).
 John B. Winters] Winters, a Nevada businessman active in mining and milling after 1859, became president and superintendent of the Yellow Jacket Mining Company in April 1864. He was an assemblyman in the second Nevada Territorial Legislature and a candidate for congressman under the first (defeated) state constitution (Como [Nev.] Sentinel, 16 April 1864, p. 2; Angel, History, pp. 375, 495; MTEnt , pp. 124–125). Clemens indicated his liking and respect for Winters several times in his Nevada and California journalism, mentioning him good-humoredly in “The Great Prize Fight,” “Concerning Notaries,” and “Doings in Nevada” (Golden Era 11 [11 October 1863]: 8, reprinted in WG , pp. 25–31; Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 9 February 1864, p. 2, reprinted in WG , pp. 67–70; New York Sunday Mercury, 7 February 1864, p. 3, reprinted in MTEnt , pp. 122–126). All three sketches are scheduled to appear in the collection of social and political writings in The Works of Mark Twain. (Winters also figures in appendix C of Roughing It.)
 Brooks] Probably Thaddeus R. Brooks, a resident of the Lick House and secretary to the San Francisco board of engineers (Langley, Directory for 1863, p. 79).
 Mason] Probably Frederick Mason, a resident of the Lick House and a San Francisco real-estate agent (Langley, Directory for 1863, p. 241).
 Charley Creed] Neither the San Francisco directories nor other sources mention Creed, but he appears again in “Those Blasted Children” (no. 72) along with Flora Low. That association and the mention of Governor Low's wife (Mollie Creed Low) in the present sketch suggest that he may have been related to Mrs. Low.
 Capt. Pease] Probably E. T. Pease, a resident of the Lick House and a San Francisco broker of stock and real estate (Langley, Directory for 1863, p. 288).
 his Grace the Duke of Benicia] Benicia, a small settlement on the northern shore of Carquinez Strait, had been the capital of California in 1853–1854. Clemens' fictional “nobility” may have been suggested by Charles Henry Webb's Duke de Cariboo and Fitzhugh Ludlow's Duke de Virginia City—characters in their respective Era columns which appeared shortly before Clemens' fashion burlesques were published (“Things,” Golden Era 11 [13 September 1863]: 5; “On Marrying Men,” Golden Era 11 [20 September 1863]: 4).
 Emperor Norton] Joshua A. Norton came to San Francisco in 1849 and soon became wealthy, but he lost his money in 1853, an event which affected his sanity. He became a likable lunatic who believed he was emperor of the United States, and for almost three decades lived in San Francisco supported by the townspeople. Clemens was quite familiar with him. (See Clemens to William Dean Howells, 3 September 1880, MTHL , 1:326, and Robert Ernest Cowan, Anne Bancroft, and Addie L. Ballou, The Forgotten Characters of Old San Francisco [Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press, 1964], pp. 30–59.)
 Messrs. Barron] According to one anonymous writer in the Era, William E. Barron gave his ball of September 17 in part to provide Eustace Barron (probably a nephew) with the opportunity to take leave of friends before going to Paris (“The Ball of Mr. Wm. Barron,” Golden Era 11 [20 September 1863]: 4).
 Goat Island] “Goat Island” was then the name for Yerba Buena Island in San Francisco Bay (Gudde, California Names, p. 115).
 Billy Birch's] William Birch (Brudder Bones) was one of Clemens' favorite minstrels. He frequently appeared in Nevada and California theaters, having first played in San Francisco in 1851. With Charley Backus, Dave Wambold, and William H. Bernard he formed the famous San Francisco Minstrel Troupe, which later included Tommy Peel and Lew Rattler. The skit that Clemens alludes to here has not been identified. (See MTE , pp. 110–118, and Edward Le Roy Rice, Monarchs of Minstrelsy, from “Daddy” Rice to Date [New York: Kenny Publishing Co., 1911], p. 68.)
 Mrs. F. F. L.] Most probably Mrs. Frederick Ferdinand Low, who with her husband, Governor-elect Low, opened the Lick House Ball.
 lozenges . . . troches] Lace or embroidery inserted into fabric to form a lozenge, a diamond-shaped embellishment, would indeed contrast with a troche, a button set with three or more jewels: all of which permits Clemens a mild pharmaceutical pun.
 Mrs. Wm. M. S.] Probably Mrs. William M. Stewart. See “Letter from Mark Twain” (no. 53).
 arastras] The arrastra was a mechanism for reducing ore by grinding the quartz between stones in a circular hole. It is comically appropriate for a mining term to stray into this paragraph in view of Stewart's importance as an attorney for major mining companies.
 Leather ornaments] “Bonneval,” who wrote for the Era and the California Magazine and Mountaineer, had recently pointed out that “leathern ornaments” had become fashionable in Paris (“Our Paris Correspondence,” Golden Era 11 [20 September 1863]: 2).
 Empress Eugenie] The wife of Emperor Napoleon III frequently set fashion, and her picture was often featured in women's magazines.
 Shoshones] This tribe of Indians, inhabiting northeast Nevada, were still remembered for their part in the 1860 uprisings near Pyramid Lake (Mack, History, pp. 301–307).
 Mrs. A. W. B.] Probably Mrs. Alexander W. Baldwin. Her husband, Sandy Baldwin, whom Clemens knew well in Nevada and remembered warmly in old age, was a leading Virginia City attorney and William Stewart's law partner. During the 1864 Territorial Legislature Baldwin represented Storey County, and he was appointed United States district judge when Nevada became a state in October 1864. Clemens often mentioned him in his Nevada political reporting (Mack, History, p. 252; MTEnt , pp. 3, 225; MTNev , p. 283). “A Fair Career Closed” (no. 273) is Clemens' warm tribute to Baldwin following his death in a railroad accident in 1869.
 butterflies and things] Artificial butterflies and grasshoppers, as well as flowers and foliage of all kinds, were indeed fashionable ornaments for the hair (“A Feast of Fashion,” Golden Era 11 [15 November 1863]: 3).
 Mrs. J. B. W.] Probably Mrs. John B. Winters.
 Mrs. F.] Effie Mona Mack suggested that Clemens was alluding to Anna M. Fitch, whose husband, Thomas Fitch, was a Virginia City lawyer, editor, and politician of unusual oratorical ability. Clemens knew the Fitches well in Virginia City ( MTNev , pp. 239, 385; MTEnt , pp. 227–228).
 tule hat] A pun on “tulle.” Tule is a common bulrush that grows in swampy or marshy land in California and parts of the southern United States; since it was often used for thatching, it makes an appropriate hat, very much in keeping with the botanical idiom of Miss B.'s outfit.